August 15, 2019

1712 N Frazier St. 77301
Conroe, Texas


In this issue :
Julian comes to town / Conservative changes his mind / Letters Letters Letters / Final Friday Features Immigration / Sanctuary Congregation / Historic Montgomery Celebration / Bound for the Debate / Download your Bingo Cards /
Walking the Walk / Join the Census / Fundraising Ideas Welcome / HQ has new phone number / Let's keep learning /
 Check out our Store / Upcoming events
The MCDP newsletter is scheduled for publication bi-monthly on approximately the 1st and 15th of every month. The deadline for submission is at least 3 days before every issue. Please email your submission to
Celebrate Hispanics in Texas with Julian Castro

The Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber invites you to a  brindis  to celebrate Hispanics in Texas, featuring former San Antonio Mayor and US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julián Castro, who will talk about his experience as a Hispanic in Texas. On Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 4 pm (doors will open at 3:45). The event will be held at the Glade Art Gallery, 2000 Woodlands Pkwy., The Woodlands, TX 77380. Please R.S.V.P. by August 19 th . 

The monthly luncheons of the Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber will resume on September 10, 2019, and will continue the second Tuesdays of every month. The luncheons will feature speakers such as our Congressman Kevin Brady, our Montgomery County Treasurer Melanie Bush, and other leaders in our community. Email the Camber at to suggest speakers, and if you are interested in sponsoring a luncheon. for more information and tickets go to

*The Montgomery County Democratic Party is not endorsing any candidate. This information is provided as a public service.
Conservative Wordsmith changes his mind on Climate Change

By:Bruce Barnes
Thanks to Dr. G & our local (College Station/Bryan TX) CCL group for pointing out this article.

Frank Luntz is a powerful communicator on behalf of conservatives. 

Although we disagree on many politics, his use of language is impressive. He coined the term "Axis of Evil" for example. 
Note his suggestions about terms to be used to Climate Change, below.

Language / framing is EVERYTHING from here on out. 
Luntz is now offering his messaging services to the cause of climate action. “I’m here before you to say that I was wrong in 2001,” Luntz told the Senate committee. “Just stop using something that I wrote 18 years ago, because it’s not accurate today.”
“That was a lifetime ago,” he said. “I’ve changed.” He promised to help the Democrats on the climate committee, provided that they put “policies ahead of politics” and commit to nonpartisan solutions.

Luntz came to the hearing prepared to share advice for people pushing for action on the climate crisis. He offered a chart of “words to use and words to lose” based on what he’s learned from focus groups:

·   USE: Cleaner, safer, healthier. LOSE: Sustainable/sustainability.
·   USE: Solving climate change. LOSE: Ending global warming.
·   USE: Principles and priorities. LOSE: Values.
·   USE: Reliable technology/energy. LOSE: Ground-breaking/State of the art.
·   USE: New careers. LOSE: New jobs.
·   USE: Peace of mind. LOSE: Security.
·   USE: Consequences. LOSE: Threats/Problems.
·   USE: Working together. LOSE: One world.

Activists often point out that combating the climate crisis will create jobs, but Luntz said they should talk in terms of “careers” instead. “A job is something that you can’t wait to get out of. A career is something that you embrace.”
Another suggestion: Drop “sustainability,” because it rings of the “status quo,” he explained. “What American people really want is something that is cleaner, safer, healthier. What they’re asking for is improvement, not the status quo.”
It’s also important to frame climate action as a “no-regrets strategy,” Luntz said. Legislation would lead to cleaner air, cleaner water, less dependence on foreign fuels, enhanced national security, and more innovation in our economy. “And that’s if the scientists are wrong,” he said. “If the scientists are right, we get all of those things and begin to solve what could be the most catastrophic environmental problem that any of us have ever faced … That’s why it’s the right thing to do.”
Stay away from the complicated science of climate change and personalize the message instead, Luntz advised. “How many of you know of someone who either lost a house because of a hurricane, a tornado, a forest fire?” he turned to ask the audience at the hearing. Many raised their hands.
“If I can give you a solution that will prevent most of that from happening, would you invest in it? … What would you be willing to pay to get that home back, to get that opportunity back, to get that life back? The answer for most people is everything.”
Letters Letters Letters
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has become one of Medicare for All’s biggest proponents

