Dear friends,
One year ago today, Howard County confirmed its first case of COVID-19. We immediately declared a State of Emergency in Howard County, and closed the Mall in Columbia and Shops at Savage Mill – hoping to stop unknowing spread of a virus that was clearly present in our community.
Since that day, we’ve now recorded more than 16,000 cases of COVID-19, and lost 223 of our neighbors, friends, family, and loved ones to the virus. Each of these individuals are more than a number, they were loved, and will be dearly missed.
The devastation, loss, and trauma, from this pandemic will reverberate through generations. With all the challenges of the past year, we know that this moment calls for reflection, and to find the opportunities to improve and move forward stronger, together.
As of 9:00 a.m. this morning, our positivity rate is 3.95% and our case rate is 16.97. According to the Maryland Department of Health, we have received a total of 45,181 vaccines and 99.6% have been administered. If you are not already registered, please do so here.
To build upon our recovery efforts, the HoCo RISE Collaborative released their report and provided key recommendations in five areas; Public Health Response, Government Response, Jobs and the Economy, Education and Workforce, and Family Opportunities. Stakeholders from around our County met my ambitious goal to produce recommendations for these areas in 100 working days.
Thank you to former County Executive Ken Ulman, our workgroup chairs, members, and all our staff who dedicated their time to this vital report. I’m positive that by working together, we will rise. Read the full report here.
We can all sense the end of this pandemic is near, and that wouldn’t be possible without the everyday actions that you all take to keep your neighbors and our community safe. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice physical distance.
Let's StayCOVIDSafe Howard County!
Reopening Updates
Howard County is aligned with Governor Hogan's COVID-19 restrictions, lifting capacity limits on restaurants, retail, religious facilities, fitness centers, and personal services, which is now in effect. Howard County’s previous limits for indoor or outdoor social gatherings has also been lifted.
During the last month, we have seen our key metrics trending in the right direction, and significantly decreasing from the peak of our holiday surge. We will continue watching our data very closely over the next two weeks, and if aligning with the Governor’s decision is detrimental to the health and welfare of our residents, we will not hesitate to re-impose restrictions.
It is vital that our residents and businesses continue to adhere to the mask mandate and physical distancing – these two tools are critical to our recovery. Howard County residents are also encouraged to continue getting tested regularly, and especially if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Find a testing location near you by visiting
Long Reach Rising
In 2018, our Long Reach Village Center had 23% of retail space occupied, 15% of office space occupied, and the former Safeway space was completely vacant. In July 2019, approximately 200 residents gathered at Stonehouse in the Long Reach Village Center to discuss its revitalization.
After years of challenges, we implemented the Long Reach Rising Plan — a swift, short-term renovation and long-term renewal plan with the goal of creating "A Vibrant Village Center for Today." This Plan incorporates the goals and preferred uses from the 2012 Long Reach Community Association Plan and the 2016 Reimagine Long Reach Plan and deploys a community-based leasing strategy to house a combination of non-profit and for-profit users that are mission-focused in the areas of arts, education, and economic empowerment.
Since then, even during the global pandemic, more than 45,000 square feet of office and retail space has been leased. As of March 2021, 95% of retail space is completely occupied, 51% of office space is occupied, and 48% of the former Safeway space is occupied. Long Reach Village Center is a premier hub for arts and culture, education and entrepreneurialism, with 12 new retail tenants and 13 artists. Though we have made progress, we are still working hard to bring the original vision for the center into reality. I encourage all to visit the Long Reach Village Center and support our new, thriving businesses.
Confirming your Vaccine Registration with HCHD
Our Howard County Health Department is working effectively and efficiently to ensure every resident can receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Once you register, the Health Department will reach out to you within seven days to confirm your registration. If you have received your vaccine elsewhere, you may unsubscribe using the link in your confirmation email.
For more information, please visit or call (410) 313-6284.
