Episcopal eNews from Northern Indiana
Youth Summer Camp
Youth Summer Camp is underway! The week kicked off with a virtual campfire and has continued with daily camp videos, activities, and ways to connect with camp friends centered on the Way of Love. Below is the schedule for the rest of the week.
A big thank you goes out to Kim and Tim Gray, Tamisyn Grantz, and the design team for all of their efforts to take our camp experience online this summer.
Sr. High Mission Day
Saturday, July 11
9 /8 a.m.-9/8 p.m. (EDT/CDT)
Camp Alexander Mack (Milford, Ind.)
Sr. High Mission Day is for youth who have completed 9th-12th grade. This year, we will spend a day working at Camp Mack. Many of our youth have great memories of attending Youth Summer Camp at Camp Mack and this is a way that we can give back to them. Physical distancing and the wearing of masks will be practiced throughout the day.
An Update from Bishop Doug
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana continues to take steps aimed at lessening the spread of COVID-19. Last week, after consultation with the bishops in Province V and the clergy of our diocese, Bishop Doug released a
Pastoral Plan for Regathering for In-person Worship. Each of our faith communities are using these guidelines to put into place their own plans for regathering for in-person worship. Please speak with your clergy or senior warden if you have any questions regarding specific plans.
The Bishop and Missioners will continue to monitor the changing situation and communicate with you. The Diocesan
COVID-19 page is continually updated with health and worship resources. The Diocesan staff will continue to work remotely but remains available via email and phone.
A Letter to Episcopalians from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings
Dear People of God in the Episcopal Church:
In early 2018, we issued a call for The Episcopal Church to come to a fuller understanding of how it has handled or mishandled cases of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse through the years. That work began to take shape at General Convention 2018 when the House of Deputies Special Committee on Sexual Harassment and Exploitation submitted more than twenty resolutions and the House of Bishops held a Liturgy of Listening to lament and confess the church’s role in harassment, exploitation and abuse.
Since General Convention, several task forces have been hard at work carrying out the resolutions of convention that address gender-based discrimination and violence. Today we are asking you to assist one of those groups—the Task Force on Women, Truth and Reconciliation—by taking an online survey designed to assess patterns of church-based harassment and abuse and the effect that it has on victims. Please take the survey online by July 1, 2020.
We know that recalling and recounting experiences of abuse and harassment can be difficult. We urge anyone who feels the need for pastoral care to seek support from their clergyperson or bishop, which can include a referral to local mental health resources. In addition, anyone can make a complaint against a clergyperson or bishop under the disciplinary canons of the church, called the Title IV canons. More information about that process is available on the
Title IV website
The Task Force on Women, Truth and Reconciliation is tasked with “making an accounting of things done and left undone in thought, word, and deed, intending amendment of life, and seeking counsel, direction, and absolution as we are restored in love, grace, and trust with each other through Christ.” Thank you in advance for taking their
online survey
, which is part of this work.
Please join us in praying for all victims and survivors of sexual abuse, violence and harassment, and in supporting the work of this task force and all those who are helping the church to be a community of safety that stands against the spiritual and physical violence of sexual exploitation and abuse.
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings
President of the House of Deputies
If you would like to report something that has happened within the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, you can find information on our
formal complaint process here
Announcing Special Diocesan Convention in October
Dear Clergy and Lay Delegates,
The COVID-19 pandemic has required all of us to change how we live, worship, and conduct business. One of the items we must now deal with is how we conduct business as a diocese and specifically whether we must be physically present to conduct that business. For us, that is our Diocesan Convention. With an abundance of caution, and following the lead of most of our surrounding dioceses, we are most likely going to have an entirely virtual or a
virtual Diocesan Convention this year. (Partially virtual may mean people gather in socially-distanced small groups at a parish location. More details on that later.)
The Constitution and Canons Committee have carefully reviewed Indiana state laws, our Diocesan Canons, and The Episcopal Church canons applying to virtual meetings. They suggested a three step process:
- First, they recommended to Diocesan Council, which acts as the interim legislative body between conventions, a Resolution (Attachment A) providing just the bare minimum change required for Convention to meet virtually (a one-time change to the Rules of Order). Council adopted this resolution at its June 13th meeting. The Committee also made a recommendation to the Bishop about the form of worship to be used for a virtual Convention, and he has indicated that he will plan accordingly.
