All parents are asked to join us for Curriculum Night on Thursday, Sept. 19th. We will begin at 7:00 pm here at the school to meet in individual classrooms. This evening is for parents only - thank you for making other arrangements for your child/ren.

The teachers are looking forward to meeting with all parents that evening.  Here is the evening's schedule:

  • 7:00 - 8:00       All-Parent Meeting at MCS
Here are the games that are currently scheduled for September: Go Knights!

  • Monday, Sept. 16th Monroe Christian School - home (4 pm)
  • Thursday, Sept. 19th Cedar Park Christian (4 pm)
  • Monday, Sept. 23rd Monroe Christian School - home (4 pm)
  • Wednesday, Sept. 25th Holy Trinity(4pm)
  • Thursday, Sept. 26th Grace Academy (starts 3:30 p.m.)

Spirit Week is taking place Sept..23rd to 27th. Here are the daily schedule:

Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Beach Day
Wednesday - Crazy Day (hair/sock/clothes)
Thursday - Sports Day
Friday - Fancy Friday (button down shirt, tie, dress)

Which class will have the most participants and win the surprise each day?
We sent out the donor letter and parent instructions last week for our first Annual fundraiser for the year. It's included here again. Please send your letter out. NOTE: If you choose to seek donations through your personal social media accounts, keep in mind that the funds must be donated directly to MCS in order to be a tax-deductible donation, so please direct them to the donor letter for instructions. (If funds are sent to you, the donor will not receive a donation statement). THANK YOU for participating in this important fundraiser for MCS!     

Keep sending out your Knight Challege letters! Our all-school Ready-Set-Climb is this Friday, October 4 th at 3:00, here at MCS. 

The first Math Club for the Junior High/Middle School students begins tomorrow, Sept. 17th. It will regularly be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school until 4:00 pm. It's a great time for students to get some extra help or just have a quiet place to complete their math and any other homework they might have. Students may attend on an "as-needed" basis and do not have to sign up for the entire year. Please contact Mrs. Heather Moses with any questions you might have.  

The Moms in Prayer group is back for the 3rd year! The group will meet on Tuesdays at 8:30 am in the MCS library. Laurie Ukrainetz is the leader. The start date is Tuesday, Sept. 24th.  
There are plenty of opportunities for MCS families to volunteer this year. You can sign up any time in the office or by sending an email to . We need people for the following:
Recess Duty (double service hours!)
Room Parent
Building & Grounds
Walk-a-Thon/Ready-Set-Climb (set-up and clean-up)
Watch D.O.G.S.
E-Care - Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Our Christmas Program is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11th at Cascade Community Church. This year we are reminiscing a bit and the students will be performing Angels Aware! Both Mrs. Brown and Miss O remember looking forward to trying out for speaking roles. But in both cases, MCS had opted for different programs. Mrs. Brown and Miss O are very excited to share this experience with their students.

  • We are looking for garment hanging racks to borrow.
  • Volunteers to wash and hang dry angel costumes.

This summer held several profound changes for Monroe Christian School. The office welcomed 2 new members, Lita Timmermans and Becky Werkhoven. Lita is our new Operations & Promotions Director and Becky is our new Finance Director. Both are adjusting well to their responsibilities and are a joy to serve alongside.  

If you have stopped in the office, you will note the new feeling that accompanies the space and design of the office, a new wall color, a purposeful layout, pictures on the walls. We even have pillows on the bench and chairs. Can you believe it, accent pillows in the office! 

Austin Van Belle, Coach, was hired for a 3 rd day each week to teach PE. You will find Coach at MCS on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Even more if your student is signed up for track. He has his own office space complete with all the sport equipment, team uniforms, and a space for him to plan as Coach and Athletic Director. 
Another place in which you will notice a huge change is in the teacher’s lounge. I would invite you to peek inside, but the teachers and staff are guarding this room’s sanctuary status. The MCS faculty and staff are fully engaged with your students unless they are on a small break. On those small breaks if they are not planning in their classrooms, getting something ready in room 1 or making copies, you may find them enjoying the new space that was carved out and set aside with them in mind. The colors are neutral. The space is beautiful! 

