Dear friends,

One year ago today, Howard County confirmed its first case of COVID-19. We immediately declared a State of Emergency in Howard County, and closed the Mall in Columbia and Shops at Savage Mill – hoping to stop unknowing spread of a virus that was clearly present in our community. 

Since that day, we’ve now recorded more than 16,000 cases of COVID-19, and lost 223 of our neighbors, friends, family, and loved ones to the virus. Each of these individuals are more than a number, they were loved, and will be dearly missed. 

The devastation, loss, and trauma, from this pandemic will reverberate through generations. With all the challenges of the past year, we know that this moment calls for reflection, and to find the opportunities to improve and move forward stronger, together. 

As of 9:00 a.m. this morning, our positivity rate is 3.95% and our case rate is 16.97. According to the Maryland Department of Health, we have received a total of 45,181 vaccines and 99.6% have been administered. If you are not already registered, please do so here.

To build upon our recovery efforts, the HoCo RISE Collaborative released their report and provided key recommendations in five areas; Public Health Response, Government Response, Jobs and the Economy, Education and Workforce, and Family Opportunities. Stakeholders from around our County met my ambitious goal to produce recommendations for these areas in 100 working days. 

Thank you to former County Executive Ken Ulman, our workgroup chairs, members, and all our staff who dedicated their time to this vital report. I’m positive that by working together, we will rise. Read the full report here.

We can all sense the end of this pandemic is near, and that wouldn’t be possible without the everyday actions that you all take to keep your neighbors and our community safe. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice physical distance.

Let's StayCOVIDSafe Howard County!