Mortgage Relief for Residents
We are proud to announce a new foreclosure prevention program with $1.4 million supported through pandemic assistance funding. Residents impacted by COVID and not able to pay their mortgage payments should contact the Department of Housing and Community Development to complete an application for mortgage assistance. Applications are available here.
Residents with pending or approved forbearance plans with their mortgage lender are eligible to apply for assistance. Please note, the moratorium on filing of Notices of Intent to Foreclose also ends on 3/31.
Rental Relief and Utility Assistance
Our residents still have significant needs as they manage utility bills, rent payments and mortgage payments during this challenging time. Rental delinquency data from the Maryland Multi-Housing Association and the Housing Commission estimates that 1 in 4 of the 23,000 renter households in Howard County are past due on rent.
Residents can apply to one of our four nonprofit partners to receive assistance to pay past due rent and utility expenses for up to 12 months. Residents who have applied for previous assistance are also able to apply. For more information, please click here.
Catalyst Loan Fund Information Session
Are you interested in learning more about the Catalyst Loan Fund?
Join the Howard County Economic Development Authority for an introduction session on the Catalyst Loan Fund on March 16th, at 10:00 a.m. Managed by the HCEDA, the Catalyst Loan Fund is part of Maryland’s Video Lottery Terminal (VLT) Small, Minority and Woman-Owned Business Account initiative.
This fund provides financing for businesses who are looking to expand and grow or work on a new project to help build their business and the economy. I encourage Howard County business owners to register today.
American Rescue Plan
Last week, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act, which will bring $63.1 million of federal funding to Howard County. This robust funding is vital to our current COVID-19 response and our long-term recovery. I’m incredibly grateful to our federal delegation members who fought on the behalf of Howard County and all Marylanders to bring this relief to our communities and set us on a successful path to recovery.
Maryland has weathered an uncertain economy throughout this pandemic, but this funding will help us put our best foot forward. Despite the fact that State and local governments have not received direct relief for nearly a year since the CARES Act was passed last March, we quickly and efficiently were able to get that funding into the hands of our residents and businesses who needed it most.
Last December, when the federal government failed to provide funding to state and local governments in the stimulus package passed, we stepped up as a County and utilized our own funding to continue providing short-term pandemic assistance to our community.
Now that the American Rescue Plan has passed Congress and been signed into law by President Biden, our residents will have the long-term resources needed to ensure equitable vaccine distribution, continued support for our vulnerable residents and businesses, and the funding that will be critical for our fiscal recovery.
HCPSS Vaccination Effort Update
Howard County has worked closely with the Howard County Public School System to ensure that our educators and school staff are prioritized as they head back to the classrooms. More than 90% of HCPSS educators have received at least their first dose or are scheduled for their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Approximately 9,300 HCPSS employees requested the vaccine. This week, HCPSS is anticipating an additional 300 doses provided by Johns Hopkins Medicine, and once administered, these additional doses are expected to bring the HCPSS staff vaccination percentage closer to 95%.
This vaccination effort is a monumental undertaking, and we’re proud of how quickly we have been able to get shots in arms. As many in our community look forward to their chance to be vaccinated, this is great progress to moving towards additional groups and phases.
HoCo RISE Business Grants Report
Businesses during the past year have faced uncertainty and an unpredictable future at nearly every turn. Today, in coordination with Howard County Economic Development Authority, we have released a report detailing the HoCo RISE Business Assistance Grant Program and its impact on supporting local businesses during the pandemic. As of January 31, 2021 HoCo RISE has dispersed more than $13.55 million in grants to 1,483 Howard County Businesses.
We’re incredibly grateful to our partners at the Howard County Economic Development Authority who have been vital in informing our community about these grants, and ensured funding reached those who needed it most. We’re also thankful to the State for supporting some of our hardest hit industries, restaurants and lodging. These businesses survival will be critical to our road to recovery from this pandemic.
Read the entire report here.