Published August 11, 2019
Houston Chronicle

 I have never been able to keep or select my own medical provider even though I have been privately insured through my employers since 1972. The insurance company decides which providers are in-network, when it will pay for the care, and what it will pay when providers are outside its network. I am currently waiting to hear from my employer-provided insurance carrier whether I will have to change doctors after a 30-year relationship.
The arguments about private insurance versus Medicare for All or the public option fail to adequately address this reality. What would happen under those proposals is executives won’t make $25 million in compensation, deductibles and co-pays will be reduced, and costs will go down. Maybe Medicare for All will be better. Every provider will know the rules and not spend so much time negotiating to get patient care reduced and their profits increased.

Patricia Garris,
Spring, Texas
Column ignores free stuff given away in U.S.'s last tax bill

Published August 7, 2019
Conroe Courier

I picked up the Conroe Courier as I came into my office last Thursday morning. The first thing I do is read the Editorial page and John Stossell’s column. He usually makes sense, but I had trouble with this one. In his column “Presidential candidates handing out free stuff” he seemed to have done his research about Democratic presidential nominee spending budgets, aimed at education only. I will use Bernie Sanders as an example since he had the highest at $280 Billion. The article does not state the current administration’s spending on education. Evidently, it is not that important but I did find out the administration’s 2017 budget for education was $120 Billion which is 3% of the budget. The 2019 total budget is $4.41 Trillion. Assuming 3% for education results in $133 Billion. But what is included is $267 Billion to fund a border wall, NASA, and infrastructure. I have not seen evidence of any of that. The 2019 subsidies for coal, oil, and gas is $370 Billion per year. Education does not appear to rank very high on the list of importance.

When considering the national budget, the term Billion is irrelevant. We need to pay attention to the Trillions we are spending. I actually did my own research. I Googled National Debt, tax cuts, and found www. . The website is easy to read and it said “During legislative debate, the most-cited estimate was that the TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) would increase deficits by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. This figure comes from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) and Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) conventional score. JCT projected that the law would reduce revenues by $1.65 trillion from 2018 to 2027. That deficit increase would be partly offset, CBO and JCT projected, by $194 billion in reduced spending, primarily on health insurance. 
But hey, we are already $22 trillion in debt according to Stossell, so another $1.5 is not a big deal.

 My take away is that Democrats are not giving away nearly as much free stuff as what was given away in the last tax bill. We could do great things with $1.5 trillion in 10 years instead of adding it to the national debt. We could have funds to send kids to college, give teachers a raise, provide childcare for working mothers and universal Pre-K, not to mention taking care of Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

 Judy Trosvig
Montgomery County, Texas

Final Friday focuses on Immigration

Lorena Perez McGill will update us on the immigration and negative impact of our immigration policy on our county and our state and the cost that keeping immigrants seeking asylum behind bars represent to us taxpayers.  
Please join us for this informative evening. 
Final Friday is August 30 at The Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters, 1712 N Frazier, Suite 117, Conroe 77301. 
Socialize & snacks 6:30 pm; speaker at 7 pm. 
For more information on Lorena Perez McGill
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church: “We are a Sanctuary Congregation”

On Tuesday August 6, 2019, Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church of The Woodlands (NUUC) held a press conference to announce that it will become a Sanctuary Church, joining some 800 churches across the nation. The congregation approved the move at its May 19, 2019 Annual Meeting. The conference was facilitated by NUUC’s Rev Sarah Prickett, Gay Lynn Pierce, NUUC Past President, Greg McDonell, Sanctuary Project Coordinator and the Rev. Chuck Freeman, executive director of the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry (

