Summer Update | July 2020
Greetings from Hurricane Island
We miss you!
An Island That Teaches
Wilder Nicholson, videographer from Conservation Media Group, captures the perspective of Hurricane participants in our latest short video, "An Island That Teaches".
Supporting Justice, Equity, and Access
Through dialogue and action decided in our Diversity Working Group, the Hurricane staff and Board are reinforcing our commitment and acknowledging our place in this global conversation.
Join Our Virtual Event!
Panel Discussion: Marine and Aquaculture Research in Penobscot Bay
Wednesday, July 29
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Join Director of Research, Phoebe Jekielek, as we *virtually* get together with panelists Bob Steneck (Professor of Marine Sciences, University of Maine Orono and Hurricane Board Member), Nichole Price , PhD (Senior Research Scientist, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences), Marsden Brewer (Sustainable Scallop Farmer, PenBay Scallops), and our very own Madison Maier (Aquaculture Manager, Hurricane Island). We will discuss the evolution of aquaculture and research in Penobscot Bay as well as how each individual's work is connected to Hurricane. Please RSVP to receive the Zoom link as we get closer to the date. We will also be streaming it on Facebook Live the day of! All are welcome to this free event.
The Light Still Burns Bright
We are grateful for your support!
While many aspects of life remain uncertain, we now know for sure how much you care about Hurricane. After our Board offered a $65K match for the spring appeal, you responded with an outpouring of support. Having exceeded the match, we are reminded that generosity in all forms carries us through challenging times.
Ensure the future of Hurricane programs.
Reaching Higher Ed
UMaine Honors College Magazine Minerva 2019
In September 2019, the UMaine Honors College came to Hurricane for their freshman orientation. Take a look at their 2019 publication to see highlights from their trip.

"The curriculum was unlike anything I had done before. I had heard about community building exercises, but to live them was something else." - UMaine Honors Student
(re)Searching for Answers
Our Research Assistant Carl's first few months on the island have been anything but a "normal" Hurricane experience (but then again, what is "normal"?). In his blog he talks about the research happening on Hurricane and ties it back to his previous work experiences at the Coonamesset Farm Foundation in Rhode Island.
In this video Phoebe shows us the growth of the two different kinds of kelp (sugar and skinny) growing in our aquaculture farm after a healthy winter season. In her blog Phoebe explains the scallop tagging study we are working with local fishermen on to collect data on scallop growth.
Our Aquaculture Manager, Madison Maier, has been enjoying her time diving to collect wild scallops and reliving her childhood dream of becoming a ribbon dancer. Read her blog to learn about the spawning patterns of scallops.
Island Improvements
It goes without saying, but, the island doesn't run itself. We applaud our committed facilities team, Silas and Elliott, for all of the work they have accomplished on the island thus far. More improvements to come!
Gender Neutral Bathroom Stalls
Wood Stove in Mess Hall
Pot Hauler Installation on Research Vessel
Visitors are Welcome on the Island
Please Respect Social Distancing
Visitors are welcome to come to Hurricane on their own boats. Don't forget to sign the visitor log! As a reminder, our suggested mooring donation is $15/day and $25/overnight.
We would like to wish a very happy 50th anniversary to Bridget and Jack Morton. Congratulations on an amazing milestone! Enjoy this video that our staff put together.
A Tribute to the Healthcare Heroes in NYC
This video was sent to Phoebe by a friend of hers living in New York City at the beginning of the pandemic. Lo and behold, Phoebe recognized her friend's neighbor valiantly playing the conch shell just a few balconies away. Another friend of Hurricane- Jack and Bridget's son, Denis. It's a small world after all- we are grateful to have many friends scattered throughout. :)
Onward, ever onward!