WE are working on resuming in-person worship service. It will be different. there will be some restrictions and rules. You might say we cannot go back to normal we used to be. However, let's think in this way. We are building and developing a new normal, a new way of life. In the history of Christianity, whenever overwhelmed by challenges, Christians always found a way to establish a new normal and new way of life. When Jesus preached to people in the Palestine area, he did not just proclaim a cause or a theory. He showed a new way of life, a new normal and he lived it out through his own life. We can do this with prayer and precaution. So I hope and pray you can take this challenge as an adventure with God and our friends and family in Christ. Please prepare reopening with prayer.

Join Coffee with pastor at 7pm Friday. Click here

Pray For
Nancy Corey had a surgery last Monday and now is home resting.
Stacey Duncan for everything going well with her.

The worship service led by bishop, Thomas J. Bickerton, will be uploaded on PUMC Facebook page and YouTube channel on Sunday at 9:50am. You can find the bulletin and the sermon script by clicking the button below. (If you click the YouTube before Sunday, It will say the video is private. It will be public on Sunday, 9:45am)