Maryland Vaccination Sites
While there continues to be limited vaccine allocation to County Health Departments, we encourage qualifying residents to visit one of many available locations to receive their vaccines. The State has implemented four Mass Vaccine sites to administer vaccines to all residents who qualify under Phase 1A, 1B, and 1C. These sites are managed by the State and County Health Departments do not have the ability to register residents.
How to Register:
- Visit and click on “Pre-register for a vaccination at a mass vaccination site” tab
- Answer the required questions and enter the necessary information
- Fill out the health screening
- Select your preferred mass vaccination site
- Certify your information is true by checking the final box.
For more information and to register at any mass vaccination sites or pharmacy, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Howard County Vaccine Distribution Process
We are efficiently administering the vaccine with approximately 100% of received vaccines administered by the end of each week. Please note, the phases are determined by the Governor, and are subject to change based upon State guidance. For questions about specific phases and where you may qualify, please call the State's COVID line at 1-855-634-6829.
Residents who have preregistered will be notified by email to schedule an appointment, as supply becomes available. Appointments are required, and persons should arrive no sooner than 10 minutes prior to their appointment time.
Please note, the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services' Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) team will focus on vaccinating specific homebound at-risk adults as identified by the Howard County Health Department. If you believe you are in need of MICH in-home COVID-19 vaccination accommodations, please complete one of the pre-registrations below marking the appropriate area for MICH consideration. The Howard County Health Department can provide further information at 410-313-6284.
Per the Governor’s direction, Maryland residents in Phase 1A, 1B and 1C are currently eligible to receive the vaccine. There are more than 220 provider locations including regional State-run mass vax clinics, retail pharmacies and hospital operating clinics. All residents are encouraged by the State to register for a vaccine at these sites by using the State vaccine locator.
Phase 1A
Phase 1A includes all licensed healthcare providers, correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, and frontline judiciary staff. The Health Department estimates there are up to 15,000 people in this group. Healthcare providers can register here.
We are currently scheduling appointments and vaccinating those in this phase.
Phase 1B
The Health Department estimates there are up to 55,000 people under this phase, and we are currently vaccinating those in this phase.
Ages 75+: Residents who are 75-years-old and older are now able to receive the vaccine. In order to receive an appointment, please register online or by calling (410) 313-6284.
Educators/Childcare providers: Any adult licensed childcare providers and non-public K-12 school educators who live and/or work in Howard County are able to register for their vaccine. HCPSS employees should NOT complete this survey. HCPSS will coordinate vaccinations for their K-12 educators and staff, and educators will be contacted by their administrators.
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Those who fall under this category may register to receive their vaccine online or by calling (410) 313-6284. The intent of this group is to vaccinate persons with significant disabilities requiring support to live outside a congregant facility. Please note that a letter from a medical provider may be requested at the time of appointment to verify the person’s diagnosis.
Continuity of Government: At this time, local health departments have not been allocated vaccine for essential federal government employees/contractors or those under Continuity of Government. Federal law enforcement agencies should coordinate with the Maryland State Police for vaccination needs. All federal non-law enforcement agencies should consider implementing their continuity of operations plans and request vaccine doses from FEMA through their leadership. Essential workers who may be eligible for vaccine should visit the State website for area clinics providing vaccine to those prioritized in Phase 1C.
Phase 1C
We are currently registering and vaccinating those who fall under this phase, and the Health Department estimates there are approximately 100,000 people in this phase.
Residents ages 65-74: Some residents under this group will be vaccinated as supply allows. Proof of residence in Howard County will be required to receive the vaccination.
