Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | March 2021
“Women empowerment must never be perceived as a means of imparting arrogance to women, but a means to help them identify their talents and use those talents to make an impact.”  
- Gift Gugu Mona
March is a month to celebrate women! This month is Women's History Month, March 8th is International Women's Day, and Habitat for Humanity celebrates Women Build Week March 8th-16th. It is a time of year to celebrate both the contributions of women to Habitat's mission and the ways that affordable homeownership empowers women and their families. Our Women Build program serves as a way to engage with and celebrate women all year round.

Habitat’s Women Build program has never been about excluding men; it’s been about giving women the opportunity to learn new skills in an environment that allows that learning process to flourish. It embodies the sentiment of Serena Williams—“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” In a male-dominated construction industry, it can be challenging to find this type of support in the learning process. Women Build intentionally creates that type of space. 

Women Build also gives women the chance to understand the impact that housing has on women and to lend their voice to advocating for it. Women and children are too often the groups that are hardest hit by poverty. Because of this, they are also in the greatest need of the pathway out of poverty offered by sustainable and affordable homeownership. While the most visible part of Habitat’s work is building homes, the most dramatic change happens after a family purchases and moves into a Habitat home. With a safe and secure physical environment, children thrive—achieving better educational outcomes and experiencing improvements in health.

In this third month of the year in which we celebrate women and Women Build week, I hope that regardless of your gender, you will join us in our efforts to give women the opportunity to find and grow their talents and skills. Whether they are a Habitat homeowner or a volunteer, every woman in the Habitat community has gifts to bring to our larger mission. We need everyone’s talents to be at their fullest possibility to achieve the impact that we want.  

Yours in partnership,

Dr. Cathy Collins
You're Invited! Join us as we celebrate Women Build Week with two free virtual events
Lunch & Learn
Women And Housing: A Conversation with Dr. Tiffany Manuel
Tuesday, March 9 | 12:00-1:00 PM
Learn how empowering women through access to affordable housing builds stronger communities and helps families thrive! Read about our featured speaker, Dr. Tiffany Manuel and the nonprofit she founded at

Happy Hour
Wine & Chocolate with Chef Benoit
Thursday, March 11 | 5:30-6:30 PM
Join us for a fun and delicious evening as Belgian Master Chocolatier, Chef Benoit teaches us how to pair your favorite wine from your own collection with specially chosen chocolates from his shop in Fairfield, BE Chocolat.

Purchase your $12 box of specially curated Women Build chocolates online at BE Chocolat at 75 Hillside Road, Fairfield CT | 203-292-5981.

Purchasing chocolates is OPTIONAL and not necessary to join Happy Hour!

Questions? Email Suzanne Francis, Events Coordinator, at
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
"We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change."
-Sheryl Sandberg
For Home, From Home
Habitat CFC Goes to Washington (virtually!)
Habitat CFC's advocacy dream team - future homeowners, youth advocates, board members, and staff - came together to meet virtually with our law makers during Habitat on the Hill. This annual conference usually gathers hundreds of advocates for Habitat's work from across the country in our capital. Though we were disappointed to not be there in person, the upside of going virtual was that the conference was more than double the size, with over 700 Habitat homeowners, volunteers, and staff participating.

Future homeowners Cindy and Crystal joined us for this year's advocacy conference. Our Congresspeople, Senators, and their staff were eager to hear their stories of how affordable homeownership had impacted their lives and their community. Also representing Habitat CFC were the winners of the Youth Advocacy challenge, Jordyn and Lauren. They articulated their passion for helping families and kids have a safe and affordable home. The team was completed by Board of Directors Treasurer Carolyn Vermont, and staff members Cathy Collins, Anthony Orfino, Caitlin Dalton, and Leonila Ayala.

The Habitat CFC contingent joined forces with representatives from Habitat Middlesex and Habitat Hartford to visit with the office of almost every federal representative for Connecticut. We presented a case for key programs, funding, and legislation that will allow Habitat for Humanity to serve families in our community and across the United States.

Learn more about Habitat for Humanity's advocacy efforts and priorities here.

Interested in becoming involved as an advocacy volunteer? Email Caitlin Dalton, Director of Communications & Outreach, at
Habitat CFC Volunteer Spotlight:
Beth Rafferty
This month’s volunteer spotlight showcases one of the most dedicated members of our Habitat CFC family, Beth Rafferty. Beth is a co-advisor to Youth United and also sits on our Board of Directors. Beth has been involved with Habitat CFC since the early 2000s.

Beth’s Habitat for Humanity journey started when she moved to Connecticut and began attending the Orange Congregational Church. While there, a gentleman at the church was bringing groups of youth volunteers to Habitat CFC. Beth got involved and began coordinating the church group youth build days. At that time there was not a Youth United program here at Habitat CFC. Beth along with Phyllis Machledt and Habitat CFC staff were able to start the process of getting a Youth United program organized. They even kicked off the creation of the group by having a large ceremony with the founder of Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller.

Beth was established as a co-advisor/leader because she was bringing more and more youth groups from the church to the build sites. Kids in the youth group began to take ownership of the group and really enjoyed their work. There was also plenty of outreach to the community as well. Habitat CFC would reach out to churches and schools to promote Youth United. The outreach and success of the organization allowed Youth United to sponsor six Habitat CFC homes and are currently working on their seventh.

When asked what her favorite moments at Habitat CFC have been, Beth said, “I really enjoy the dedications. That’s what it is all about. Bringing everyone together to celebrate and bless the house is a key moment for the Youth United members.”

“The best part of Youth United is when kids take ownership and pride in the organization. They usually get started from a push but once they come, they enjoy it and if they meet the homeowners and feel the connection then there is a ‘gotcha’ moment. They see this work as something fulfilling not just work.”

If you are on the fence about volunteering with Habitat CFC, Beth has some simple advice, “People think they need skills to volunteer but they do not. If you just show up and have a positive attitude, you will be hooked!”

Thank you Beth for all that you do and continue to do for Habitat CFC, Youth United, and our Habitat Homeowners!!
Over $11,000 raised on Fairfield County Giving Day
Wow! In just one day, we made 3/4 of our way to our goal of raising $15,000 to put in the foundation of our 16th Women Build House.

Thank you to all of our generous donors who gave!

If you have not yet had a chance to give, there's still time! We will be continuing to raise funds for this exciting project through Women Build Week (March 8-13).
Volunteers are still making Habitat happen!
While prioritizing the health and safety of our volunteers, homeowners and staff during this pandemic has placed some limitations on our volunteer program, the contributions of our passionate and skilled volunteers is still at the heart of our work.

Currently, we have:
  • Core Volunteers working with us at least four days each week
  • Future Homeowners continuing to complete Sweat Equity
  • ReStore is accepting a small number of volunteers and Future Homeowners
  • Committee volunteers finding creative ways to pivot fundraisers to virtual
  • Family Selection Committee volunteers doing outreach, helping families apply, and conducting home visits

We know that so many people who have wanted to lend a hand have had to step back over the past year, and we can't wait for the day when we can begin to safely open our doors to even more of the volunteers whose hands and hearts make Habitat happen.
Shop at the Habitat ReStore and every purchase helps a local family build their dream!

Habitat CFC Stratford ReStore
1785 Stratford Ave, Stratford, CT | (203) 383-4358 |

Open for Shopping:
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed every Sunday and Monday

Donation Drop-off Hours:
If you are dropping off a donation please arrive 30 minutes prior to closing.
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642