September 11, 2019 - Issue 19-37

Good Afternoon  ,

This week, I've been reminded in a couple of conversations how easy it is to misinterpret something.

A physical observation,
Something somebody said, or
Especially, something somebody wrote.

In the statement in the subject line of this message, I purposely offered no punctuation in the predicate. So is it a description of the panda's:
Dietary preferences,
Behavior in a tavern, 
Table manners, or
Something else?

Here's a link to a picture in which some see a very old woman's face and some see the silhouette of a young pretty woman's face. Check it out! Which do you see? See if you can find the other.

These are examples of easily misinterpreted statements and images. How about what someone said to you? Something somebody wrote in an email?

It's very easy to receive something completely differently than was intended by the sender. Have you reacted in anger, or with humor, to something only to learn that your interpretation was totally inappropriate?

These mistakes can cause arguments, breakdowns in relationships, inappropriate decisions, and many other miscommunications. Much of which can be prevented by a little restraint and inquiry.

As the sender of a message, take care to consider how it might be misconstrued. Make your intent clearer, if possible. Be very careful with punctuation.

As the receiver of a message, consider different meanings than your first reaction.

As a viewer of a picture, a physical object in poor light, or especially a pattern of lights at night, look carefully. If possible, get a view from another angle. Get more light on the subject. 

In every case, recognize that what you see is often not what you get! Leaving yourself open to different interpretations, whenever possible, can avoid embarrassing misunderstandings or worse.
John Stevens

Note: Archived issues of The Unity Community are available here.

Do you have a good story about your, or someone else's, misunderstanding of what you or they thought they saw? I'd love to hear it.   Tell me about it!.

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Do you have suggestions for improving it?

Want to suggest a topic for a future issue?
Would you like to contribute something? It can be your work or someone else's. I'll give you and the author ample credit for your contribution if I use it.

I'm always glad to hear your thoughts, suggestions and comments. Reply to this message, or go here  if you'd like to talk about what's on your mind. 

Get too Much Email?

Want to reduce my emails by 75% and still have access to these messages? Reply to this message with the word "monthly" in the subject line or your message.

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How's 2019 Shaping up for You? 
Imagine being at a networking event. All of the people you would most like to work with are waiting in line to talk to you.

Our proprietary process can find and start conversations with your ideal client prospects. And then communicate your value and get them to schedule appointments with you...all on autopilot. This can happen for you! Learn how here.  
When you join Smart Money Network's Business Accelerator Platform , we:
  • Edit your LinkedIn Profile Page so it better attracts people in your market. 
(What painful issue do you resolve for your clients? If your LinkedIn profile describes how you make your clients' lives better, it's rare! Most describe the merchant's qualifications and expertise. They say little about what he/she does to eliminate clients' pain.)
  • Search LinkedIn's hundreds of millions of members for the few thousand who match your ideal client profile. Y ou define your  best prospect for us .  
(Even if you can find these people manually, it will take hours away from your work with your current clients.)
  • Invite about 100 of these best prospects every day to connect with you on LinkedIn.
  • .Send a welcome message to those who accept your invitation and connect.
(Typically up to 30%. Currently 26% of my invitees are connecting.) 
  • Deliver something of value to them from you, and then do it again! 
  • Begin a "drip campaign" of carefully timed messages, continuing to provide value. These messages give...give... give...and then ask. No pitches!
All of these messages come from you personally. We want and expect your input in developing them...unless you want us to just do it. You can follow the threads and adjust your messages as you see better ways to engage your prospects. We're always ready to talk with you about improving your messaging.
Want to "ripen" an opportunity with a direct personal message? Take over the exchange manually whenever you see a "hot" prospect you want to engage with your unique message.
Click here to learn how you can put this program to work for YOU!
P.S.  Unity Copywriting can help you with other materials to engage your prospects and clients, and stay top of their minds.   Let's discuss how these materials can help you with your marketing!
About John

Throughout a career spanning over 45 years my management style has been one of building teams to bring several competent people together to focus on a common objective. I noted early in my career that, in most organizations, there is an enormous amount of time, energy, and effort wasted by people working at cross purposes.

As I transition to life in the Argentine outback, my focus shifts from coaching to helping other business coaches and advisers get their message out to their prospective clients. With my first-hand knowledge of the benefits of effective business coaching, I am uniquely qualified to help business advisers of all stripes convey their message.

Contact Info
John B. Stevens, Freelance Copywriter

©  Unity Copywriting™ 2019 - Marketing Support for the Business Coaching Industry

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