As yet, there has been no change to the guidance prohibiting indoor gatherings, limited to 10 people needed to perform streaming. Outdoor gatherings of no more than 12 people with facial coverings and social distancing are now permitted under the 
Health Directive  issued on June 13, 2020.

PDF:  Press Release


"Religious gatherings and ceremonies, outdoors only (up to 12 people), 
with face coverings and social distancing."

PDF:  Press Release


"This Directive goes into effect on June 15, 2020, and remains in effect until suspended, superseded, or amended by the Health Officer ... UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTIONS 101040, 101085, AND 120175, THE HEALTH OFFICER DIRECTS AS FOLLOWS:

1. This Directive applies to all individuals who participate ("Participants") and individuals and operators of facilities that organize and host ("Hosts") the following outdoor small gatherings in the City and County of San Francisco (the "City") as permitted under subsection 5 of Appendix C-2 of the Stay-Safe-At-Home-Order:

b) other outdoor gatherings among people from more than one household or living unit for ceremonial, religious or other purposes and involving no more than 12 people total ("Small Outdoor Special Gatherings")."

The  San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle