September 13, 2019
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Upcoming Events
September 17 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
October 9 — Kings Homecoming 5K & Fun Run, 5:15 p.m., Kings Stadium.
October 11  â€” Kings Homecoming Parade, 5:30 p.m., Starts at KME.

More event information can be found at:
Click the link below to see a video that outlines the parking issue on the KHS/KJH campus.

One of the issues that the facilities bond will address is the need for additional parking on the Kings High School and Junior High campus. Currently, there aren't enough parking spots to accommodate all of our staff and students. Some our students who aren't able to secure an available parking permit for campus are forced to park on the side streets of Kings Mills. This is becoming an issue for the residents, as well as poses a safety risk for our students.

In this video , you can see the parking issues that come with a large event at the stadium. This footage was taken last Friday night, September 6 during the football game vs. Sycamore. As you can see, attendees were forced to park anywhere they could find a spot which included the Kings Mills Post Office, the Kidney Center across King Avenue, grassy areas on campus, and along Columbia Road.

The new facilities plan will bring 500 additional parking spaces to the campus to help accommodate our growing District! The 4.96 mill bond issue on the November 5, 2019 ballot will cost the Kings Property Owner approximately $15 for every $100,000 of true property value.

As always, visit to educate yourself on the facts.
Join Us for Community Bond Information Nights
Join us to learn more about the upcoming bond issue.

Join us next week on Wednesday, September 18 as we host the first Community Bond Information Night.

Kings Superintendent, Tim Ackermann will be hosting three Community Bond Information Nights in September to give more information and answer any questions our community may have regarding the upcoming bond issue.

On Tuesday, November 5, Kings Local Schools will seek the passage of a bond issue for school construction and renovation. The passage of this 4.96 mill bond will finance the first part of the District’s master facility plan to address growing enrollment.

Please join us on any one of the dates below and feel free to invite your friends and neighbors, especially those who don't have children in the schools.

We hope to see you!
Community Learning Series Returns
The Ohio Department of Health has confirmed 10 cases of severe pulmonary illness that is likely due to vaping.

We are kicking off our 2019-2020 Community Learning Series next Thursday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the KJH Multipurpose Room and the topic is "Vaping and Juuling: What Do We Know?"

E-cigarette use (also known as vaping or JUULing) among young people has hit epidemic proportions, and while public health officials have been warning the public about the potential danger from using these devices, teens are still vaping. This presentation will provide an overview of the emerging vaping trends among teens, why e-cigarette use among young people is worrisome, and what strategies can be implemented by parents and community members to address youth e-cigarette use.

This is a hot topic across the nation right now. Parents AND students are encouraged to attend to learn more about this popular, yet dangerous epidemic! We hope you'll join us.

Amy Acton, Director of the Ohio Department of Health sent this letter to superintendent's across the state to warn of the dangers of vaping.

Learn more about next week's presentation and the full Community Learning Series schedule for 2019-2020.
Warm 98 Teacher of the Week
Congratulations J.F. Burns Elementary 1st Grade Teacher, Stephanie Marchal for being named this week's Warm 98.5 Teacher of the Week!

Nominated by parent, Jennifer Lewis, she was surprised in her classroom by Warm 98.5’s Jim and Amanda on Thursday, September 12.

She received a beautiful floral arrangement from HJ Benken Florist and Greenhouse, a goody bag from Modern Office Methods, and a $50 Visa gift card from Brain Balance.

Probably the best part of the day for her students was recording a shout out that was featured on Warm 98 and Channel 5.

Congratulations, Mrs. Marchal!
KHS NHS Taps New Members
Congratulations to the following Kings High School students who were tapped to be inducted into the National Honor Society!

Anshya Tewari, Lucy Pratel, Abi Reitz, Carson Goecke, Victoria Wesloh, Savannah Douglas, Dennis Giller, Caitlin Cron, Megan Kelly, Kyra Van Nimwegen, Ella Hanlon,
Madison Jessee, Abby Ewing, Danielle Page, Jordyn Aruri, Alexis Wires, Booke Garter, Ashlyn Garter, Anya Martin, Leah Luckett, Isa Gangadin, and Grant Shields.
Traveling Welding Visits KHS Employability Class
With our continued efforts to bring a hands on approach to the Employability Course at Kings High School, Elite Welding Academy (EWA) visited KHS on Friday, September 6.

EWA brought their mobile welding truck to demonstrate for the students how welding works, the hard and soft skills needed for a job in welding, as well as the qualifications a student would need to be a welder.

So learn more about the visit, watch this video . Kings Employability is instructed by Dustin Goldie .
KHS Seniors Participate in National Day of Service
The Kings High School Community Service Club organized over 300 seniors to serve at 18 different locations across the area on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 as they participated in the National Day of Service.

Members from the Mason-Deerfield Rotary Club also volunteered their time as they joined the students at the following organizations - 4Paws for Ability, ARMCO Park, Camp Kern, Caesers Creek, Clermont County Humane Society, Columbia Elementary, In Return, J.F. Burns Elementary, Kings High School, Loveland Canoe, Matthew 25 Ministries, Ronald McDonald House, Saint Joseph's Home, Sozo Church, Stepping Stones, The Lodge, and Women's ARCS.

This is the 12th year that the senior class has participated in the National Day of Service and Remembrance. We would like to recognize organizers Tracy Goldie and Lynn Brant and the KHS seniors for their service.

