March 2021
A Message from the Executive Director
Hints of spring are appearing every day in Waterford, with bulbs peeking through the soil and the snow and ice gradually yielding to warmer and sunnier days. The past year has been a whirlwind of adjustment to life in a pandemic, but it is reassuring to see that many things are still the same in Waterford, from our beautifully preserved 18th and 19th century buildings to the pristine open spaces surrounding them. And we remain eager to share Waterford’s history with the public. We may not be able to see the smile behind your mask when you visit, but we do hope that you will take advantage of the warming weather to enjoy our National Historic Landmark in the coming months. Come take a self-guided walking tour, visit the Phillips Farm Interpretive Trail, or sign up for a Waterford Craft School class, and be reassured by the historic village that has weathered many a storm through the years.

In this month’s newsletter we have some good news to share. Read below to learn about the significant milestone reached in the Foundation’s journey towards better financial sustainability. Then read on to hear the latest on the Waterford Mill Stabilization Project that has been underway for many years. We have some great people to recognize this month, including a dearly departed Waterfordian, a group of dedicated volunteers, and another of our dedicated Board members. Don’t miss the latest offerings from the Waterford Craft School and the news from the Waterford Fair. And as always, read to the end for a story from Waterford’s past. As we say goodbye to winter this month, we look back at a Waterfordian’s escape to Florida in 1870. 


Stephanie C. Thompson

p.s. Don’t miss an opportunity to support the Waterford Foundation in this year’s Give Choose campaign coming up on March 16th! We need your help to raise funds for our preservation and education mission. Visit to see our profile and make a gift anytime between now and 3/16/21 at midnight. And please help spread the word!
Line of Credit Debt Retired with Community Support
The Waterford Foundation Board of Directors and staff are pleased to announce that the remaining debt on its Line of Credit has been fully retired as of 2/24/21. The Foundation has long had a Line of Credit (LOC) for Fair cash needs and for emergencies, but the outstanding balance on the LOC remained high for many years following the 2007 Old School fire. The LOC helped to fund the construction of the new auditorium wing and was further utilized to recoup losses following the 2015 cancelled Fair. Despite the desire of the Board to retire the debt over the past decade, these continued financial challenges left an outstanding balance of about $200,000 by early 2020.
At a community meeting in February 2020, the Board shared its commitment to retiring the remaining debt by the end of the year. The need to retire the debt had become more urgent as a result of increased carrying costs following a series of bank mergers. A number of ideas were discussed at the community meeting, and following the meeting, the Board began investigating a possible sale of the Schooley Mill Barn and meadow to raise the funds needed to retire the remaining debt. 
While the Foundation took steps to prepare the property for sale, a group of community members came forward with a proposal to donate the funds to retire the debt so that the Schooley Mill property could remain in Foundation hands. The group requested that protections on the property be strengthened during an easement amendment process that was already underway with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. The donor group reached an agreement with the Foundation Board on the following terms for the Schooley Mill Barn debt relief fund:

  1. The funds must be used to help pay off the $200,000 Line of Credit held by Atlantic Union Bank; 
  2. The donations to the Schooley Mill Barn debt relief fund will not be used until amended easements, including an overlay easement that prohibits certain activities, such as those contained in the Land Trust of Virginia (LTV) overlay for the Hague-Hough property* have been recorded in the Loudoun County land records. These general restrictions are in the Waterford Foundation’s Virginia Department of Historic Resources application submitted in June 2020. 
  3. The Foundation agrees to retain ownership of the Schooley Mill Barn property for a period of 10 years unless the Foundation has an emergency where funds from the property are needed to mitigate a significant financial emergency that threatens the Landmark. If the Waterford Foundation decides to sell the property within the 10 year period or in the future, it would only be done if all other means of raising capital have been fully considered and after a public meeting and discussion is held.

