A.R.R.R. Prayer
(Not a pirate but here's a map)
In my homily last week, I talked about a method of prayer that I learned while I was on my 30-Day Ignatian Retreat. It's called the A.R.R.R. Prayer: Acknowledge, Relate, Receive and Respond. Some of you asked that I share more about how this prayer works.

As we move through our day, different things are getting stirred up in hearts as we respond to the people and situations we find ourselves in. The first step is to  Acknowledge what is being stirred up in us: the good, the bad and the ugly. Maybe I've had a chance to grab coffee with an old friend and we've had a good conversation. In this case, my heart is being stirred with gratitude, affection, etc. Conversely, maybe I'm at school or work and my project is falling apart or someone I've counted on has let me down. This leads me to feel angry, resentful, overwhelmed. Or maybe, as I go about my day, for no apparent reason at all, I find myself feeling tempted towards envy, greed, lust, etc. The important thing is to acknowledge these movements as they come up. Don't ignore them or try to push them away. These are important movements that are having an effect on you and how you interact with others.

Once we acknowledge what we're feeling,  Relate those feelings to God. Give thanks to God for your friend and the relationships that sustain you. Or let him know when you're feeling angry and frustrated. Why carry that burden by yourself? What good could possibly come from sitting on anger or resentment? Give it to God who tells us, "come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will give you rest!" Sharing our frustrations with God, who loves us, will help us to better manage our work, our emotions and our relationships. And even when I have ugly movements inside of me like lust, envy or pride, I don't need to hide those things from God. I can let him know that I don't like having these thoughts and that I need his help to overcome these temptations.

Whenever we open our hearts to God, we always  Receive his grace in return. God will always help us to overcome our temptations and to reject the impulses that lead to sin. That's why St. Paul writes, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  

When we have finished sharing our hearts with God we  Respond to God with gratitude, trusting that he has heard our prayers and will respond with the graces and blessings we need to continue on the path of discipleship. As God tells the prophet Isaiah, "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I encourage you to put this A.R.R.R. Prayer into practice in your own lives. Pay attention to those prominent movements getting stirred up in your hearts as you move through your day. Acknowledge it and relate all of it to the God who loves you. And the peace of God will always be with you.

Important Upcoming Dates!
Sep 12 - Virtus Training, 6p

Sep 14 - Mass/Fall Sports Blessing, 5p

Sep 17 - Tot's Playgroup, 10a

Sep 18 - Religious Ed, 6p

Sep 18 - SPRED, 6:30p

Sep 18 - Breakfast W/Santa Kickoff, 7p

Sep 19 - Living the Mass book discussion w/Fr. Grassi

September Theme:
Praying the Mass
Breakfast with Santa Kickoff
Ho! Ho! Ho! It's time to start planning Breakfast with Santa, and we need more elves! Please join our kickoff meeting on
Tuesday Sep 17th at 7pm
in the Rectory Red Door Room. Email: Elizabeth Georges for more info.
Living the Mass
with Fr. Grassi
Fr. Grassi will lead a one-hour discussion about his book Living the Mass: How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life on
Thursday, Sep 19th in church after he says the 8am Mass and again on Tuesday, Sep 24th at 6:15pm on the Lower Hall after Religious Ed dropoff.  The book is available for less than $10 on Amazon - to order Click Here.
Women's Group
Interested in joining our parish's women's group?  Join us for one of our upcoming meetings
Saturday, Sep 21st 
at 9am in the Community Park (gymnasium if it rains).  Yoga and chair yoga led by Michele Marsella

Saturday, Sep 28th
at 9:30 am (lite breakfast, social and spiritual discussion) at the home of Ana Kelly
Don't Miss Our 
Teaching Mass
Join us for our Teaching Mass on Sunday, Sep 29th at 10am!  Fr. Francis will say the Mass while  Fr. Brad Zamora gives commentary as we go, explaining the significance of each part of the Mass.
Seeking Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Children's Faith Formation
Our parish is looking for a part-time Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Religious Education. For more information or to receive a job description please contact Mary Jane Sullivan.
Your Parish Religious Education Program
Needs You
We are looking for a child-loving adult to share their faith with our preschool/kindergartners on Tuesday evenings.  We are always in need of teachers, helpers, hall monitors, or substitutes. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity please call Mary Jane Sullivan at 773-327-8955 or email maryjane@stjosaphatparish.org
Register now for
Have you been coming to mass for a while but you are not Catholic? Our parish will begin a process called RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults in October and we would love to have you join us! To sign up or for more information please contact Mary Jane Sullivan.
Music Ministry
This is the perfect time of year to get involved in our St. Josaphat Music Ministry! Instrumentalists and both children and adult vocalists are welcome, see Joe Labozetta for details.
Pick Up Your Directory Today
If you had your photo included in the Lifetouch Parish Directory, you can pick yours up at the Parish Office.  If you had a complimentary photo taken, it's ready for pickup too!
Shop and Support
Shop Mabel's Labels now until September 30, you can receive 10% off all items, AND 20% of all proceeds will go back to SJS! Just ype in St Josaphat School (Chicago) to get started, then use promo code STJOSAPHAT10 at checkout.

Recycle your floral vases - bring them to Ashland Addison Florist Co. for a donation to St. Josaphat!

Shop smile.amazon.com and select St. Josaphat Parish as your charitable organization, and St. Josaphat gets  5% on eligible items!

Shop sjs.shutterflystorefront.com and 
SJS gets 13%!

Thank you for your support!
Want to Make a Donation?  Consider These:
Helping Hands
Our Helping Hands ministry feeds hungry, less fortunate folks in our community.  Read More.  To donate, Click Here.
St. Agatha
St. Agatha on Chicago's West Side is our Sharing Parish.  We assist them throughout the year.  Read More.  To donate,  Click Here.
Energy Needs
Your donations help us to pay our utility bills for the church and rectory. To donate,  Click Here .
Debt Reduction
Did you know that we are still paying off loans for our year 2000 renovations that included replacement of the parish boiler and repair of the parking lot?  Click Here.