The New Jersey Alliance for
Clinical and Translational Science
Announcements, Deadlines, Reminders
October 14, 2021
Introducing the 2021 NJ ACTS TL1 Fellows
On behalf of the TL1 program, directed by Kathleen Scotto, PhD, we are delighted to announce the 2021 cohort of TL1 pre- and post-doctoral trainees, their mentors and their institutions. The TL1 program equips its Fellows with enhanced knowledge, skills, and abilities that provide a broad introduction to clinical and translational research concurrent with their current pre- or postdoctoral research program.
2021 NJ ACTS Predoctoral Fellows
Donna Chen
Biomedical Engineering/NJIT
Preceptor: Bharat Biswal/NJIT
Research: Investigating functional brain connectivity after spinal cord injury
Ryan Dikdan
PHRI (NJMS)/Rutgers
Preceptor: Sanjay Tyagi/Rutgers
Research: Nucleic acids based diagnostics
Esmat Hegazi
Preceptor: Tom Muir/Princeton
Research: Biochemical mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in cancer models
Emma Schweitzer
Preceptor: Anna Konova/Rutgers
Research: fMRI addiction research in humans with focus on translational clinical neuroscience
2021 NJ ACTS Postdoctoral Fellows
Abigail Armstrong
CABM (RWJMS)/Rutgers
Preceptor: Martin Blaser/Rutgers
Research: Computational analysis of the human microbiome
Rebecca Kim-Yip
Molecular Biology/Princeton
Preceptor: Jared Toettcher/Princeton
Research: Signaling during preimplantation mammalian development
Christos Suriano
Molecular Biology/Princeton
Preceptor: Lisa Boulanger/Princeton
Research: Neuro-immunology and virology in human gene therapy
The goal of the fellowship is to enhance career development beyond that encountered in traditional pre- and postdoctoral programs by focusing on the knowledge and expertise needed to conduct translational team research across disciplines. Fellows gain a broader understanding of challenges and opportunities in translational science as well as a deeper knowledge of the extensive research, professional, and technical resources within NJ ACTS and the national CTSA consortium designed to support and further their professional learning.
Introducing the 2021-2023 NJ ACTS KL2 Scholars
On July 1, 2021 the Early Career Development Program (KL2) welcomed four new scholars into its program. Led by Sally Radovick, MD, the KL2 is a Mentored Career Development Award. The award is designed to support junior faculty in the translational sciences supported by NJ ACTS.
NJ ACTS KL2 Scholars 2021-2023
Jonathan Grasman, PhD, Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Mentor: Treena Arinzeh, PhD, Professor
Biomedical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Project: Engineering aligned neuromuscular junctions to enhance repair after volumetric muscle loss
Sara Heinert, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Mentor: Shawna Hudson, PhD, Professor
Family Medicine and Community Health, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Project: Development and Implementation of a youth-led education digital badge to improve blood pressure for hypertensive adults who present to the emergency department
Tsung-po Lai, PhD, Assistant Professor
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Mentor: Daniel Notterman, MD, Professor
Molecular Biology, Princeton University
Co-Mentor: Abraham Aviv, MD, Professor
Center of Human Development and Aging, New Jersey Medical School
Project: Telomere length and COVID-19 outcomes in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients
Gregory Peck, DO, MPH, Assistant Professor
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Mentor: Brian Strom, MD, MPH, Chancellor and University Professor
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Project: New Jersey historical population cohort study: The rate of mortality before and after the 2014 Medicaid expansion in those with diagnosed symptomatic gallstone disease
The KL2 program provides training in clinical and translational research and career development. Awardees pursue mentored research projects and didactic and experiential training in clinical and translational science.
IFH Grant Writing Workshop:
Mobile/Digital Health Assessment & Intervention
Seminar Series Application Deadline: Friday, October 15th
The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH) is pleased to announce a grant writing workshop targeted to talented faculty who are committed to developing and submitting an R-level funding application to NIH or similar agencies/foundations focused on mobile/digital health assessment and/or intervention.
Who Should Attend? Early career faculty (instructors, assistant professors, and early stage associate professors) and advanced postdoctoral fellows/associates working on federal research grant applications in the areas of behavioral, social, health services, health policies and systems, intervention, prevention, outcomes, and related topics. Completion of all sessions is required and will be a factor within the review process for applicants. Eligible early career faculty should be planning or working on an R-level application or similar.
Seminar Series Application Deadline: Friday, October 15th
Decision by: Friday, October 22nd
The series is scheduled to begin on Wednesday November 3rd and will run every Wednesday until February 2022 at 12p-2p.
NJ ACTS Workforce Development Core
Professional Training Series
Next Training - October 18, 2021
Interested in expanding your knowledge in clinical and translational science? Come join us for interactive training webinars geared to the advancement of clinical and translational research within a diverse workforce.
