Are you asking yourself, "How is it October already?" I certainly am. By now all our districts have opened their doors to brick and mortar learning. This has been an adjustment for all of us. Our families made decisions that were the best for their needs. Now we continue our work, but how, when we are not permitted in schools in many of our counties?
This is a time where we need to continue our divergent thinking and plan new and relevant ways to engage our members with virtual programming and events. Maybe try a social hour where families can join and get to know each other. A new take on the well-attended Ice Cream Social, just virtually. Try taking a familiar program/event and redeveloping it to an online model. How about a virtual reading program where teachers, volunteers, or administrators, can read to students and reiterate reading strategies? What about a math manipulative night, where we can use household items, dice and playing cards, for example to teach math techniques? These are just a few examples of how we are continuing to provide services to our members and families. Do you have an idea to share? Please do so we can share around the state. We are all in this together!
How Do You PTA?
1.    Encourage engagement and membership.
Ask new members to get involved with your PTA. There are still ways to volunteer and participate in our virtual environment. Welcome everyone to your PTA by inviting them to an upcoming meeting or asking how they wish to share their skills/talents.
2.    Provide useful resources.
New members want to know how their PTA membership can help them. Provide tools and resources to help their children reach their potential. Remember to take a survey of your PTA members to learn how your PTA can provide relevant tools and resources for your school and community.
3.    Keep in touch!
PTA members want to be knowledgeable about their children, school, and community. Keep them informed about events that affect their child. Connect a new PTA member with a returning member to form a mentor program and keep new members up to date on PTA happenings. Email and call members on a regular basis with news they need to know or to just check in. Host open meetings or social hours to allow for more people to learn more about PTA and be engaged in the school community.
4.    Ask for renewals.
Remind members of the successes your PTA has achieved throughout the years and ask for membership renewal. Retention is a key component in any membership campaign. Sharing your achievements helps PTA members stay connected, understand the value of PTA membership, and stay energized! 

Jennifer "Jen" Martinez
President | Florida PTA
Get Engaged Wednesdays
Mark Your Calendar!

October 14th is our next Get Engaged Wednesdays discussion entitled "PTA Advocacy". We have two discussion times: 12 & 7 PM. To register, click the link below!

Virtual Trick-or-Treat!
Trick-or-Treat virtually with Mars Wrigley!
You're invited to the ultimate Halloween adventure! TREAT TOWN™ Halloween is an interactive and inclusive experience that's fun for the whole family. 

Greetings Advocates! For a more comprehensive look at our Advocacy Commission for this month, including important dates, VoterVoice information, and Legislative Priorities brochure information, please click here.
Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. These words and the opportunities they suggest are ever-present in today’s society, and our PTA units are no different. As each of us commits to doing our part in ‘DEI work,’ we must understand what those words actually mean and how we can go beyond words to create action that will result in real lasting impacts.

To continue reading about DEI and how their differences impact your PTA, please click here. 
Do you have an issue that really concerns you and other members of your local unit/council? Do you want to bring your concern to the attention of other PTA members in Florida?

Then get started NOW and have your resolution presented for consideration at Florida PTA Leadership Convention in July. Only thoughts and ideas for possible resolutions are needed now. Your Florida PTA Resolutions Committee will help you through the rest!

2020-2021 Resolutions Timeline

November 15—(Phase 1) Submit draft resolutions material
January 15—(Phase 2) Submit final resolutions material
Please check the Florida PTA website Resolutions page for additional information. Click here for our most recent Resolutions flyer!
Treasurer's Tips
Below are some topics, questions, and answers for Treasurers!

For further training, help with your unit implementation, or to request more on these topics, please e-mail your Florida PTA Treasurer, Khanh-Lien Banko at
Exceptional Child
Visit our website page for information and resources on Dyslexia and Down Syndrome!
To read more about Dyslexia Awareness and valuable resources, please click here.
Membership...Join Today!
MemberHub...Did You Know?
Did you know that you need to use a personal email address as your log-in for MemberHub? This is your own personal identifier. The email address such as for example can be linked after but should not be used as the initial email. This is because that email would then be linked to whoever used it first.

Did you know that anyone can be in your MemberHub, not just PTA Members? That's right - open those Site Joins and communicate with your entire school community.

Did you know that you can sell more than just Membership online? Utilize the store for all your passive fundraising and ticketed events!

Did you know that you can set up a FREE public website on MemberHub? You can have a public face for your community and feature sponsors on your page.

Did you know that MemberHub offers webinars daily and one on one support? You can set up a meeting with them by going to
Leadership Convention 2021
Have you heard? Our annual Leadership Convention is coming in July and it is sure to be amazing! Make plans now to attend this super-informative, networking and fun event July 15-18, 2021.

Attending Leadership Convention is the best opportunity for you to receive the most current training needed to be an effective leader and board in your local/county/state leadership role. It also provides you with an opportunity to make new friends, meet up with old friends, interact with other leaders, and laugh...a lot!

If you did not know, Leadership Convention is a legitimate line item in your local unit budget. Make sure there is a line item in the budget and if not, you can make a budget amendment at your next General Meeting. If you are wondering about expenses associated with convention, click here to see what to expect and how to fit it into your PTA budget.

We can't wait to see you there!
Miss Mary...#smashthecat or #savethecat?
If you follow us on social media, you've probably seen the back and forth between #savethecat and #smashthecat. Please see the attached humorous story about Miss Mary the Cat and how she became a Florida PTA icon!

Reflections Theme Search
Did you ever wonder how the Reflections program chooses its annual theme? YOU choose it! You can submit a theme and if yours is selected, you will receive $100! The possibilities are endless, so take a look and submit your idea. The deadline is November 1st.

Thanks To Our Sponsors!
Follow us on social media! sells official PTA and PTSA logo apparel, membership items, awards, gifts and more. All products are offered through each of the participating State PTA organizations. Visit for all your PTA needs!