“Are there things in your life that could use a face lift? What neglected treasures could be given new life by restoring them to their former glory? When you renovate and restore, you show respect for what was and bring it back to a state of beauty, usefulness, value, or vigor.”
― Susan C. Young
RESET is almost over, but that doesn't mean we're not going to be there with you anymore.

Check out the below ways you can stay with the YMCA as you continue on your health journey.

Which buttons will you press?
Today's Advice
6 Weeks / 42 Days / 1,008 Hours … Ta-Da!

On Friday, you will have RESET and been RESTORED: back to a factory-standard-ready-for-adult-life human! From here, please turn to page six in your human-manual for directions on how to perfectly proceed...

If it were only that simple, right?

There’s no manual. There’s no clear-cut path; life is messy and ever-changing, often we don’t know what lies ahead.

But, what we do know is how to RESET when we need to.

We have a fanny-pack full of insights and resources to help us RESET when we need to.

And, a STRONG LIFE community that will be here to strengthen and encourage you every step of the way!

Work Out Of The Day
The Inchworm

  • Start standing and engage the core
  • Fold at the waist until the fingers touch the floor bending at the knees
  • Walk out to a high plank
  • Walk back to a forward fold
  • Come back up to stand

Stretch It Out
Holding a stretch for 30+ seconds will assist with the rehab of the muscle, elongate the muscle, assist with preventing injury. and just feels good!
Standing Forward Fold:
Hamstrings and lower back
Cross-leg Forward Fold:
Outer hamstrings
Wall Calf Stretch:
Wall Bicep Stretch:
Chest, shoulders, and arms
Music to Motivate!

Try stretching before bed with this playlist to sooth the muscles and the mind.

Weekly Devotional
Restore, Refresh, Reset
by Craig Wolf, Director of Community Development,
YMCA of York and York County

Matthew 18:3-4
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven’.”
As we look to refresh our bodies through the RESET challenge, we should look to refresh our hearts in Christ. Lent is a wonderful season to do that – soon the snow will be departing and flowers will be arriving, ushering in Easter.

We've been honored to have Stewart Companies as our sponsor during this challenge.

Stewart Companies has been around since 1935 so they know a thing or two about longevity. We hope to draw on that experience as we continue on our own health journeys!