- October 18 - Standing Out with an Engaging LinkedIn Profile
- November 1 - Share Your Science - Effective Graphical and Written Abstracts
- November 16 - Communicating Your Science: Focus on a Clear Message
All Sessions are from 5 pm - 6:30 pm
Research Resources Workshop Wednesday Series
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
The Genomics Center
Patricia Soteropoulus, PhD
Director, The Genomics Center
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
October 20, 2021
4 pm - 5 pm
Association for Clinical and Translational Science
Call for Papers!
Learn how you can share your research through the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science: The Official Journal of ACTS and CR Forum (JCTS)!
JCTS is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers capturing the spectrum of research from T1 (translation from research lab bench to bedside) through to T4 (translation to populations). JCTS aims to provide a forum for the rapid communication of relevant topics of interest to the large and diverse community of clinical and translational scientists.
NJ ACTS Special Populations Webinar Series
Monday, October 25, 2021
Theory, Methods, and Data Resources for Research on Mitigation of Structural Racism and Discrimination inHealth Care and Social Policy
Olga F. Jarrín Montaner, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, Rutgers School of Nursing
Director, Community Health & Aging Outcomes Laboratory
Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research
October 25, 2021
12 pm - 1pm
This seminar will highlight new data infrastructure for incorporating special populations in research and exploring the impact of structural racism and discrimination on trajectories of aging and health outcomes.
Dr. Zorimar Rivera-Núñez
Awarded R21 Grant and ECHO Grant
A hearty NJ ACTS congratulations to Zorimar Rivera-Núñez, PhD, an Assistant Professor at the School of Public Health and Resident Scientist in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) on receiving her first R21 grant and an ECHO grant from the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Rivera-Núñez is the latest successful participant in the National Research Mentoring Network-CIC Academic Network (NRMN-CAN) Grant Writing Group hosted at Rutgers University .
NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
November 1-4, 2021
Are you planning to submit to NIH for funding and are either new to the process or would appreciate a refresher, this seminar is for you! This event is designed to demystify the NIH grant application, review, award and post-award processes and policies! Register today and be sure to check out all the networking opportunities taking place during the seminar, including new ways to chat one on one with NIH and HHS experts, interact with attendees, and make the most of the seminar.
If you’re new to working with the NIH grants process as an investigator or administrator, join us as we connect and collaborate! Here’s what to expect:
Free registration!
- Four-day event with live sessions, as well as an on-demand video library
- Three concurrent sessions designed around grants policies and programs, including case studies and Q&As
- Live chat opportunities with NIH and HHS experts on the grants process, policies, and programs
- Downloadable resources from over 45 booths to reuse and/or share with others at your institution
Keep tabs on the latest registration and agenda updates on the seminar website.
2021 Creative Scientist Workshop
November 9, 2021
Remote Trials: Future or Fiasco?
Join the University at Buffalo Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research (SCTR) Institute for a one-day virtual workshop on remote trials.
Register now for a unique exploration of the strengths, opportunities, and challenges presented by remote trials. This free virtual workshop will feature keynote addresses by speakers from throughout the CTSA network and beyond in the morning followed by interactive "trial makeovers" in the afternoon.
November 9, 2021
Time: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Apply for NCATS Translational Science
Interagency Fellowship
Application Due by December 15, 2021
The Translational Science Interagency Fellowship (TSIF) program is jointly sponsored by NCATS and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and aims to provide training in both translational science and regulatory science. Fellows will be trained in preclinical translational science, technology development, and regulatory research and review.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Have a Ph.D., M.D., or other doctoral degree in a related discipline by their appointment date
- Have completed no more than two years of prior postdoctoral training
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and have resided in the United States for three of the past five years
Applications are due December 15, 2021 for an early September 2022 start date.
Listen to Season 2 Podcast
"On the Pandemic"
Listen on your preferred platform:
Prescription Opioid Laws and Opioid Dispensing in US Counties: Identifying Salient Law Provisions With Machine Learning. Martins, Silvia S.; Bruzelius, Emilie; Stingone, Jeanette A.; Wheeler-Martin, Katherine; Akbarnejad, Hanane; Mauro, Christine M.; Marziali, Megan E.; Samples, Hillary; Crystal, Stephen; Davis, Corey S.; Rudolph, Kara E.; Keyes, Katherine M.; Hasin, Deborah S.; Cerdá, Magdalena. Epidemiology: November 2021 - Volume 32 - Issue 6 - p 868-876.
NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton, NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health.
This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
89 French St., Suite 4211
New Brunswick, NJ
Copyright 2020 New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science, all rights reserved
UL1TR003017, KL2TR003018 and TL1TR003019