* A copy of the LTV Hague-Hough property overlay easement was included as an addendum attached to the agreement terms. Interested parties may request a copy of this addendum from the Foundation office. Electronic copies of the recorded Schooley Mill easements may also be requested from the Foundation office at 540-882-3018 or
As we announced last month, two new easements have been recorded to protect the Schooley Mill Barn and meadow property, fulfilling the second term of the agreement. In the time since the easements were recorded, the donated funds have been applied against the outstanding balance on the Line of Credit along with $10,553.73 of general operating funds to fully retire the debt. In accordance with the third term of the agreement, the Foundation has no plans to sell the Schooley Mill property in the future. Furthermore, the sale of any Foundation property at any point in the future will be considered only after a public meeting is held and opportunities are provided for public input.
We are very pleased to have the support of our community in meeting this important milestone on the path to a more financially sustainable Waterford Foundation. We appreciate the Schooley Mill Debt Relief Fund gifts from: 
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Marlena Beach
Ms. Jill Beach
Mr. James Behan and Ms. Connie Moore
Ms. Steffanie Burgevin
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Mary Sue Couser
Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Suzanne Covington
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and Abbie Cutter
Mr. Tom Edmonds and Ms. Schuyler Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Chester and Elizabeth Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Claude and Ann Gravatt
Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Kathleen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Monte Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Lee Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William and Susan Manch
Ms. Susanne Page
Mr. Philip Paschall and Ms. Elizabeth Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and Kathie Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers and Ms. Susan Honig-Rogers
Loudoun Mutual Insurance
We appreciate debt relief gifts from:
Mr. John Caron
Ms. Cynthia Hull
Mr. Ed Lehmann and Ms. Edith Crockett
We are also grateful for the support of Mr. and Mrs. James and Mary Hutton in underwriting the cost of the overlay easement with the Land Trust of Virginia, as these new easement protections were an integral part of this community effort.
We look forward to further engagement and input from the Waterford community as we take additional steps to secure the Foundation’s future.
77th Waterford Fair
Calling fine artisans and craftspeople -- the 77th Waterford Fair is now accepting applications for contemporary and heritage demonstrating artisans (juried). The Fair is the first weekend of October, and we are so looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Waterford!

The application can be found here:

The deadline is 4/30. We will open for Fine Art, Art Mart, Old Mill Shop, Dried Flower, Baked Goods, Farmers Market and Food Vendor applications late spring.

Please share this with any artisan you know that may be a good fit with the Fair.
Give Choose- March 16th, 2021
Early Giving is Now Open!
Loudoun’s National Historic Landmark Village needs your help!
Did you know that Loudoun County boasts a nationally significant historic village just minutes northwest of Leesburg? The Waterford National Historic Landmark was designated by the Department of the Interior in 1970 as an important historic resource because of its collection of 18th and 19th century buildings surrounded by an intact rural landscape. For over 75 years the Waterford Foundation has worked to preserve Waterford’s historic buildings and open spaces and provide education programs to the public about early American life, including the annual Waterford Fair, the Second Street School Living History Program, and the Waterford Craft School.

How do we preserve this National Historic Landmark? 
  • Maintain our historic buildings and open spaces
  • Prevent inappropriate change through deed restrictions and historic district zoning
  • Inspire the public to appreciate and protect our historic resources
We need your support so that we can continue to preserve this National Historic Landmark! Give Choose early giving is open and we hope you will make your donation to help us reach our goal.
Make sure you are following us on Social Media for sneak peeks of videos that we are sharing each Friday and highlights of some of our properties around the village. On Tuesday, March 16th, we will be sharing a playlist of videos featuring some of the properties we have highlighted in the last 3 weeks!
Additional Funding Approved by Loudoun Board of Supervisors for Waterford Mill Stabilization
On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors approved the allocation of an additional $375,000 to the Waterford Mill Stabilization project, adding to $1M in funds already allocated to the project in the County budget. These additional funds are necessary to fund the critical work to stabilize Waterford’s most iconic historic structure. We are very grateful for the County’s continued support of this important preservation work. As this issue came before the Board of Supervisors, we received lots of questions about the project and its history.

