The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
September 22nd, 2020
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Help us support our students and teachers in this challenging time.  
     Sign up online at 

     OR download the form here: Join Bellevue High School PTSA 2.docx.

Pandemic Pressure: Calm Parenting in Times of Crisis
Save the Date!

Tuesday, October 13

BHS PTSA sponsors a remote evening lecture with Laura Kastner, Ph.D.

Pandemic Pressure: Calm Parenting in Times of Crisis
Getting to Calm in the Coronavirus Chaos 

Dr. Kastner is a local clinical psychologist and is a clinical professor in both the psychology department and the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. 
She is a frequent lecturer on a wide-range of family and child development topics.

Stay tuned for more details and a link to join the live webinar!
Explore the Arts and Express Yourself

National PTA's Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life.
Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. This 50+ year-old program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.

The theme for the 2020-2021 program year is I Matter Because.... Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.

Let us know you're participating in Reflections! National PTA encourages participants, of all levels, to register for the Reflections information. Please be advised you will not receive a confirmation email. 

The BHS Class of 2022 in conjunction with Princeton Review is offering: 


Saturday October 17th
9:00 am
How does it work?  

  1. Students register through BHS PTSA.  
  2. The fee is $25 and all proceeds benefit the BHS Class of 2022.
  3. Princeton Review creates online accounts and enrolls students into the virtual exams.
  4. On the test day, students log in from home or whatever location they choose and take the exams online.
  5. Exams are digitally timed and proctored.
  6. Results are available immediately.
To register, please use the following link: 

Note: These tests are open to students from any school or school district.
WOLVERINE GUARD 2019-20 certificates
Congratulations again to all students who earned Wolverine Guard for the 2019-20 school year. Our plan had been to distribute the WG certificates in person when school reopened this fall. However, since in-person school is not happening yet and we are not sure when it will be, we decided that we will distribute the certificates digitally. All 2019-20 WG recipients should have already received an email with your certificate attached. In a few cases we ended up sending the certificates to parents/guardians because we had trouble accessing student email addresses. If any 2019-20 WG recipient has not received their certificate either directly or through a parent/guardian, please reach out to Annie Roth or Nancy Huenefeld Gese, 2020-21 WG co-chairs, at .
2019-2020 Yearbook Deadline Extended!
October 15th Is the LAST DAY TO BUY
2019-2020 YEARBOOK
Now is the time to buy your 2019-2020 Yearbook. It was a year to remember. 
Purchase your book on Touchbase to remember the school year forever!
Our counselors will be hosting a several virtual meetings in September and October.

Breakout SessionsBHS Counselors are hosting two breakout sessions. Please feel free to join the following workshops. To log in to the workshops sessions please join the channel in the BHS Seniors Team using the dates/times list below:

  • Wednesday, September 23 12:30 – 1: Breakout Session about Common Application
  • Wednesday, September 30 12:30-1: Breakout Session about UW and UC application

Senior Blitz: Senior Blitz will be September 21 to October 2.  Please be looking for a calendar invite from Ms. Campbell for your specific appointment. 

Additional Support: All Wednesdays during October, counselors will be available for College Application help from 12:30 to 1 in the BHS Seniors Team. 
Please read the attached letter from Sandy Bacerdo, our incredible school nurse. Inside you will find her contact information as we as other essential directions regarding Individual Health Plans, Medication Authorization Forms, Treatment Authorization Forms, and other medical records must be in place BEFORE students may attend school or on campus activities.

Special Note: Due to circumstances outside of our control, the fax machine that Ms. Bacerdo had requested you return the Health Care Plans and medication forms written on the Health Care plans, 425-456-7174, was disconnected and out of service after the school closure in the Spring. If your medical provider sent the information to that fax, we may have not received it. Please fax the completed Health Care Plans and medication forms to 425-456-7005. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

See the full Newsletter attached here: Nurse BHS Parent Newsletter 9-8-20.docx
Calendar Of Events
BHS Community Corner
We want to hear from you! Connect with the Bellevue School District via our Let’s Talk! communications portal for questions about district services, departments or programs. Just select the appropriate category in Let’s Talk!
Let’s Talk! allows parents, guardians and community members to send direct messages to staff in departments and programs – it's just like sending an email. Simply select the best category that fits your question and submit it. Include your contact information if you would like a reply. Please keep in mind that if you choose to submit your question anonymously or do not include your email address, staff are not able to reply to your message. 

Please contact staff at your student’s school about schedules, attendance and other questions specific to your student’s school. Connect with your student’s teacher, principal or another member of their team, like an assistant principal or office manager via email or phone. Contact information for school staff are available on each school’s website. Visit the BSD website and select Schools in the top menu to find your school.  
TEDxYouth@Bellevue High School
Need Inspiration During these Unprecedented Times? 
Check out TEDxYouth@Bellevue High School’s “The World Is In Our Hands”
TEDxYouth@BellevueHighSchool is the only youth-led TEDx chapter in Bellevue. We aim to spark nuanced discussions in the world via inspirational and educational presentations. TEDxYouth@BellevueHighSchool was founded on the belief that young peoples’ voices are worthy of being heard, and to give young people a platform for change. We offer a platform that encourages youth to raise their voices confidently.