To view a gallery of pictures from the day  click here and click here for a great gallery from Stepping Stones.
Day of Remembrance
The community of Warren County and our local fire, law enforcement, military and veterans gathered on the morning of 9/11 in Lebanon, Ohio to reflect upon the great sacrifice and loss our nation experienced from the terror attacks carried out on that tragic Fall day in 2001.  Over 3,000 innocent lives were lost when terrorists hijacked 4 passenger jets and struck our hearts as a nation.
Eighteen years later, our next generation of young people from Angie Guilfoyle's art classes at Kings High School and Stacy Hoffert's 4th grade students (pictured) from South Lebanon Elementary, as well as KHS students from Lisa King's government classes were invited to join in remembering 9/11.  Our students created original artwork, poems, and insights that were highlighted during the ceremony.

Many pieces of the artwork created have been donated to our local first responders for them to adorn their buildings. Click here to view the beautiful work of our talented students!

The program featured Judge Gary Loxley, Sheriff Larry Sims, Police Chief Jeff Kruithoff, Fire Chief Steve Agenbroad, John Patrick a 9/11 first responder, and Robin Kiley, Founder of Stand2Serve and organizer of the 9/11 event. Also participating were the Warren County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard and local high school Color Guards.

The Stand2Serve organization sponsors local events and service projects which foster understanding and strengthen our community. Members of the Stand2Serve organization are dedicated to serving the police, fire, military and veterans in our area with live events honoring their sacrifice and service to our nation. 
Kings Kloset Seeking Donations
The Kings Kloset would like to thank our community and a special thank you to our Firecracker's who collected more than 10 bags of clothing and school supplies! 

The Kloset is still in need of school supplies as well as warm clothing for Fall/Winter.

To make arrangements for drop off click here for more information.
Substitute Para-Professionals Needed

The Kings Local School District is seeking substitute Para-Professionals (special needs aide). Click here to apply.
Kings Homecoming

Kings Homecoming is only 5 weeks away. This year's Homecoming Parade will take place on Friday, October 11 beginning at 5:30 p.m. The parade will run from KME to the KJH parking lot.

To participate in this year's parade groups must submit a permission slip and release of liability. For more information click here .
Kings Homecoming 5K & Fun Run
The  24th Annual Kings Homecoming 5K Run and Walk will take place on Wednesday, October 9 at the Kings Stadium. The event is sponsored by the Kings Cross Country team. The kids 1 mile fun run will begin at 5:15 p.m. and the Walk/Run will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Cost for early bird registration is $20 by October 2 which includes a t-shirt. Kids entry is only $10. Stay after the race for an after party and Homecoming celebration that includes food, music, and entertainment.  

New this year is online registration! Click here for more information and to register!
Sign-Up for Warrior Run
On Saturday, October 5 a group of Kings Employees will be participating in the Warrior Run, a 1 mi walk or 5K run that raises awareness for suicide prevention. ALL money raised for our Kings Knights team comes back to our Hope Squads! 

The Kings team would love to have any and all join them! If our Kings team would happen to win, they would receive $1,000. The winnings would allow would offer our Hope Squad Team the opportunity to do many things to encourage and come along side our students to make a difference! To j oin the race or donate directly to Kings Knights click here .

Additionally, on Wednesday, September 18 there is a fundraising day set up at Buffalo Wings and Rings to support Kings' mental health and suicide prevention programs such as Hope Squad. Click here for more information.
Free and Reduced Meal Applications Now ONLINE
Free and Reduced Meal Application can now be completed online!

The Kings Local Food Service Department is a member of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. With this program, these services for a free or reduced meal program are available.

Free or Reduced-priced meals for breakfast and lunch are available to families who believe they may qualify. Factors considered in the application process are household size and total household income. To learn more and apply online click here .
Kings Students Star in "Matilda" the Musical
Several Kings Local School District students are starring in Acting Up's upcoming production of "Matilda" the musical. "Matilda" is written by Roald Dahl and is the captivating masterpiece that revels in the anarchy of childhood, the power of imagination and the inspiring story of a girl who dreams of a better life.

Acting Up’s production includes over 50 local, talented young performers from all across the tri-state area. Kings students include (back row): Jaclyn Oen, Ava Goulle, Nicholas Delfino, Josiah Taylor (The Trunchbull); (front row)  Charlotte Mull (Alice), Lauren Koenig, and Chiara Barbato. 

Reserved seating tickets are only $12 and are available at . Four shows are held over one weekend. Friday, September 20th at 7:00; Saturday, September 21 at 2:00 pm (sign-language interpreter will be provided); Saturday, September 21 at 7:00 pm; and Sunday September 22 at 2:00 pm. 

Tickets and more information are available at   or at the door starting one hour before each performance. 
Follow Us on Social Media
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
In case you missed it, check out all of the great posts from 9/11 on Facebook!
We can't possibly put all of the news in the weekly newsletter so we hope you will join us on our social media channels where we will be posting great things happening in our District daily.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Kings Night at FC Cincinnati
Let's represent at FC Cincinnati!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21 to celebrate Kings Night as FC Cincinnati takes on Chicago! Game time is 7:30 p.m. Cost of tickets are $15 per person.

Buy tickets here .
We have gone green and eliminated flyers going home in backpacks.

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community such as:
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
KJH Soccer to Host Pink Game
Thursday, September 19, 2019 the Kings Junior High School Lady Knights Soccer Team will be hosting a Breast Cancer Awareness game against Princeton. During the game, donations will be collected to support the Pink Ribbon Girls . Game time is 4:30 p.m. at Landen Park.

The Kings Junior High School Soccer Team is coached by 2014 KHS graduate and Belmont University soccer player, Sydney (Zinser) Lapham.
Spring Boys Lacrosse Registration

Registration has begun for Spring boys lacrosse. Early Bird registration ends on October 31. For more information click here .
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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