This sanctuary is complete with comfy chairs, more pillows, and a couch. The words from an old hymn- Be thou My Vision Oh Lord of my Soul-are stunningly written and framed.  Why such extravagance? The anonymous donor explained to me that it is because our teachers deserve a place where they can be.

A special place where they can refresh their souls. A place that allows for a minute where a teacher can review in their mind that lesson that didn’t go as expected and adjust it. Sometimes a moment is needed to lay a heavy burden at the feet of the Master so that all the energy and focus goes back into meeting the needs of every student. Maybe a minute for a heart that is breaking for a student or a family and this space provides time to surrender the hurt to the Healer and ask Him to help meet the shared need. A space to collect thoughts, reflect, breathe, or just be.  

Our staff has celebrated many joys: engagements, weddings, birthdays, babies. They have also experienced frustration, hurtful words, broken dreams and even deaths of close family members. This space allows the privacy to sing, cry, pray, and the gift of a moment so that when the bell rings, the staff can actively be fulfilling their calling, they have been gifted with a moment of rest. 
In March 2018, at our annual Knight’s Auction, our families and supporters were tremendously generous and raised almost $27,000.00 during Fund-A-Need alone. To date these are the improvement we have completed with the funds raised.
Trip #1 
Desks/chairs/classroom supplies
Used throughout the school and all the
student desks in 6 th and 7 th grade. 
$ 849.50
Trip #2
Office desk
Free rolling black tables that can be found in
3 rd -5 th grade and 13 free teacher chairs. 
Trip #3 
14 tables and 33 chairs that are in the library and the 8 th grade classroom. 
Electrical outlets
along wall in office.
Used to create digital student records
As needed
Junk removal #1
Items in classrooms that were no longer needed or items that were broken.
Junk removal #2
Office painting 
We wished we had taken more pictures throughout the entire process. Countless extra hours were spent this summer by several volunteers so that the when the students returned, they would feel welcomed, the parents and donators would see their generosity in motion, and the teachers would be inspired by a fresh start to a new school year. We are also sincerely thankful to God for helping us to see value and purpose in items that needed a little cleaning and a new home. We can say without hesitation that we were definitely blessed by His favor. 

Another huge praise is for our new MCS sign. It was designed and custom-built by Amigo Arts! A portion of Fund-a- Need was set aside and used to purchase our new sign and to purchase signage on the front and side of our school building. Thank you!

“They’re driving me crazy! Every time I’m on the phone they start fighting with each other. If it’s not that, they are asking for things. I haven’t had an uninterrupted phone conversation for months. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
Anna’s children had discovered that they were no longer the center of attention when she talked on the phone. So, they would hang on her, complain, bicker, or beg. She decided to do something about this by using a Love and Logic Training Session.
Anna called one of her friends and explained the problem. “Paula,” Anna said, “my kids are in need of some special training. They are driving me nuts when I get on the phone. Would you be willing to call me several times during the next few days? When they start going through their acts, I’ll put you on hold for a few minutes. I’ll pretend like it’s no big deal that we stop the conversation while I straighten out the kids. That way they are going to find out that inconveniencing me while I’m on the phone is a bad decision. Please call me tomorrow morning and we can have our first training session.”
“Oh, this sounds great!” answered Paula. “Maybe you can do the same thing for me.”
Anna started telling Paula about the Love and Logic Energy Drain technique, “When we are inconvenienced, the time and energy we lose has to be paid back by the kids. This is usually paid back by doing some of the parent’s work, like scrubbing toilets, washing windows, or pulling weeds.”
Paula called the next morning, and true to form, the kids started in on Anna. She very politely said, “Oh, Paula, I’m so sorry. Would you please hold? We are going to have a Love and Logic moment at our house.”
Anna put the phone down, calmly walked over to the kids and said in a stern voice, “I told you that bothering me while I’m on the phone is an Energy Drain. I’m going to have to do something about this. You can wait in your room until I finish.”
Anna’s kids paid her back for her Energy Drain by pulling weeds that afternoon. Now, if the kids forget and annoy Mom while she is on the phone, she turns to the kids and asks, “Are you sure you want to inconvenience me while I’m on the phone?” This is usually followed by a quick retreat by the kids.
The beauty of the “Energy Drain” technique is that it can be adapted to all types of new and different situations. Our goal is to help as many families as possible.
Jim Fay