Kansas City Kansas Women's Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
A Word from the President
With October just around the corner we're entering the final quarter of 2019. Soon it will be 2020, which seems odd to me. I can remember when 2020 sounded like the distant future, and here it is upon us.
The year 2020 is a special one for the KCK Women's Chamber of Commerce. It marks our 100th anniversary as an organization. Now that is a milestone! To put it into perspective, here were some highlights of the year 1920 (100 years ago):
  • The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was signed into law, giving women the right to vote.
  • The mass media was born, when the first commercially licensed radio station began broadcasting live results of the presidential election.
  • The League of Nations was formed
Although the KCK Women's Chamber of Commerce can't claim to have achieved such lofty goals we can rightly claim to have supported women in all phases of life over the years. Thank you for being a part of that.

-Cathy Harding



Did you know that 44 elected officials in Wyandotte County are women?
The KCKWCC board of directors invited them all to an evening of networking to get to know each other. Thanks to McAnany, Van Cleave and Phillips for hosting this great group of ladies!