The Waterford Mill Stabilization Project began over 10 years ago as a Transportation Enhancement grant from Federal Highway Funds and VDOT through the SAFTEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) legislation. At that time Transportation Enhancement funds were available for historic preservation work for sites such as the Waterford Mill that have links to the transportation network. Since the mill was the first major industry in the Waterford community, its very existence led to the network of roads to and through the village as area farmers brought their grain to Waterford to be milled. The goal of the project was to stabilize the building and make it more accessible to the public to learn about the mill and its influence on the growth of the northern Loudoun transportation network. Our application was approved and the funds were awarded in FY 2008-2009.
The first phase of the project funded a thorough study of the building to produce a Historic Structure Report (HSR). The HSR documents the history of the building, how it has changed over time, and recommendations for stabilization, restoration, and interpretation of the property as a historic resource. The HSR was finished and presented to the Waterford community in 2014. 

Following the HSR, the next step of the project was the design phase to create the construction documents needed for the stabilization and restoration work; however, rough cost estimates in the HSR showed that much more funding would be needed to proceed through the design and construction phases. The Waterford Foundation worked with the County to transfer funds from three other Waterford grants that were unable to be used for their original purposes, eventually compiling approximately $700,000 in federal grant funds. During this time the scope of the project was also significantly scaled back due to a combination funding concerns and zoning issues. The interpretation of the mill as a historic resource was one major part of the project that was removed from the scope during this time, leaving only critical stabilization and restoration work in the project scope. With the additional funding secured through the transferred grants, the County was comfortable moving forward into the design phase and a Request For Proposal (RFP) was issued in December 2016. 

Early cost estimates during the design phase showed that the total expense for the critical stabilization and restoration work was likely to be $1.6-2M, much more than the $700,000 of grant funds available. In May 2019 the Loudoun Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $1M to the project from County funds to cover the shortfall. Unfortunately, this allocation from the County came in the same month that the project managers were notified by VDOT that the federal grant funds would be expiring. It had at that point been 10 years since the original award, and federal law required that the grant be terminated and any spent funds returned unless the County could successfully argue for an extension of the project timeline. Expecting to be unsuccessful with such an appeal, and looking to forego the time-consuming overhead associated with federal funding, the Board of Supervisors voted to terminate the federal grant funds in 2019, directing the project staff to attempt to finish the project within the allocated $1M in County funding by further reducing the scope to stabilization of the building only. 

