JULY 2020
The United Way of Charlotte County
Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty .
Hear Ye Here Ye, Your Monthly Newsletter Has Arrived
UWCC has learned about a chance for your funding to have a bigger impact than ever through the #HalfMyDAF matching-grant challenge!

Right now, not-for-profits like ours are working harder than ever for those in our community. Meanwhile, over $120 BILLION sits unused in Donor Advised Funds and community foundations across the country. The #HalfMyDAF challenge aims to put these charitable dollars to work NOW, when and where it’s needed most.

Anyone who makes a grant to UWCC and commits to granting half the money from their DAF before September 30 th gives UWCC the chance to be one of 150 not-for-profits to get a matching grant of up to $25,000! Then you automatically become a Pacesetter! The more people who nominate our organization, the better our chances.
Introducing the 2020-2021 Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairs!
We are pleased to announce that Ceres Austria, Charlotte County Government (left) and Katie Wallace, Wallace Law Firm (right) have accepted the appointment of Co-Chairs for the 2020-2021 Campaign Cabinet. Katie stated "Those struggling in our community and the organizations that serve them every day need our support now more then ever." Ceres said, "This requires a unified community effort, for which UWCC provides a platform for nurturing, and in which your assistance is needed today." Deadline to apply for the 2020-2021 Campaign Cabinet is 8/3/20. To apply, email by telling us about yourself and current involvement (if any) with UWCC
Pacesetter: /ˈpāsˌsedər/
A person or organization viewed as taking the lead or setting standards of achievement for others.

Pacesetters are invited to a VIP reception and given special recognition. Make your commitment or contribution by September 30, 2020. Corporate Donors of $1,000 or more and individuals of $500 all qualify as a Pacesetter. You can be one, too!
In times like this, philanthropy can shine.