Northwoods’ minister, Rev. Sarah Prickett, stated, “Our church draws upon the words of holy writings that speak about how a faith community, welcomes the stranger in its midst.” Gay Lynn Pierce explained how our mission statement and our vision statement led us to declare NUUC a sanctuary congregation:

          In response to a question, Rev. Chuck Freeman stated that there have been instances where sanctuary churches have faced repercussions for housing immigrants, but we still expect support from our community. An estimated 500,000 plus undocumented persons live in the greater Houston area. Greg McDonell emphasized that the church will act in plain sight in giving sanctuary to someone who, if deported, will likely face persecution or even death. He added, “We’re not doing this to be confrontational, we’re just doing this to be faithful. And, hopefully, we can have a dialogue with those who differ from us.”

The sanctuary movement is a growing movement of faith and immigrant communities protecting and standing with immigrants facing deportation. Members pledge to protect immigrant families who face unjust deportation. NUUC joins the many religious leaders, congregations, and faith-based organizations of all denominations who are part of the Movement. NUUC expects that we will be a sanctuary for a single family unit.

Rev. Freeman ended with a reminder that “These borders were not established by God. These borders were not ordained by God.”

For more information -
Northwoods UU Church: 
Down load your Debate Bingo Cards
The third Democratic debate is scheduled for September 12 and 13.
If you were not able to attend the debates at Head Quarters or take the bus you can down load the Bingo Cards and have some fun white we watch our candidates debate the issues.
If you can not attend the debate Democratic Headquarters will again host a watch party for both nights of the debate. The debates start at 7:00 p.m. There you can get your bingo cards and have some fun. There will be prizes!!

Remember to BYOB and snacks will be provided.
Walking the Walk

While we all follow the news and social media closely, and espouse the principles of the National and Texas State Democratic Platform it is also important to “walk the walk”, to open the door and go out into to the real world, to step outside of our comfort zones and actually help our neighbors.

To that end, in the last month alone, the Montgomery County Democratic Party, through its members
and along with its allied group has participated in at least the following events:

We participate in:

Voter Registration Events

Represented our values at the annual South County 4th of July Parade in The Woodlands.

Collected School Supplies for a back to school event hosted by the Montgomery County United group at Booker T. Washington Park in Conroe, Hosted a speaker representing the Coalition for the Homeless.

Helped promote and participated in a Job Fair sponsored by the Montgomery County NAACP and TDCJ.

Participated in an anti-immigration camp vigil sponsored by the “Lights for Liberty” on July 13th.

Responded to a request for donations for a family in great need from the Church next door to our headquarters.

Hosted a speaker from the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Conroe who brought us information about the families in need here in Conroe.

Called and wrote our County Commissioners and attended Commissioner’s Court Budget meetings to protect funding for the Meals on Wheels, Crisis Assistance Center, Montgomery County Women’s Center and Montgomery County Youth Services.

Thank you to everyone who has lent a helping hand, donated to worthy causes, raised a voice for social justice, registered voters, and otherwise worked to improve the world around us. Montgomery County Democrats care!
Learn More about the United States Census on September 3, 2019

    Lieutenant Colonel (USA, Retired) Paul “Alan” Mooneyham, Partnership Specialist for the United States Census Bureau, will make a presentation about the upcoming census at our Teaching Tuesday event on September 3, 2019. He will be making two presentations, one at 4:30 – 6:00 pm and again at 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
           Besides providing valuable information about the importance of the census, he will also be explaining about becoming a census worker.

Fundraising ideas welcome

The Montgomery County Democratic Party is looking for venues and ideas for a Fall fundraiser. If you know of a place and have an idea of what we can do please let us know. Contact MCDP Headquarters.
Democratic Party Headquarters announces New phone number and new Summer hours

Make a note the Democratic Party Headquarters has a new phone number: 936-703-5841. The new Summer hours for the Democratic Party Headquarter office will be Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Enjoy your Summer!
      Teaching Tuesdays
Let's Keep Learning!