In late 2020, more detailed cost estimates indicated a shortfall of approximately $375,000 for the stabilization scope and another $275,000 needed for additional work to complete the project and make the building safe for the public. The Board of Supervisors approved allocation of the $375,000 for the stabilization work, but declined to fund the additional $275,000. We are grateful for the support of Catoctin District Supervisor Kershner and his staff for their support in bringing this issue before the Board of Supervisors, and we remain hopeful that funding can be found for the additional work later this year. At this time, it appears that construction on the building could begin as early as November 2021, and it should take approximately 7 months to complete. After so many years, we are very excited to have this work begin soon!
Meet Our Board: Paul Lawrence
Paul Lawrence is a lawyer who represents whistlebowers in fraud cases involving healthcare and government contracting. He also owns Potomac Mitigation Bank LLC, a company engaged in nutrient, stream and wetlands banking. Paul and his wife Lee moved to Loudoun County from Austin, Texas, in 2009 and have been actively involved in local history, land conservation and historic preservation. Preservation and restoration is a trade that Paul and Lee are very passionate about. Their preservation and restoration projects include historic structures such as Mountville Methodist Espicopal Church, their home “Montevideo” and they are currently in the process of restoring an 18th or earth 19th century slave quarter in Upperville. Paul has purchased and preserved, or is in the process of preserving, through conservation easements approximately 463 acres of land in rural Loudoun. including the 264-acre Brookdale Farms on Milltown Creek between Waterford and Lovettsville, where Potomac Mitigation is converting farmland to forest and preserving streams and wetlands. They are also looking forward to restoring an 18th or 19th century log house on that property. Paul has served on the boards of the Goose Creek Association, the Loudoun Preservation Society, and the Lincoln Preservation Foundation. In 2016, Paul and Lee were named Preservationists of the Year by the Loudoun Preservation Society. In 2017, Paul and Lee were recognized, along with their contractor David Logan, by the Signatures of Loudoun Design Excellence program for their restoration of the Mountville Church. Since joining the Waterford Foundation Board in 2020, Paul has served on the Preservation Committee and its Land Use subcommittee.
Volunteer Spotlight:
Archives Volunteers attend Project Management Day of Service
On Saturday, February 20th, three intrepid Waterford Foundation Archives volunteers attended the Project Management Day of Service virtually through webex. This annual event hosted by Project Management for Change pairs volunteer project management professionals with area nonprofits to provide pro bono project management support. The Foundation volunteers worked with their volunteer project managers to develop a detailed and realistic plan for bringing better organization to the Foundation’s Archives and Local History Collection. Through the years we have been blessed with donations of original documents, photographs, and ephemera from Waterford and the Foundation’s history, many of which inform our education publications and programs. Our volunteer archivists have been working for years to catalog the items in the ALHC to make them more easily accessible to researchers and to support our education outreach efforts. At the same time, new (old!) materials find their way to us, adding to the backlog of items waiting to be cataloged. The job of getting the archives under control was getting bigger, and while many volunteers had offered to help, it was difficult to determine how best to move forward.
Volunteer co-archivists Bronwen Souders and Edith Crockett, along with Education Committee Chair Sharyn Franck brought this problem to the Project Management Day of Service seeking their help to chart a path forward. During the day-long seminar, Souders, Crockett, and Franck worked with a volunteer Project Manager (PM) to clarify the scope, risks, and stakeholders of the project. Then they used the Work Breakdown Structure to divide the project into manageable steps. Our volunteers considered the day a huge success.

As Crockett relayed to the PMDOS organizers:

“Your seminar was a game changer for us. It helped us rethink our project and enabled us to approach our collections management process in a new way. You and our PM trainer were just wonderful. Our PM led us smoothly and thoughtfully through the Project Management process and gave us much to think about. Please thank her profusely on my behalf.”

Thank you, Edith, Bronwen, and Sharyn for dedicating a Saturday to making huge strides forward for the Waterford Foundation Archives and Local History Collection! And thank you to the many staff and volunteers of the Project Management Day of Service who work to make these Project Management tools and resources available to local nonprofits!
What’s new with the Waterford Craft School
We can tell folks are looking for ways to engage in person, because March's Making a Floorcloth from Start to Finish with Waterford Landmark Artisan Grace Rochford is FULL! COVID-19 protocols are still in place here in the Old School, and we feel lucky that our lovely auditorium provides a spacious setting for students to make by hand in the fellowship of others.

There are still a few seats left in April's two-day Intro to Handwoven Cane with Pamela Foster. Bring your chair and learn to weave a new seat that you can pass onto the next generation! If you aren't sure if your chair is appropriate, please email a picture to Lisa. 

Michael Aylward returns in June and July to teach Stained Glass 101 and 201 respectively. Registration opens soon!

