THIS THURSDAY: Divinatory Poetics for Witchy Queers w/ Kristen E. Nelson

Thursday, Oct. 1st, 2020
6:00PM - 8:00PM (AZ time)
via Zoom
FREE | Registration required

In this writing workshop we will use tarot cards and their associated divinatory wisdom as prompts for creative writing. Kristen has been studying and reading tarot for over 20 years and has been teaching divinatory poetics for six years. In this workshop, she will share generative techniques for writing from tarot and guide participants through this practice. 

Kristen will be using two feminist, queer tarot decks for our use in this workshop: "The Collective Tarot", a collaboratively created, radically-politicked, queerly revisioned deck; and Daughters of the Moon, a feminist reinterpretation of the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck that celebrates queer, femme, and non-binary bodies in the illustrations. You'll want to have a pen and paper, as well as the willingness to try something new. If you have a tarot desk you work with in your own practice, feel free to bring it to workshop, but this is not necessary. No experience with divination or writing necessary. Workshop will be modified to fit an online Zoom format, so stay tuned for any updates.

Register for the workshop here
THIS FRIDAY: Join us for our premier Coffee Talk!

Fridays, beginning Oct. 2nd
10:00 AM
via Zoom
FREE | Registration required

The Institute for LGBT Studies would like to invite you to join us weekly, or as often as you want to attend, to Coffee Talk on Fridays at 10am starting next week on Friday, October 2nd

This is a really informal get together that will allow individuals from the LGBTQ+ community at UA and the greater Tucson community to have a space to pop in and say hi, see some friendly faces, and maybe network with new individuals. We really miss getting to interact with you all in person at our events and around campus, so we wanted to offer a space we could be together. At least one staff from the iLGBTS will be there starting at 10am and will stay for at least the first 30 minutes. If people are enjoying themselves and catching up, the Zoom room can be left open even if no iLGBTS staff are there, so feel free to come and go as you'd like.

Register for Coffee Talk here
Local LGBTQ+ Artists recognized in Tucson Weekly!

Aura Valdes

Last week, Tucson Weekly recognized two celebrated local LGBTQ+ artists who contribute their work to our community--Willbliss Kim Cass Lim and Aura Valdes!

Since the onset of the pandemic, these amazing artists have tirelessly contributed important gender-affirming artworks for SAGA's monthly trans care packages---a service designed to uplift trans, nonbinary, and genderqueer folx, in addition to combatting COVID-19 related isolation and loss of physical community spaces.

Additionally, both Willbliss Kim Cass Lim and Aura Valdes have shared their work for iLGBTS arts, culture, and expression initiatives: Willbliss Kim Cass Lim as a virtual artist-in-residence for our summer series, Capturing LGBTQ Experiences in Pandemic Times, and Aura Valdes as a spoken word performer at our first-ever Artistic InQueeries last year!

Learn more about Willbliss & Aura's work by reading the full TW article here
THIS WEDNESDAY: WGRC & LGBTQRC present Wellness Techniques for Trauma with Tai Ma!

Image text: WGRC & LGBTQRC Mental Health and Wellness Series presents Wellness Techniques for Trauma with Tai Ma. Wednesday, September 30th, 1p-2p. Trauma is a result of energy that gets stuck in the body at a time of flight or fight. Tai Ma will be sharing a few powerful wellness techniques that can be used at will to facilitate energy movement and create brain coherence during stressful situations that can be inherently traumatizing or any time that stress relief is desired. Zoom meeting ID: 983 9860 3363. For password, email IG handles: @WGRC_UA; @UALGBTQ
Apply now for the Tucson CARES funding opportunity for Artists & Arts/Culture Organizations!

Deadline: Monday, Oct. 5th, 2020 (11:59p)

The purpose of the Arts and Culture COVID-19 Assistance Grants is to provide emergency assistance to arts workers and arts organizations impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency; and specifically to provide short-term emergency disaster relief to help prevent eviction, prevent homelessness, assist with rent or mortgage payments, assist with subsidies for utility payments to preserve essential services, and other needs arising out of the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Applicants will be asked to complete an online form including contact information, artistic mission, demographics, and demonstration of financial loss due to COVID-19.

Find the full call details & submission portal here
Queers United Coalition: Call for Speakers!

Email for participation info, or DM @queersunitedcoalition (IG)

Queers United Coalition is looking for speakers to participate in a video series about gender policing. You will be able to pick your own topic relating to gender policing or they can give you ideas as well.

Please contact them if you are interested in being a featured speaker and share with your friends!

QUC looks forward to working with y'all as they start implementing their campaign to spread awareness and take action against gender policing and forced binaries.
SAGA + THEM Youth Ensemble present: Understanding the LGBTQ+ Experience!

image text: Understanding the LGBTQ+ Experience. A free one-day conference for parents, youth, and allies about what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community and how to support LGBTQ+ youth. October 11, 2020. For more information or to register:
Every Thursday: Survivor Support Group w/CAPS, WGRC & LGBTQRC

image text: Survivor Support Group. Free drop in, gender inclusive, confidential survivor support group with licensed CAPS clinician. Weekly meetings Thursdays at 3PM. Meeting ID: 930 6567 6169. Contact: 
THIS SATURDAY: Join So. Arizona Senior Pride for LGBTQI+ Senior Support Group!

Saturday, Oct. 3rd
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM via Zoom 

The LGBTQI+ Elder Support Group meets every other week via the Zoom video conferencing platform. This is an open and welcoming forum to discuss the experience of aging in the LGBTQI+ community.

Meeting invitations are shared via email close to the meeting date. Contact group facilitator Claire Ellington at for your Zoom invitation.

Learn more about Southern Arizona Senior Pride and the support group here
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