All other groups under phase 1C can register here. This phase includes:
- Essential healthcare workers not in 1A
- Critical manufacturing workers
- U.S. Postal Service and mass public transit workers
- Veterinarian and support staff
- Clergy/other essential staff for houses of worship
- Food/agriculture production workers
- Grocery store and food bank workers
- Certain Immunocompromised individuals (the Maryland Department of Health provides specific definitions and categories for this group. Please refer to
Phase 2
We are currently pre-registering those who fall under this phase. Completing this survey DOES NOT pre-register you for a vaccination clinic. This survey provides the Health Department with your information so that once vaccination clinics are available for this group, we can contact you. This phase includes:
- Residents 16-64 years old with medical conditions
- Critical utility workers
- Transportation and logistic workers
- Food service workers
Phase 3
We are currently pre-registering those who fall under this phase. Completing this survey DOES NOT pre-register you for a vaccination clinic. This survey provides the Health Department with your information so that once vaccination clinics are available for this group, we can contact you. This phase includes the general population, which is other Howard County residents or workers ages 16-64 years old, including healthy workers.
COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
As residents begin registering and receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, it's important to be cautious of any scams. Receiving unsolicited offers for a vaccine can raise several red flags that should not go unnoticed. To stay safe, please know these warning signs of a possible scam and only follow trusted sources for vaccine information.
If you believe you are the victim of a scam, please contact the Office of Consumer Protection at (410) 313-6420
Reaching our Older Adults
The Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is working to increase vaccine communications with phone calls, online information, signage and flyers posted throughout 55+ communities, senior residences or apartment buildings, assisted living facilities, healthcare providers and commercial areas, through traditional mail, and even through COVID-safe in-person direct community engagement.
Bilingual staff is available to assist those with limited English proficiency who may need support signing up for vaccination or to answer questions. Translated documents are available on the Department of Community Resources and Services website in Korean, Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish, and there are resources available to assist those who are visually or hearing impaired.
For residents without access to the internet or who may not be comfortable with using technology, please call the State's Vaccine call center at 1 (855) 634-6829.
Energy and Utility Bill Assistance
COVID-19 has devastated many households who have lost income and are trying to make ends meet to keep the heat on, feed their families, and pay their rent. There are several programs available to assist residents with current and past due energy and utility bills.
We are laser-focused on ensuring that our most vulnerable residents do not fall through the cracks this winter, as we continue to combat this virus in our community. Please share this information with friends and neighbors who may be in need.
Tax Resources
Applications for the Aging in Place and Senior Tax Credits are now available! These tax credits provide financial incentives to allow residents to stay in their homes while offering more affordable aging in place.
Homeowners can use the county's Credit Eligibility Calculator to explore all available tax credits and relevant information regarding the application and screening processes. The Credit Eligibility Calculator can be found here.
Please, share this information with an older adult in your life. For more information, you can also call the Department of Finance at (410) 313-2195.
Moratorium on Evictions Extended
The moratorium on evictions and foreclosures has been extended!
President Biden has issued an executive order extending the moratorium on evictions for renters and foreclosures for homeowners with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which was originally set to expire at the end of this month, through March 31, 2021. This means that if you have a federally backed mortgage, you can’t be foreclosed on or evicted for not paying.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development at
Where to Get Tested
As residents continue to receive the vaccine, it’s important to still get tested for COVID-19. While our positivity rate and case rate per 100,000 of our population are declining, testing is a proactive way to slow and eliminate COVID-19 in our community. We have several testing locations across the county. I strongly encourage residents to get a COVID-19 test if you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or think you may have been exposed.
To find a testing location near you, please visit
Department of Community Resources and Services
Help Put a Stop to Human Trafficking, Apply Today for Howard County’s Human Trafficking Prevention Coordination Council
Human trafficking is a scourge on our communities throughout this state, nation, and world. Sex and labor trafficking are heinous crimes and my administration is committed to identifying victims, connecting them to high-quality services and bringing those responsible to justice. If you are interested in helping us put a stop to human trafficking, I encourage you to apply for the County’s Human Trafficking Prevention Coordination Council (HTPCC).
Established in 2019 by County Council Bill 52-2019 and comprised for 23 members, HTPCC is responsible for advising the County Government on human trafficking prevention issues in the county and conducts outreach and education efforts on prevention in order to spread awareness of the warning signs of human trafficking. At this time, we are particularly looking for a representative from our faith communities to serve on HTPCC.
