St. Andrew's News You Can Use - now in a mobile friendly format!
St. Andrew's Vision Statement
We are a Christ-centered community,
joyfully making a difference by….
Worshipping, Loving, Welcoming, Including, Supporting
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Please send prayer requests to Fr. John . I will publish them in the service prayers of the people, and here, starting next week.
Fr. John will be on vacation from Wednesday, June 24th through Saturday, July 11th. In case of pastoral need, please contact Fr. Bob Gross.
Thanksgivings and prayers for this coming week:

Birthdays: Scott Zaloudek, Carole Dunic, Betty Richardson, Dusty McIver, Sydney Hawekotte, Odessa White, Guk Rut, John Hallgren, Tara O'Shea

Anniversaries: Benjiman and Kaitlan Pettiford, Hank and Charlotte Austin, Burke and Shelly Smith, Richard and Molly Brady, Phi and Edi Pierce, Adrian and Sarah Rider

Prayers: John Mabry, Gregg Headrick, Sheila and Henry

Death: Bill Juvrud

Send prayer requests to Fr. John:
It is as yet unknown when we will be able to return for public worship. All Episcopal Churches in the Diocese of Nebraska are under the same guidelines for re-opening. One guideline is that percentage of positive cases need to have decreased for two weeks in a row in the counties that your parish has members who attend. For us, that includes Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties.

It will be a joy to be able to worship with more than just a few and a camera. But when we return, you can expect the following based on the guidelines from the diocesan office:

Social distancing of six feet between persons or family units. This will, of necessity, limit the number of people attending a service.

Face masks will need to be worn. There may be an exception for a clear medical reason once seated, but coming in and going out, all must wear a mask. This is not negotiable.

No passing of the offering plate. No passing out bulletins. No physical contact during the peace.

Building use will be limited. Seats will need to be assigned. A reservation system may be used to limit attendance for proper social distancing. The used areas of the church will be disinfected between services which, to start, will only be at 5 PM on Saturday and 10:30 AM on Sunday. Both services will be in the main church.

There will be no "coffee hour" after the service and no food will be served.

There will be no group singing.

The distribution of the Eucharist will look different.

Hand sanitizer will be readily available.

The services will be broadcast online indefinitely.

Once we are closer to reopening, a letter will be sent to everyone in the parish directory outlining in more detail what to expect. Our reopening committee continues to work on best practices based on the guidelines.
This Sunday's complete service can be found here. Our guest preacher this week is The Rev. Tom Williamson who is an ordained Disciples of Christ minister. Tom and his spouse, Elizabeth often attended the 5PM Saturday service.

To view our service online go to this link and look for the word video on the left hand side. A reminder that you do not need a Facebook account to view the service. Also, the service is recorded, as are all of our services, and can be viewed at any time. We do hope you will join us for the live service that starts every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Your continued support of St. Andrew's is appreciated! Please continue to mail in a check, set up bill pay with your bank, call the office and have your donation taken out automatically each month and/or donate through PayPal
Looking for spiritual nourishment during the week? A variety of online services are offered by various Episcopal churches around the diocese from Morning Prayer to Compline. Enrich your soul! Click here for a complete list
Each Sunday from 9 AM to 10AM we host a virtual coffee hour. This is a chance to reconnect with people at St. Andrew's. There is no particular agenda, other than to reconnect and see one another. Here is the information you need:

Consider joining even if you never have before. It's a good way to connect with our church members for an informal conversation.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 496 764 969

You do not need these numbers below unless you intend to use a telephone.

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,496764969# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,496764969# US (Houston)

Please Join the Family of St. Andrew’s
In Omaha, Nebraska
For 1 minute of Prayer from Anywhere
Every Monday at 12:00
A simple, sincere, short specific prayer

Gracious God, guide our scientists to develop a vaccine for Covid- 19 Amen.

For a man who preaches love and peace, in this Sunday’s Gospel from Matthew, there is a passage where Jesus says “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” He describes youth pitted against elders in an epic family feud. Throughout history, some in power have used literal Biblical passages to justify crusades, wars, consolidating worldly riches and oppression of others.
Early in my first month as a new teacher, my father and I discussed our roles with students in the classroom. I mentioned that the teacher across the hall from me recommended that I should be sarcastic with 8 th  graders. With 25 years of experience as a teacher of students from elementary ages through college, my father quickly redirected me: too many students hear plenty of sarcasm and insults directed at them. My challenge as a novice teacher was to be firm, but not to put down others with irony and contempt; to listen to individuals; and to not assume that every individual has the same needs, perspective and experiences.
Is this week’s gospel passage really about a literal call to arms for battle? Or is it about challenging oneself, one’s understanding of identity and place in the world, by moving forward in actions that are difficult? It can be easy to blame others, mock their hopes to be heard, or just turn away and not listen. To sharpen my own blade, to cut through my own indifference and excuses, Jesus calls us to do not only what is difficult, but to extend our connection with God and with others.
On this third Sunday after Pentecost, a day where our country recognizes fathers, I seek the Holy Spirit to move and to sustain me to protect all children from hate, defend the marginalized, and safeguard Liberty for those who do not look like me. 

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church| 925 S. 84th St. Omaha | 402-391-1950 | Email | Website