October 8, 2020

Republic School District Families and Employees,

The district was made aware of the following COVID19 case today:

  • One employee at RMS: The employee was never on campus when considered contagious. Therefore, no students or employees are at risk for exposure and need to quarantine.

As a reminder, exposure notifications will be distributed each evening (and at the completion of the weekend) that there is a positive case in our district. Also, we want to take this opportunity to remind our patrons about the rules we are required to follow per the CDC and Springfield-Greene County Health Department in regards to isolation and quarantine situations using the graphic below. In addition, details and example scenarios can be found on the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/quarantine.html.
Information in regards to the district's response to COVID19 (including a weekly case tracker) can be found at https://www.republicschools.org/healthupdates. Thank you for your support and flexibility as we navigate this time.

Josey McPhail
Director of Communications
Republic School District