Photo Amy & Paul
Photo Amy & Paul
Dear Friends,

We hope this finds you and yours doing well enough during this time. Like many of you, we are heartbroken about the senseless murder of black people in our country, as just a part of systemic and deeply ingrained racist culture. We are ever aware of inequity in opportunity and treatment across the board, painfully illustrated in so many sectors, including ongoing and grave health care disparities. Paul and I share in the grief and in solidarity as we work on ourselves and within our communities on an unwavering path to change.

In our natural medicine corner, we continue to share what we know about the current pandemic and to work to create learning opportunities for all. We’re looking forward to continuing our course in the Seattle area this fall and to launching a new group in Amherst, too. If you’ve been thinking about taking the class or considering repeating, now’s a perfect time to reach out, ask your questions, and jump right in!

We wanted to share on the timely topic of Lyme disease. We are encouraging people more than ever to spend time outdoors, but we certainly don’t want suffering due to Lyme and other co-infections. You can find a wonderful book, Preventing Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases by a colleague, Alexis Chesney ND. And find below an article Amy wrote, first published in Homeopathy Today on Lyme disease.

Keep in touch and hopefully we will see you in person somewhere soon!