This year’s theme is The World Is In Our Hands. Our event is an ongoing, virtual event where speakers of all ages and backgrounds present their opinions on global issues while also developing hope and dreams for the future. We hope to inspire our community through meaningful, in-depth discussions. Notable speakers include Taylor Jones, Associate planner with the City of Fife, Mark Perez, Author and Speaker, and Jonathon DeYoe, author of the 2017 Amazon Bestseller Mindful Money.

Videos of the speakers’ presentations are uploaded on TEDxYouth@BellevueHighSchool’s Youtube Channel (@TEDxYouth Bellevue High School) on a frequent basis. One presenter, Sidhya Ganesh, commented, “It was an amazing event, giving a talk at the TEDxYouth BellevueHighSchool event!” after her speech on making compassion a passion.  “I am so enjoying the channel! The variety of perspectives and interesting topics has me hooked, I’ll definitely be subscribing,” says Bellevue High School faculty Ms. Stevens after watching the presentations currently on our Youtube channel. Subscribe to the channel to get notifications on new videos!
Team 949 Wolverine Robotics
Hi everyone!

We are Team 949 Wolverine Robotics from Bellevue High School, and we are hosting our new member interest meeting THIS THURSDAY, September 24th, at 4pm on Microsoft Teams. Students and parents alike are welcome to attend!

Founded in 2002, our team competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), which is a program for high schools all around the world (You can learn more about FRC here: Our team is split into multiple subteams, including mechanical, programming, and business. That means there's something for everyone to do on the team, even if you aren't interested in building! No previous experience is necessary; you'll learn everything you need to know on the team!

Please fill out this interest form if you are looking to attend:

The meeting can be accessed with this link

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Thanks, and we hope to see you Thursday!"
Parents, looking for free classes taught by High School Students?
Hello Everyone, we are Rishi Chilamcharla (Junior at Bellevue High School) and Kaiser Williams (Junior at Bellevue High School), founders of CW Academy.

CW Academy was founded during the covid-19 pandemic as a platform where children in elementary/middle school can explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and miscellaneous topics through free online courses taught by High School Students. We wanted students to keep learning & find a passion in many popular subjects while they were stuck at home.
So far, we’ve taught over 140 students in less than 90 days. Courses we have taught include introductory python 1, python 2, introductory java, biology, math tutoring, and more. We’ve gotten great feedback from parents and our students!

During the school year, we are going to keep providing free, fun online courses taught by High School students on the weekends. To inform parents about new course offerings and news about CW Academy, we have created a newsletter! When new courses are available, we will email you the newsletter! Be added to the mailing list, or go to
 for more information! 

Follow our Instagram @cwacademyglobal for updates as well!

We hope we can teach and inspire many more children during these unprecedented times!! 

CW Academy Team
CW Academy is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization
UW Fall Enrichment Classes - Last week to register!
The University of Washington is excited to announce new school-year enrichment courses for high school students this fall. Topics range from architecture and coding in Java to creative writing and more. The registration deadline is September 28 and courses begin October 6 running twice weekly in the evenings over 10 weeks. 

College Experience Panel (Stanford, Harvard, Penn, & more)
Wondering what a top college experience is like? The Seattle Advocates for Education is hosting a free, online College Experience Panel, bringing in speakers from Stanford, Harvard, Brown, Penn, Cornell, and Berkeley to talk to you! Gain insight on the college experience to learn about specific colleges, social life, internships, research, studying, and more. Ask your questions during the Q&A!

The event will be on Sunday, September 27th 2020 at 1PM PDT via Zoom. Learn more & sign up at Limited spots available!
The Seattle Advocates for Education ( is a student-run nonprofit organization dedicated towards creating a launchpad for student success through classes, tutoring, and speaker events. They are looking for marketing, graphic design, and program development interns – learn more @
Stolen Youth Town Hall
StolenYouth is hosting its annual Town Hall this year~ virtually~ on October 15th, 2020. This year’s topic – “Going Online: The Changing Landscape of Child Sex Trafficking” – affects all parents, young men and women.
At this event, local and national experts, including U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General and National Coordinator for Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking, Stacie B. Harris and Brooke Istook with Thorn, will discuss the current reality of online sex trafficking and provide answers to what we can all do to stop these crimes and keep our kids and friends safe. We will also hear from a parent whose daughter unknowingly engaged with and was lured by a child predator via social media, as well as a King County Deputy Prosecutor who focuses on these crimes.
The reality is, as we are all responding to Covid-19 and living in a more virtual world. Sexual predators and traffickers are adapting their methods of grooming, targeting, and exploitation to take advantage of children and youth’s increased internet use and unsupervised access, putting them at more risk than ever before. In fact, since March the number of crisis trafficking situations reported into the National Human Trafficking Hotline has increased by more than 40%
Click to register for this free event and to learn more about StolenYouth, please visit Together, we can fight these horrific human rights violations and crimes against our youth.
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

PTSA Secretary

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Athletic Trainer: Ashley Lopez

BHS Main Office