Looking for fun and informative summer camps? Brett Walker's popular Colonial Camp dates are set! Ages 8 - 10 will meet June 21 - 25, and ages 11 - 13 the week of July 12 - 16.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! As always, if you have suggestions for classes, or have created something that was inspired by a Craft School workshop, we'd love to hear from you. Send your comments and images to  Waterford Craft School gift certificates are available on our website in $25 increments.
Save the Dates
March 25th-28th, 2021
In Memoriam: Jan Kitselman
In early February we learned of the passing of Jan Kitselman. Jan and husband Lt. Col. Henry Allen Kitselman, Jr. moved with their family to Waterford, VA, in 1970, where Jan would live for most of the rest of her adult life. She lovingly restored her early 1800’s home, Mill End, and it’s gardens, where she did much of the labor in the gardens herself. Jan was an active member and served on the board of the Waterford Foundation for many years. She worked to save the Second Street School and then raised money and helped start the Second Street School Living History Program, which has now served over 50,000 students since opening in 1987. Jan served as co-chair of the Waterford Homes Tour and Craft Exhibit (Waterford Fair) for 15 years. Jan’s many contributions to the Foundation were recognized in 2005 when she was awarded the Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Jan will be greatly missed in Waterford, but her legacy of preservation and education will endure in the Second Street School Living History Program and the Waterford Fair.
Thank You to Our New & Renewing Members!
Memberships provide a vital portion of the Waterford Foundation's funds to pay for the upkeep and repair of thirteen properties protected by the Waterford Foundation, as well as programs like the Second Street School living history program, the Waterford Craft School, the Waterford Fair, and special programs throughout the year. We would like to thank the following new and renewing members who have joined or renewed in February 2021!
New & Renewing Members: February 2021
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert & Anne Briggin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce & Paula Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. E. Peter Jr. & Scotty (Julia M) Gillette Mr. and Mrs. John & Mary Vihstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul & Lee Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William & Carol Cole
Mrs. Janis F Ferrell
Ms. Betty Modrak
Ms. Carrie Wolfe
Ms. Elizabeth Hipfel
Ms. Jill P. Beach
Ms. Kimberly 'Kay' Chewning
Ms. Mary Wetherbee
Ms. Maureen Arnold
Ms. Robin Dannels
Ms. Sharyn Franck
Ms. Stephanie Kenyon
Ms. Virginia M Friend
Ms. William & Susan Manch
Mr. Michael Cowell & Ms. Patti Psaris
Mr. & Mrs. Chester & Betsy Gibson
Our Sustaining Members are: Mr. John Caron & Ms. Nancy Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Goode (Joe and Annie), Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hale (Bob and Susanne), Ms. Joan Kowalski, Mr. Ed Lehman and Ms. Edith Crockett, Robert and Stephanie Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Brandon & Clare Synge, Ms. Carrie Beach, Mr. Adam Groenhout & Mr. Eric Christenson.

To become a sustaining member, click here and choose "recurring donation" to set up a monthly gift!

