A Message from Us
I am more aware that today we are living longer than ever before but the quality of life we will experience as we age can vary greatly. Many of us will find ourselves dealing with chronic and degenerative diseases in our final years. The cost of managing these illnesses is something few of us are prepared for.  
In his book "Epic Measures", Jeremy Smith's research reveals that among the top 10 causes of years of life lost to disability worldwide are low back pain, neck pain, migraine and other musculoskeletal disorders. 1   Since 1980, we have successfully treated each of these conditions with NUCCA care and when optimal spinal alignment is maintained, they pose less of a problem for our patients as they age.  
In Canada, there is a perception that healthcare is free.  However, the government only pays approximately 70 percent of healthcare costs. The other 30 percent is left for seniors or their caregivers to pay. After the age of 65, Canadians expect to spend an average of $5,391 every year on out-of-pocket health care expenses. 2

If the goal is to live healthier for longer and to spend fewer of our final years with chronic pain; now is the time to invest effort into prevention and maintenance care.  The lifestyle choices we make now can significantly reduce our challenges later in life. As we age, health is truly wealth. 
The lifestyle choices that can help us stay healthy longer include the Daily 7 Key Steps for Resilience we regularly promote in the clinic:   
1)     Optimal spinal Alignment and soft tissue care
2)     Breathing practices and good air quality
3)     Hydration; adequate good quality water
4)     Physical and Mental Rest
5)     Movement and Activity; including walking and stretching
6)     Good Nutrition with whole fresh food and supplements
7)     Meaningful Renewed Living
While this may seem like widely known and common-sense advice, following it is not so common. In my practice, I have consistently seen that the patients who do take the time for daily maintenance have much better long-term outcomes and are much more resilient as they age.
It may be helpful to remember that when making changes in your life, the best ones you can make are small ones. Small changes done consistently have a greater impact than big things done infrequently. Small changes are also easier to integrate into your life as they can seem more manageable and can prevent the feeling of overwhelm which tends to have us give up and go back to our old routines.
So...what is one small change that you can make in your life today to invest in your healthy future?
Hoping you enjoy the beauty and vibrant colours of the new season.

Dr. Gordon Hasick & Kathy
1. Epic Measures, Jeremy N. Smith 2015 


Fall Holidays
Closed October 14
Closed October 23 through 25.  
Please book your check-up to ensure optimal health for all of your fall activities!

We appreciate your referrals,  
New Patients are Always Welcome! 
Take care of yourself, you never know when the world will need you.

Dr. Gordon Hasick 
#201-5005 Elbow Dr. SW
Calgary, AB T2S 2T6