March 12, 2021 
Dear Abilities family and friends, 

As always, I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well. It really is hard to believe that one year ago today was the last “normal” services we would provide in our center-based programs, thanks to the public health emergency COVID-19. These unprecedented times continue to challenge us all, but we remain strong. Enhanced precautions really has become a way of life…wearing a mask, social distancing, enhanced cleaning and washing, is the “new normal.” And while it appears the vaccines are having a positive impact on reducing the number of cases, we must continue these precautions and not let our guard down. 

Those attending our center-based programs, and their families, have been so patient this last year, while under tremendous stress. I understand patience is growing thin as certain industries begin to reopen, but our day programs remain closed.   Hopefully, we will hear of a reopening date from the state soon. Our teams are anxiously awaiting guideline revisions, and will incorporate them accordingly. In preparation, we are reaching out to our families to assess interest on returning in-person, or keeping Community Based Supports and/or Remote sessions. Please know that Abilities will continue to provide supports in the setting of choice. While we are just as anxious to reopen, we will proceed in the safest manner, just as we did last fall. Check in on our COVID-19 page for latest announcements at  Feel free to contact us at with questions or comments at any time. 

Earlier this month, I provided our team with a “State of Abilities” presentation which acknowledged their incredible efforts to successfully keep our mission moving forward! While COVID-19 fatigue has impacted us all, this talented, dedicated team keeps us going. We are truly blessed. Part of the presentation, focused on recruitment of new team members. Our efforts were on hold during the height of the pandemic for obvious reasons, but now we are ready to bring new DSP members on board!  If you know anyone who would be a great fit for our Abilities family, please have them send an email to or call 908-689-1118.  #bealifechanger 
We also covered “What’s Next” at Abilities! Here are a few exciting happenings to share: 
  1. Check out our webinar series taking place starting Tuesday, 3/16/21 and will continue through June. These informative webinars cover a variety of topics, with Karen Menke, Outreach and Care Coordinator as the host.
  2. We have a fantastic partnership with Centenary University brewing, thanks to Patricia Evans, Music and Arts Developer.   
  3. We will be expanding our clinical supports for both medical and behavioral needs. 
  4. We continue to advocate strongly for the rights of those served, and for appropriate funding to provide those services. 
  5. Our Abili-Tees golf outing is scheduled for Monday, June 28, 2021 at Panther Valley. Details coming soon. 
  6. Last year we had to postpone our Diamonds in the Sky event, which is now tentatively scheduled for Saturday, 9/18/21 at Hawk Pointe. Mark your calendar! 
  7. The most exciting “development” will take its’ own special announcement…stay tuned…especially if you are seeking community housing opportunities…  

Many thanks again for your continued donations to  Please share this donation site with your family, friends and associates.  We can’t do it without you! 

Let us continue to support each other as we move forward, providing kindness and understanding along the way. Just no hugs.    

Stay strong and stay well, 
Best regards, 
Cynthia B. Wildermuth, CEO