The Democratic Party Headquarters is continuing its Teaching Tuesdays events in August.

August 20 - Learn how to "Write Your Congressman" with Neil Gaynor and Larry Kremer from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

August 27 - Debbie Steele will do an "Analysis of Voting Patterns in MoCo 2018-2019, from 12:30 to 2 :00 p.m.

September 3 - Learn More about the 2020 United States Census. Presented by Lieutenant Colonel (USA, Retired) Paul “Alan” Mooneyham, Partnership Specialist for the United States Census Bureau. He will be making two presentations, one at 4:30 – 6:00 pm and again at 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

September 10 - Voting in Montgomery County 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. presented by Bruce Barnes

September 17 - Maintaining Order: Roberts Rules of Order by Betty McInterff, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Get ready for convention now!

Don't forget to buy your Montgomery County Democrat Navy Blue t-shirt to wear with pride.
   We also have a limited addition of the Texas
t-shirt in 90/10 cotton in grey and a white v-neck 100% cotton for women. Women's sizes run small. All shirts are $20 each.
Come and get your Blue Texas sticker for your bumper, window or anywhere. $2.00 each.

You can also order Hate has no place here signs for $20. these signs come with the metal steak and can be proudly displayed 24-7 all year.

We also have buttons galore! How about "Are we great yet?" Let us know what button you want to wear. All buttons are $2 each. Thanks to the Teaching Tuesday bunch we have our jewelry collection of Blue Texas and Democratic Donkey Earrings and Blue Texas lapel pens. Some have already been sold so get while they last.
More items coming soon. Show your Democratic spirit all year round .

Do you have an idea for items for our store? Let us know.

August 15 - Hispanic Sub Committee , 6:30 p.m. at HQ.

August 20 - Teaching Tuesday, Write Your Congressman with Niel Gaynor and Larry Kremer

August 22 - Hispanic Sub-Committee, 6:30 p.m. HQ.

The Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber featuring Julian Castro at the Glade Art Gallery, 2000 Woodlands Pkwy., The Woodlands, TX 77380.

The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, Kitchen Tales Restaurant,  
14543 Hwy 105 W Ste. 101, Conroe, TX 77304, FULL BAR.

August 27 - Teaching Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. An Analysis of Voting Patterns in Montgomery County by Debbie Steele.

August 26 - Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. HQ

August 28 - Democrats & Progressives of Montgomery County Monthly Meetup. 6:00 p.m. at the Black Walnut, 9000 New Trails Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77381

August 30 - Final Friday, Speaker Lorena Perez McGill, 6:00 p.m. at MCDP Headquarters

September 10 - Woodlands Democratic Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. go to for more information.

Teaching Tuesday, Voting in Montgomery County 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. presented by Bruce Barnes

September 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

November 19 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

December 17 - The Senior Advisory Council (SAC) meets at 6:30, location TBA

Let us know what is going on in your community for inclusion in the newsletter. The newsletter is published bi-monthly. Please email your submission to at least 3 days before publication.
In this time of aggressive voter purges, internet hacking, and various forms of voter suppression, it is extremely important to confirm that your registration status is current and active. Texas is among the states that enforces voter suspension and purging of "inactive" or voters. In Montgomery County alone, there are over 44,000 voter files which have been marked for suspension and eventual purging. For various reasons you may have had your registration suspended. Reasons may include moving without updating your information, not voting in the previous 2 elections, or having mail returned as undeliverable to the Elections administration.  
Don't miss out on your right to vote. You may use these links to check your voter registration status to confirm you are up-to-date, to be sure you have the required form(s) of ID to cast your ballot, to find your precinct # and voting locations as well as a SAMPLE BALLOT for your precinct.

Montgomery County Democratic Party Sustaining Membership Program. Click on the Contribute button to help turn Montgomery County Blue!!!