Next month, we will acknowledge our new and renewing March 2021 members!
Stories from Waterford:
Winterbound Waterfordian’s Florida Fling February, 1870
Mary Isabelle “Belle” Myers & brother Franklin McIntosh Myers
Letter and photographs courtesy of Rachel Everhart Swann
Waterford farm-boy Frank Myers came out of the Civil War a battle-scarred Confederate cavalry captain. Five years later, still in his 20s and restless, he and a few old friends and comrades set out in January for a Florida adventure. He recounted the trip in a colorful letter to his sister Belle back at the farm [16211 Hamilton Station Road]. The travelers mustered at Baltimore, wore themselves out sightseeing, and booked passage on a steamer bound for Savannah.
“. . . we made all square and went aboard the ship and soon were on our way rejoicing. The trip was all nice enough until we got past the [Virginia] Capes and into blue water, when we had some rough weather. The first tossing we got we were in bed, and the boys vowed the ship was running over stumps.
On Sunday Charley wanted to climb the “mast pole” as he called it, and Bill tried to buy the anchor for a shovel plow . . . A heavy gale struck us off Cape Hatteras and the ship worked hard to hold her own. Charley said the engine had the thumps and we’d have to lay over. The passengers began to get sick and there were awful times aboard.
We sat up until late in the night, couldn’t walk for the rocking, but we enjoyed it. Bill proposed that we boil the sea water and bottle it up & sell it for bitters. Charley wanted to make a contract for enough water to run a canal from Hillsboro to Neersville, but after a while [feeling seasick] he called on the Capt. for permission to run a branch railroad to shore . . . soon after we heard the sailors on deck among the rigging and the 1st mate gave some order which wasn’t understood, when the officer roared out, “Heave—damn you—I tell you to heave.” “What’s that?” Charley asked, and the mate yelled out again, “I told you two or 3 times to heave.” “All right,” Charley said, and heave he did, said he was going overboard cross-legged. While he was sick he heard one sailor call to another “Slack your line” and Charlie hailed him back, “dog on your Slack Lime” [confusing “slack line” with the “slaked (hydrated) lime” that Waterford farmers fertilized with]. We had fun all the time, but all hands were awful sick. Mine didn’t last me over half an hour but I couldn’t eat anything for nearly two days that the table afforded, and if I hadn’t had that apple Mrs. Burke gave me I wouldn’t have got well at all . . . We were on such slow time that the Florida Steamer had left Savannah before we got there and we had to go by rail.
I think Savannah is a beautiful city, full of parks and very pleasant. We left there Thursday evening & reached Tallahassee Friday morning. I went to see the Governor, and made an arrangement with him and the Commissioner of Immigration to travel on half fare as emigrants  (though Frank and the boys had no intention of actually settling in Florida). They treated me very politely and kindly and I told the best tale I could. Gov. Reed is being tried on impeachment by the Legislature for fraud and corruption in office, and I guess ought to be sent to the penitentiary for there’s no doubt he’s a clean out scamp.” [The governor, in fact, outlasted two impeachment attempts.]
Frank was not impressed by “the beauties of the ‘Flowery Land’ because I haven’t seen the beauty yet . . . This is the most . . . cursed country I ever saw—a long way worse than Georgia, and Tallahassee is worse than any part of it.”
The unreformed Confederate was shocked by the state’s Reconstruction government. While we were in the governor’s office a [Black man] came in to make some kind of a report & when I inquired who it was; was told that he was the Sheriff of the County— I thought, “Yes’m, take me away now.” Charley said, “Saw my leg off.”
The city is scattered all over the country and has no streets or any other marks of a city. Reminds me of a plantation more than anything else. We left there that night and came down here [to Lake City, between Tallahassee and Jacksonville] and now I feel a good deal better, but I can’t get enough sleep because Charley snores so miserably . . . and he is the most dogged, fault-finding wretch I ever saw. Always contradicting somebody and bragging on Loudoun. Nobody can mention anything at all but he comes in with "Oh it’s nothing like as good as it is in our country —,”and I’m getting tired of it.
Not a streak of sunshine yet, and the weather is cold as Loudoun I expect. We’ve been lying here since yesterday morning trying to rest some, because we hadn’t slept any hardly for a week, and were pretty well worn out . . . Went to church this morning and the leading clergyman officiated with his overcoat on and everybody is growling about the cold weather. So of course I’m excusable for putting in my growl too and I’ve done it.
This is certainly an expensive country to travel in. Hotel bills are scandalous and the regular fare on the R.R.s is about 7 or 8 cents per mile, but we go it on half of it.
. . . Will go down towards Jacksonville tomorrow, and the people say that East Florida is the best country . . . Oranges are scarce and 4 cents. Fish plenty, and eating’s pretty good, but you know all about the pines. I have seen some before I came here but never such stacks & oceans of prime lumber as I find around here loose.
. . . I forgot to tell you that peaches are in bloom and new potatoes plentiful & fine— Lots of sweet potatoes.

Today’s snowbirds usually fare better than Frank, but 150 years on many can still commiserate with his transportation problems, high prices, and fickle Florida weather.
Florida fact: The Gulf Coast town of Bradenton honors Dr. Joseph Braden, son of Waterford’s Robert A. Braden (1765-1827). Joe and older brother Hector left their native Virginia for the new U.S. territory in the 1820s and ’30s. Joe built a mansion on his 1,100-acre sugar plantation that the locals dubbed “Braden’s Castle.” The fortress-like structure sheltered settlers during the Seminole Wars. A sign interprets its ruins today.
Waterford Foundation Staff
COVID-19 Action Plan
Due to safety precautions for COVID-19, the Waterford Foundation office is closed is closed to the public. The staff are teleworking and we are available via email, phone or on video calls and are happy to help with anything you need!

Our staff has updated all of our policies and procedures to make sure the Old School is clean, sanitized and ready for events and programs. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! Check out our newest website page introducing our Waterford Staff.
Waterford Foundation | 540-882-3018 | Email | Website