- Second, the Committee recommended that a Special Convention be called to consider three resolutions (Attachment B) more thoroughly amending all of the Canons that bear on virtual meetings. Those three resolutions will be the subject of the October 3 convention.
- And third, the Committee recommended that our next non-virtual meeting of Convention, whenever that turns out to be, ratify the amendments made by the Special Convention, just to be sure that no-one can later claim that they are invalid.
In order to simplify the process, and to both fine tune and shorten our November convention, we will have a short Special Convention on Saturday October 3rd beginning at 10am EDT/9am CDT. The only item of business will be the ratification of these resolutions (although the meeting itself requires items like establishing a quorum, approving minutes from the last convention, etc.). Please reserve 2 hours for this meeting. If there is little/no discussion, we hope to complete the meeting within 30 minutes.
Please mark your calendar for our Special Diocesan Convention on Saturday October 3, 2020 beginning at 10am EDT/9am CDT for TWO hours
. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.
Our November 7, 2020 regular Diocesan Convention will occur as planned, in some sort of virtual format.
This is new to all of us! If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach out to
Missioner Michelle Walker
. Thank you!
EDNIN and United Thank Offering Grants Awarded
EDNIN Social Outreach Grants
The Diocesan Social Outreach Committee has awarded the following grants totaling $9464.90.
- Calumet Episcopal Ministry Partnership - Food Pantry; $1,750.00
- The Cathedral of Saint James - Madison School Shoe Tree Project; $2,714.90
- Saint Augustine - School Supply Giveaway; $1,250.00
- Saint David's - Feeser School Backpacks; $1,250.00
- Saint Michael and All Angels - SOS Ministry; $1,250.00
- Trinity - Free Laundry and Meals; $1,250.00
EDNIN Continuing Education Grants
The Continuing Education Subcommittee of the Commission on Ministry has awarded the following grants totaling $1,797.00
- Marie Gambetta - EDNIN Dove Faith Cafe Storytelling Training; $670.00
- The Rev. Bernadette Hartsough - Online Spanish Courses; $872.00
- Roscinda Rinehart - The Little Rule of St. Benedict and The Little Way of St. Therese; $255.00
United Thank Offering Grants
United Thank Offering 2020 Young Adult and Seminarian Grant
St. Paul's (Mishawaka) and St. Thomas/Santo Tomás (Plymouth) Hire New Clergy
Bishop Doug is pleased to announce that the St. Paul's (Mishawaka) and St. Thomas/Santo Tomás (Plymouth) have each called a new full-time priest-in-charge.
The Rev. Nathaniel A. Warne, M.A., D.A.S., PhD will begin as the priest-in-charge at
St. Paul's (Mishawaka) on August 1, 2020. Deacon Nathaniel has spent the past year as a clergy intern at St. Michael and All Angels (South Bend) and will be ordained to the priesthood on June 27. He is sponsored by the Cathedral of Saint James.
Read more about The Rev. Nathaniel Warne here.
Trinity Episcopal Church (Folsom, CA) hires The Rev. Erika Jackson Essiem
A native of South Bend, Deacon Erika earned a Master in Theological Studies at Boston University School of Theology, completed her Clinical Pastoral Education at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and this spring earned a diploma in Anglican Studies Virginia Theological Seminary. She went to see her husband, Obed, in Ghana in early March, before we knew what was coming with the coronavirus, and has been there since Ghana closed its borders. We’re hoping that she will be able to get out of Ghana and back to the United States soon. Deacon Erika is scheduled to be ordained to the priesthood on June 27.
Read more about The Rev. Erika Jackson Essiem here.
The Rev. Nicole Lambelet to serve at the Church of the Epiphany in Atlanta
Sponsored by the Cathedral of Saint James, Deacon Nicole recently earned a Master's of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. While attending Candler, Deacon Nicole served as the seminarian at the Cathedral of St. Phillip in Atlanta. In addition, she continues to be deeply involved in ministry at the Arrendale State Prison. Bishop Doug will ordain the Rev. Nicole Lambelet to the priesthood on June 27.
Employment and Volunteer Opportunities
Priest-in-Charge (full time)
Faith Communities: Grace Episcopal Church and St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Grace Episcopal Church and
St. Alban's Episcopal Church—two small, vibrant parishes in Fort Wayne, Indiana—seek a full-time Priest-In-Charge for their two-point partnership. Though located 15 miles apart, these two congregations share a heart for multi-generational, lay-driven, hands-on service. These healthy, self-aware congregations sustain service beyond the walls of their churches with a strong sense of inclusive and welcoming community within. While St. Alban's is a bit more traditional than Grace, both are socially progressive and theologically diverse. Both prefer a broad, relaxed and family-oriented liturgy with a mix of musical styles that leans toward the contemporary.
