March 3, 2021
Hey Student Min Parents and Students -

Can you believe March has arrived? We have TONS OF GREAT NEWS in student ministry - from tonight's small group check-ins, our daily Lenten reading challenge, to the return of IN PERSON small groups soon, to a VERY FUN church wide Easter activity we want our students to participate in! We know today's email is long, but READ BELOW for all the details!

For the most up-to-date details on all student min activities and events, be sure to regularly check our website: !

Heather McCreary
Student Ministry Program Manager

**David Benson -; 706.248.7353
**Heather McCreary -; 404.457.9442
StuMin What's Happening
TONIGHT, March 3rd
Small Group Check-Ins

Our small groups are meeting in some fashion tonight! From zoom, to text check ins, to serving together at the pantry, our small groups are checking in on one another this week! Your student will receive information from their small group leader!

If your student would like to connect with a small group, please let David or Heather know and we'll share your information with our volunteer leaders!

It's never too late to join us!
Are You Up for the Challenge?

This Lenten season we want to invite you into the ministry of the church by reading and leading with one another as we spend 40 days growing closer to Christ. There are TWO ways to participate: Reading AND/OR Video.

Reading Challenge:
To participate in the reading challenge, download the Lenten Reading Challenge from our website, read the daily scripture and check off each day's box. At the end of the 40 days, take a picture of your completed challenge and post it on social media or email it to us at
Video Challenge:
To participate in the video challenge you’ll need to click the sign-up genius link and find a date that’s open. Sign-up and when it is your time, you’ll receive an email reminder. You will video yourself giving a 2–5-minute devotional on the scripture you signed up for. Once you sign up, David will send you a guide for filming your devo!

We look forward to you reading and leading with us!!
NEXT WEEK Zoom Study Week!

Our girls and guys zoom studies will return on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10th!
BE BRAVE for girls &

Zoom links will be shared on Wednesday of next week! Both groups will meet at 7PM Wednesday night!

MARCH 17th

We'll be following a very similar format to our groups that met in person in the fall, but we're bringing back our worship time and a weekly message. Weather permitting, our worship, message and small groups will meet outside. However, this time around, if the weather doesn't cooperate, we have a plan for hosting worship and message indoors! So mark your calendar for March 17th and plan to have your 6th-12th grader join us for Wednesday night students - live and in person! When meeting in person, we'll follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and wearing masks to ensure we are protecting one another to our best abilities.

As of today's planning, Wednesday night in person groups will meet on the following nights from 6:45-8:00pm:
March 17th, March 31st, April 21st, & May 5th (April 7th is the week of spring break and no meetings will be held). Stay tuned next week for all the details about drop off and pick up procedures!

WE ARE SO EGGGGCITED to join forces with the entire church to share some Easter joy!

In January we played a WHERE ARE WE game. In February we had a Nailed It Cupcake Challenge! THIS MONTH - HMUMC is going to do a non-traditional Easter egg hunt for kids up to 5th grade!


Even though we still can’t be together for a traditional Easter Egg hunt, there is nothing like sharing Easter joy! We are going to place/hide eggs in kids' front and side yards so on the morning of Sunday, March 28th, they have eggs to hunt!
·    Egg pickup: Friday, March 26th, 5:00-6:00 pm OR Saturday, March 27th, 6:00-7:00 pm.
·    Egg drop & hide in yards: Saturday, March 27th after 7 pm and before Sunday, March 28th at 8 am.
You can be a part of the fun in many ways! Here’s how you can participate: 
1.You can donate plastic eggs and allergy-safe candy (starbursts, skittles, York peppermint patties, jelly beans, etc) to the church by Wednesday, March 24th. (look for a bin outside of the worship center)
2.You can be a house that is “egged” (for families with kids aged 0 – to 5th grade) Register to be "egged" if you have a child 5th grade or younger
3.You can pick up and deliver the eggs! We hope to have 12 eggs per kid to hide in their yard overnight, so they are surprised in the morning!
Register to pick up and deliver eggs - THIS IS YOUR CHANCE STUDENTS!
You can sign up for as much or as little as you’d like – we are EGGcited and THANKFUL for your help!
Come join our HMUMC Nursery Team!
The HMUMC Nursery is looking to hire for our Sunday morning nursery program and for events throughout the year. 
Qualified candidates must be 18 years or older, be certified in CPR and first aid (or willing to obtain certification), pass a background check, and have a love for children. 
Applicants should be committed to working a minimum of 2 Sundays a month, 8:45 am -12:15 pm. 
Interested applicants should contact Dana Terry at
MARCH 14th!
With the good news that COVID-19 case numbers are in sharp decline over the past month, we’re thrilled to share the news that HMUMC will resume in-person worship on Sunday, March 14 at 9:15 and 11:00 am.

Be sure to read today's TOP TEN EMAIL to find out all the information you need on how to register to join us for worship! It also includes information about HOLY WEEK AND EASTER!