October 2019
Market Update

The October 2019   Market Thoughts Video  is now available on our website. Brad McMillan, Commonwealth's CIO, recaps the market and economic news for September. It was a pretty good month, with U.S., international, and emerging markets all up. These results were surprising given the month's events, including a drone strike on a Saudi oil complex and the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. Still, the fundamentals remained solid. New and existing home sales went up. We also saw strong personal income growth, leading to strong retail sales growth. But are there headwinds ahead?

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Pittsford, NY 14534

P:  585-512-8453
F:  585-625-0477

Women and Money:  Taking Charge of Your Financial Future
Women have more opportunities today to achieve financial success than ever before.  However women often face many obstacles along the way.  This  video talks about some of these challenges and offers suggestions to overcome them.
Projecting Federal Income Tax, Making Estimated Payments, Choosing Correct Withholding Amounts

The definition of federal income tax, according to the IRS, is a pay-as-you-go tax.  This article addresses the two methods for paying as you go: withholding and estimated tax, and why it's important to project your anticipated tax to avoid penalties.  
Making Nongift Gifts (or Gifts Not Subject to Tax)
Nongift gifts are gifts that are not treated as gifts for federal gift and estate tax purposes or federal generation-skipping transfer tax.  What constitutes a  nongift gift and how can you take advantage of them?
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Helpful Tips:
How much interest can you save by increasing your mortgage payment?  The Mortgage Payoff Calculator can help you find out.  This is just one of the  many informational and interactive calculators available to you on our website.