The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Migration Ministries
Love God, Love Neighbor: Episcopal Month of Action
Newcomers contribute greatly to U.S. communities, enriching our common life, strengthening the U.S. economy, and bringing joy as they join and reunite with families and friends. And yet, immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees face a wide array of challenges, including federal policies and legislation that are outdated and do not address the realities of immigrants in America today. As the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement, we are called to advocate with and for our siblings seeking safety and a better life in the United States.
June 21-27: Episcopal Action on Asylum Week
WEBINAR: June 23, 3:30-5:00pm Eastern Time
Participants may choose to attend one or more of the webinars offered. Registration is required
Episcopal leaders hail Supreme Court ruling barring...
Episcopalians and church leaders are cheering the U.S. Supreme Court's June 15 ruling that protects gay and transgender Americans from workplace discrimination, a groundbreaking decision that follows decades of church...
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Deon Johnson consecrated 11th bishop of Missouri -...
The Rt. Rev. Deon Kevin Johnson was ordained and consecrated as the 11th bishop of the Diocese of Missouri on June 13 at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis. He becomes the first black, openly gay bishop in the 179-year...
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Anglican, Episcopal churches continue to serve, advocate ...
Over 6.5 million people worldwide have tested positive for the coronavirus, and more than 387,000 have died, the vast majority - 107,728 - in the United States.
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UBE offers mental health resources as Americans' anxiety ...
The Union of Black Episcopalians, through its mental health task force, is offering resources and support to the entire Episcopal Church community, as anxiety and tensions continue to rise after another killing June 12...
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In disciplinary hearing, Albany Bishop William Love...
The dispute over Albany Bishop William Love's prohibition of same-sex marriage in his diocese took a major step forward at a hearing on June 12, when The Episcopal Church laid out its charges of canonical violations...
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Co-creator of George Floyd mural is an Episcopalian with ...
A mural honoring George Floyd near where he died May 25 has become a prominent visual landmark among the sprawling makeshift memorials at East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Eastern and Western Michigan Bishop Whayne Hougland Jr....
Eastern and Western Michigan Bishop Whayne Hougland Jr. has been suspended for one year as part of a Title IV disciplinary action after admitting to an extramarital affair, according to a June 15 notice...
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Executive Council commits to anti-racism with...
At its June 8-11 virtual meeting, The Episcopal Church's Executive Council doubled down on the church's anti-racism efforts, acknowledging in light of recent events that the church must do more, both to understand its own...
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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Pentecost sermon from...
The following is the text of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Pentecost sermon from the Washington National Cathedral service that was live-streamed on May 31, 2020. This sermon can be watched at any time by clicking here.
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New Zealand: Archbishops call church to prayer for...
The archbishops of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia have issued a call for prayer and reflection in the light of the big issues rocking the world at this time.
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Trump brandishing a Bible 'an act of idolatry,' says...
When President Donald Trump posed with a Bible in front of an Episcopal church in Washington, D.C. on June 1, he committed "an act of idolatry ... using the text that witnesses to God's disruptive majesty as a prop in a...
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Burundi: Anglican priest shelters 70 people after...
Intensive heavy rains have forced hundreds of families to leave their homes in Gatumba, a district of western Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. The Anglican Church in the region has been working to alleviate the suffering with one...
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Archbishops of Canterbury, York call racism 'an affront...
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu issued the following statement on June 2. Recent events in the United States of America have once again drawn public attention to the ongoing evil of white supremacy....
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Canada: Bishops issue statement on church's commitment...
Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada have issued a statement to remind everyone of the church's commitment to confronting racism in its own life and acknowledging the place of racism and colonialism in Canada. They...
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Pope Francis joins Church of England's video-based...
Pope Francis joins Church of England's video-based service for Pentecost Sunday. History was made May 31 when Pope Francis took part in the Church of England's video-based service for Pentecost Sunday. The Pope was among a number of...
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Please email any events, articles, or notifications to be included in the next monthly enewsletter to
Canon Christopher Hillak
, Missioner for Digital Communications
July 10
. Thank you!
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana
117 N. Lafayette Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 233-6489