For details about eligibility requirements and how to apply, please click HERE. Note, the deadline to apply is Friday, April 9th. Finally, for more information about HTPCC, visit or contact Department of Community Resources and Services’ (DCRS) Office of Human Trafficking Prevention Manager Andrea Nunez at 410-313-6558 (voice/relay) or email
Applicants Sought from Business Community to Serve on County’s Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities
It is vital that residents of all abilities be provided with opportunities for self-determination and independence, whether pursuing a higher education or starting a career. If you are a member of our business community and would like to play an integral role in ensuring all students are ready and successful in life, I encourage you to apply today for our Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities. Comprised of 28 members, the Commission’s responsibilities include:
- advocating for policy on behalf of students with developmental, intellectual and/or physical disabilities;
- examining current practices and making recommendations on ways to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities;
- making recommendations that would facilitate successful customized employment and postsecondary education for students exiting the Howard County Public School System; and
- fostering greater collaboration between the business, academic, non-profit and public sectors to engage in successful initiatives designed to immerse students with disabilities in a work environment and provide important job skills.
To learn more about the Commission and how to apply, click HERE today. NOTE, the deadline to apply is Friday, March 26th.
“Living Well Diabetes Self-Management” Community Workshop
Howard County adults, if you suffer from type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, I encourage you to check out our DCRS’ Office on Aging and Independence (OAI), Howard County Health Department and Howard County General Hospital’s upcoming six-week “Living Well Diabetes Self-Management” virtual community workshop. Starting next Wednesday, March 24th and running through Wednesday, April 28th, participants will learn all about diabetes, the appropriate exercises, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, how to deal with stress, relaxation techniques and healthy eating and menu planning.
As this is a participatory course, a tablet, laptop or desktop computer (with a built-in or external webcam) is needed. If your device does not have a microphone, the use of a dial-in option from a phone is available. While this workshop is FREE, registration is required. To register for this workshop series, visit today. For questions and/or more information, contact Jennifer Lee at 410-313-5940.
Stay Active, Try Something New this March with OAI
Howard County older residents, if you are looking for something to keep you active and engaged, check out our OAI’s monthly Virtual Offering Guides! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, OAI has been working hard to provide older residents with various activities, from exercise and cooking classes to social engagement and lifelong learning classes, to help keep you moving, cooking and staying social while at home. To learn about the virtual offerings OAI has going on this month, check out its the March Virtual Offering Guide, available online now. for a list of this month’s offerings. For questions, contact OAI at
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
When Springing Your Clocks Forward, Be Sure to Also Check Your Smoke Alarms
With the start of daylight saving time yesterday, our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS) is encouraging residents to also make sure they check their smoke alarms to ensure they are in working order. As HCDFRS reminds us, our first line of defense against a house fire is a working smoke alarm. According to the National Fire Protection Association, 65 percent of home fire deaths happen in homes without smoke alarms or with smoke alarms that do not work. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast and you need smoke alarms to give you time to get out. So, whether you have the sealed-in, 10-year/long-life battery-operated smoke alarms or hardwired smoke alarms (with battery backups), remember, it is always good to check your smoke alarms to ensure they are functioning properly.
Police Department
Forty Years Later, Police Still Seek Public’s Help to Solve Murder of Joe and Betty Selby
Howard County Police Department (HCPD) is seeking the public’s help to bring this cold-case of suspected mistaken identity to justice more than 40 years later. On March 6, 1981, two pillars of the Howard County community were killed when someone set their house on fire. Joe Selby, the manager of the well-known Enchanted Forest in Ellicott City at the time, and his wife Betty, were members of a large family in the county who shared the same last name. After their nephew was involved in a bar fight five years earlier, someone is suspected to have retaliated with the fire, but burned the wrong house down. One mile apart, the two different Selby families both had their names on their mailboxes, one “J. Selby,” and the other “J.N. Selby.” In what is believed to be a mailbox mix-up, two innocent, beloved people lost their lives.
