July 17, 2020 - News & Notes
Dear St. Michael Catholic School Families:
We are busy preparing for a return to in-person learning at St. Michael Catholic School after Labor Day. Our COVID committee is currently working to populate the Archdiocesan template for our Pandemic Preparedness Return Plan (PPRP) with high level information and suggestions for protocols at SMCS . Once we have a draft completed, we will send it on to our faculty for input on their unique needs based on age level of the children, the logistics of their classroom, situation in the physical plant, etc.

We are coming at this PPRP from a place of love, not fear, with the understanding that there are risks to opening school that must be weighed against the risks of not opening our school. There simply are no risk-free options available. In developing our PPRP to keep our community as safe as possible, we will be:

  • Rational-science will inform our decisions. New data is available every day from scientific research with implications for opening schools. We are paying attention to recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) the CDC, MDH, Governor Walz’s executive committee and our own Archdiocese. We also have local data on COVID cases in Scott County, where there are relatively low numbers of COVID cases, particularly in children.
  • Reasonable-we will operate from the lens of Christian love and charity. In order to open our school everyone must take the mitigation measures seriously. We have a responsibility to keep our children, faculty and staff as safe as possible during a pandemic. We also have a responsibility to the wider community to do what we can to mitigate the spread of this virus. The protocols will be detailed in our plan, and they will be developmentally appropriate for the various age groups we serve.
  • Practical-we will plan to keep our community safe within the practical parameters of the current reality at SMCS. There will be limitations to measures we can practically implement. We will clearly communicate our plan so everyone understands the risks and benefits of returning to school. Teachers will be included in developing protocols that are appropriate for each age group. For example, our littlest children might not be able to use masks successfully and safely, however middle schoolers working closely together on a science lab activity will need to be masked, gloved and wearing goggles. As educators we are practical by nature, and we will develop protocols that are most likely to work in various scenarios. We are also flexible, will pivot when necessary, and update our plans accordingly.
We are optimistic that the careful development of a PPRP will allow us to open this fall. The size of our community, our location in Scott County, the layout of our buildings and the dedication of our faculty will all help us return to on-site, in-person learning.

The Archdiocesan PPRP template is available on our website if you would care to review it. Once we finish a draft that populates the template with information specific to St. Michael, we will share it with the SMCS community .
The template is linked here .

Our Fine Faculty: I have been meeting individually with SMCS teachers the past couple weeks, and they are a top-notch bunch! This is a very professional, kids-first group of teachers who get things done. I am so impressed with their "see the problem, own the problem" spirit. They are considering a lot as we prepare to return, and are dedicated to getting the kids where they need to be after a very different end to the school year last spring. Assessments are being planned to identify areas of strength and challenge, distance learning options are being discussed for kids who may need to quarantine, racial equity teaching materials and strategies are being researched, Units of Study are being planned, and new science standards and materials are being incorporated. You can be proud of our SMCS teachers, and trust that they truly have the best interest of our students at the forefront of all they do!

Matching Grant Opportunity: By now you have probably heard the exciting news about our two $10,000 matching grants from the Schulze Family Foundation and the Harper Family Foundation! They will each match what we raise up to $10,000! So any amount you give will be TRIPLED! This is such a great opportunity for St. Michael and it comes at a time when we are incurring extra expenses as we prepare to return in the fall. These funds will help us: 
Offer increased tuition assistance
Purchase supplies needed for the health and safety protocols in our return plan
Hire enough support staff to keep group numbers at a reasonable size for social distancing
Please consider a donation on our website, through the mail, or by stopping in. If you are not in a position to donate at this time, please pray that St. Michael reaches our $10,000 goal, and collects the two matching grants! Also please keep our benefactors at the Schulze Family Foundation and the Harper Family Foundation in your prayers. Go Blues!

News from the SMCS SAC: Please see the News Notes below for important information from our School Advisory Council.

All Hands on Deck!: As we prepare for a safe return to school this fall, we will need some volunteer help during the school day. If you are available and willing to help out around the building during school hours, please email Darlene Casey to let her know your availability and areas of interest, such as classroom helper, recess monitor, lunch volunteer, etc. We would like to compile a list of people we could call on for various projects. We will have more detail about what teachers need when they return in August. Thank you for your consideration!

CSCOE Summer Resources: The following summer enrichment materials have been made available to SMCS students by the Catholic School Center of Excellence.

A series of eight videos provided by the University of St. Thomas C-STEM Lending Library — Each video will demonstrate a STEM activity for students to complete. Lessons include: Volcanoes, CO2 Rocket, and Animals in the Neighborhood.

Performing Arts:
A musical theater series of six videos provided by Lundstrum Performing Arts — A teacher and accompanist will lead each video. At the end of the video series, students will have learned the complete "Hakuna Matata" song and dance from “The Lion King.” Once students have learned the routine, please record them performing for a fun surprise to be released at a later date!

Password: CSCOE (case sensitive) 

A series of videos provided by Matt Birk and the 4HG team— Students of all ages will get moving to practice their sport skills. No athletic ability or equipment required.

TUITION ASSISTANCE : If you have found that your family is in need of additional tuition assistance for the 2020-21 school year, please apply at TADS.com under financial aid.

God bless your families this weekend and go Blues!
Sue Kerr Principal  kerr @saintmpl.org  
  • PPRP
  • Volunteer plea
  • Matching grant information

Parent Link:  Growth Mindset

Absent: 952-447-2230
School fax: 952-447-2132
Federal tax ID: 41-086790

 School Calendar:  



Please reach out to Rachel Olmanson if you would be willing to be our 2020 yearbook advisor with Life Touch yearbooks.

The St. Michael Catholic School Advisory Council provides guidance and leadership for the vision of the school, supporting the administration, teachers and staff. SAC has an opening for one more member for the 2020-21 school year. Please prayerfully consider if you would like to take part in this important work to benefit SMCS. If you are interested, please complete the online google form, or download and email your application to our School Advisory Council Chairs Nikki Draine  [email protected]  and Matt Duchnowski  [email protected] . Please also feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We are accepting applications until July 24.

We sent out a survey to families asking for your input on your distance learning experiences at the beginning of this month. Thank you to those of you who have already completed the survey. If you have not done so yet, please fill out the survey for each child who attended SMCS last year. Our faculty is working on an academic plan that must include some distance learning in the event that we need to quarantine any students due to the COVID pandemic, and that will also be useful in the event of weather related school closures, etc. 

Please fill out the survey so your experience (by grade level) is noted as we support our teachers’ planning for the future.

Thanks so much for your attention to this, and as an added incentive, if we exceed 85% participation, before closing the survey Wednesday, July 22, we will provide every St. Michael student with an out of uniform pass!
Mental Health Support: Please be aware that at this time our children are also feeling the anxiety of all that is happening around them. While school is closed, a routine is a healthy way of structuring your days. Included scheduled time for school work, outdoor play, free-choice reading, unstructured play and rest time. Address children's questions directly and honestly. Continuing with regular bed and meal times is also helpful. Limit exposure to media and screen time as well. Our School Counselor : Dr. Keri Brenden

Additional resources that you may find helpful:

Additionally, as a parent at this time, you need support. Here are parent support resources:

Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
©2012 EWTN. Used with permission.

Join the parish in prayer, spiritual communion and virtual Mass
through Facebook or the parish YouTube channel.