FBC Raleigh News • July 28, 2020

 The Personnel Committee and Music Ministries Council are thrilled to introduce our new interim Music Director effective September 1, and it’s a beloved friend of FBC who needs no introduction - Sue Crocker. Sue and her husband Stan have been members at FBC for many years, and we’re so excited to welcome her into this interim role. Sue brings wide-ranging musical gifts: directing choirs, playing the organ, and ringing. She has directed the Music Made in Heaven handbell choir and the Northeast Piedmont Chorale. She served as the organist at our Capitol Square neighbor, First Presbyterian Church, for 7 years and as Associate Minister of Music at FBC Henderson for 13 years before her retirement. 
As we described in the virtual Church Conference in July, the responsibilities of the part-time (roughly 20 hours a week) interim Music Director will be slightly different than Mary Alice’s ministerial role. Sue will direct the adult and youth choirs, adult handbells, and will support lay leaders as they coordinate children’s choirs and youth/children’s bells. Other ministerial staff and lay leaders will team up to fulfill the ministry work that Mary Alice did, especially with senior adults. We know that the COVID pandemic has changed everyone’s roles, and that the day-to-day responsibilities of this position will shift as we eventually return to in-person worship. We’re grateful for Sue’s flexibility and willingness to adapt!
As described in the bylaws, the Deacon Chair selects a search committee to fill the permanent Minister of Music position in consultation with the Pastor and the Personnel Committee. We expect that the committee will be identified by the end of August, and the committee will begin the search for the permanent position this fall.
In our conversations with Sue, she described her goal as an interim to bring a steady influence during the transition. She strives to make musicians feel good about the music they create, to enjoy singing and ringing together. Because we already know and love her, we know she will help make this transition time as smooth as possible for all of our musicians. Welcome, Sue!

Jen Foster
Chair, Personnel Committee
Ginger Graves
Chair, Music Ministries Council
Chris Chapman

All regularly scheduled programming is canceled.
Tom Rollins (919) 782-4969

As happened with many other special events and everyday occasions, the 2020 Music Celebration was cancelled. Our choirs could not gather to share their musical offerings with you, so our choir leaders wanted to take a few moments to share a bit about what the choirs were doing during the 2019-2020 choir year.

Each week, we'll start posting And Also With 'Cue's weekly schedule. We post this on our Facebook page , but we want to make sure you all have this information as well. We will let you know our regular lunch schedule and if there will be outside events on the weekend for you to attend!

Also, prime brisket plates are BACK on the menu!

Come eat with us this week:
July 28-31, 11am-1:30pm (or sold out)
Church parking lot

We’re pleased to announce that two of FBC’s recent high school graduates, Catherine Carter and Claudia Dare , are this year’s recipients of the Charles and Rachel Tucker Scholarship. This one-time award recognizes academic excellence, community service and active involvement at FBC. Catherine has graduated from Enloe High School and will pursue a degree at NC State. Claudia has graduated from Garner High School and will pursue a degree at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Each recipient of the Tucker Scholarship must be a member of FBC, finish high school with a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0, and answer a series of reflection questions detailing his/her experiences at FBC. We are grateful to the Tucker family for their generosity in launching this scholarship several years ago. 
 Do you find yourself sitting at home burdened with useless knowledge? Are you looking for ways to save the day with facts about things? Our last Virtual Trivia night in June was a huge success, and we want to do it all again! If you were not able to join us last time, we hope you'll take this opportunity to stretch your trivia knowledge and connect with your FBC community. Join us for a Virtual Trivia Night on Sunday, August 9, from 3-4pm . Email JD Rhodes to sign up!

Due to staff shortages at the post office which is holding our mail for pickup, we may experience delays in receiving mail for the next few weeks. Please be aware that it might take a bit longer to receive any mailed correspondence or donations during this time. If you have any questions please email Wayne Hager.


Although we are well into Phase 2, our church office remains closed to the public for the immediate future. We regret any inconvenience this causes, but we feel like this is another small thing we can do as a church to embrace the requests of community leaders to help limit the spread of COVID-19. We will monitor the answering machine and respond to messages quickly, and we encourage you to contact any of the ministers if you have a pressing need. We have linked each of the ministerial staff member's emails below, so please do not hesitate to reach out with concerns. Chris Chapman , Mary Alice Seals , Trey Davis , Lynn Lingafelt , and Leah Reed .

There are several different ways in which you can continue to support the church financially during this time of social distancing. We know many people are facing their own financial challenges right now and have been very generous already, but a number of people have asked how they could support the church while we are unable to gather together physically. Wayne Hager has provided the following answers to this question.

• We continue to receive mail daily. Any gifts mailed to the church will be processed and deposited as soon as possible.
• We will continue to debit bank accounts through auto drafts as we have been instructed by donors.
• If you have set up a recurring donation through one of our electronic options, those donations will continue without interruption unless YOU make a change.
• If you wish to begin electronic giving, please go to this link where each of our options is explained.
• If you are considering a stock gift, please visit this link for instructions. 

If you have any financial or giving-option questions, please email Wayne Hager.
A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.
Week of July 21, 2020
Current Week Revenue: $16,217.00  
Month-to-Date Revenue: $72,546.71
Year-to-Date Revenue: $851,547.49
Month-to-Date Expenses: $80,962.70
Year-to-Date Expenses: $751,966.59
Heck Jones: $ 6,070.00

Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly ? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication.

For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly ,
contact Leah Reed. Email Leah here.