If you have any information about this case, HCPD is asking that you please call 410-313-STOP or email HCPD is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information in the case.
Job Opportunity: School Crossing Guards Needed
With HCPSS schools back in-person, HCPD is looking for individuals interested in filling vacant crossing guard positions throughout the county. This PAID, part-time position requires 10 to 20 hours of work per week during the school year and pays $14 an hour. While no experience is needed, applicants must be at least 18 years of age and pass a background investigation. For more information and/or to apply, click HERE.
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Mayfield Manor Pond Improvement (Capital Project D-1177) – Project to repair and improve the stormwater management pond located south of 7838 Mayfield Avenue. Signs and flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed, as occasional lane shifts along Mayfield Avenue can be expected during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Temporary sidewalk closures may also be necessary. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late September.
Port Capital Drive Extension (Capital Project J-4206-1A-2) – Project to provide roadway access to the future Waterloo Fire Station at 7645 Port Capital Drive. A new roadway will be installed to extend a portion of Port Capital Drive approximately 500 feet. The project is not expected to impact the general flow of traffic and weather permitting, is anticipated to be completed by mid-June 2021.
Ellicott City
MD 103 Water Main Relocation (Capital Project W-8602) – Project to relocate an existing water main along northbound MD 103, south of and including a portion of eastbound Old Columbia Pike. Signs and flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as lane shifts are expected. Weather permitting, the County’s water main relocation project is expected to be completed by late August. NOTE: This project is in response to the Maryland State Highway Administration’s anticipated MD 103 widening project at the site.
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Maryland State Highway Administration
Two Miles of MD 103 to be Milled and Patched
Starting today, March 15th, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is scheduled to begin work to improve the road surface of MD 103. Crews will be milling and patching two miles of roadway between US 1 and MD 100, as well as installing an underdrain at Kane Way to improve roadway drainage and safety. The work will take place Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and weather permitting, is expected to be complete by May.
Flagging operations, cones and signs will be in place to alert motorists of the road work and guide them through the work zone. While SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for its crews and customers, motorists are reminded to stay alert, focus on driving and, look for reduced speed limits, as well as other driving pattern changes.
For more information about this project, click HERE and/or contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Department of Recreation and Parks
“Community Sports Hall of Fame” Now Being Accepted
Founded in 2005, the Community Sports Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding individuals who have gained prominence in or made substantial contributions to community recreational sports in Howard County. If you know of an incredible coach, manager, league official, commissioner or behind-the-scenes contributor who live in and/or have contributed to a community sport primarily in Howard County, I encourage you to nominate them today. It is important that we recognize and thank these individuals for their tireless dedication to our athletes, especially during a time when these programs have served as a great outlet and resource to our community.
For more information about Howard County’s Community Sports Hall of Fame, including a list of past Hall of Fame inductees, visit
Recreation & Parks Advisory Board Seeks High School Student Member
Calling all Howard County students who will be enrolled in high school for the 2021-2022 academic year, if you have an interest in the County’s recreational programs and parks and would like to share your voice and perspective on how we can make it better, I encourage you to apply today for our Recreation & Parks Advisory Board student member position. The DEADLINE to apply is this coming Friday, March 19th.
Comprised of eight members, including one student, the Board provides recommendations relating to plans, policies and programs for public recreation, and reviews plans for and holds hearings on the acquisition and development of land for public recreation and open space.
For more information and details on how to apply, click HERE.
Sign Up for Adult Softball Leagues
Looking to get back on the softball diamond this spring? Then register today for Recreation & Parks’ Adult Softball Leagues and enjoy 10 weeks of games. Offering both men’s and co-ed leagues, the season starts April 11th. To learn more, visit today!
Recreation & Parks Hosts DIY Pet Stuff Class
Join Howard County Recreation & Parks for its new DIY Pet Stuff series! Taught via Zoom, pet owners learn to make a cat tree, doghouse, bird feeder and more using a variety of materials. Participants can sign-up for individual classes or all eight! For a full list of classes, visit