Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - Jan. 2020
Jan Gilman |
Happy New Year Dedicated Impact 100 Redwood Circle Members!
I am happy to report that we are starting the new year with 7 new members on our Leadership Team. Welcome to:
Jenny Downing, Treasurer
Jennifer Girvin, Events Co-chair
Maria Nersesian, Event Co-chair
Cindy Schmidt, Liaison Co-chair
Loretta Zweig, Liaison Co-chair
Suzy Marzelak |
Mindi Lewis, Marketing Co-chair
Maureen Beuhler, Impact Grant Co-chair
This represents an almost full complement of Leadership members. If our Technology Committee had a co-chair we would complete our 20-member team! If you are a member with a technology background, our Chair, Karen Fass would love to meet you.
I am also happy to report that we have raised $205,000 in 2019 for our Impact Grant Fund. This is a $40,000 increase over 2018. We now face the exciting challenge of how to distribute the additional funds. We already have an ad-hoc committee at work charged with coming up with a plan for diversity among our 5 sectors eligible for grants. They now have an additional charge of presenting a proposal for all of our funds this year.
Suddenly the path to a second Impact Grant seems shorter.
Jan Gilman, Co-President with Suzy Marzelak
Impact 100 Redwood Circle
Welcome to the newest members of our circle!
Marcy Pluznick-Marrin
Nancy Luchetti
Tarina Hall
Rachel Gardner
Kimberly Erickson
Judy Erickson
Lorraine Collins
Kim McEachron
Gail Perry Denise Fitzgerald Tamara Stanley Sally Connell
Coffee & Conversation
Monday, Jan. 27
10:00-11:30 AM
Mayacama Golf Club, 1240 Mayacama Golf Club Drive, Santa Rosa
New Member Orientation
Saturday, Feb.1, 2020
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
At the home of Shirley Ward
3655 Rutherford Way
Santa Rosa
Member Meeting *
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020
5:00 p.m.
Charlie's Restaurant
Windsor Golf Club
1320 19th Hole Drive
*Note: the food table, wine table, etc., will be in the enclosed patio with a heater. This will leave space to spread out the tables.
First Member Meeting of 2020 - Feb. 12th!
Liaison Committee welcomes Catholic Charities
The first membership meeting of the year will be at Charlie's in Windsor on February 12, 2020. The Education and Liaison Committees have been working on the agenda. We will hear a final report from Catholic Charities, our 2018 grant winner. The Education committee will also be presenting information. There will be time before the presentations to socialize and enjoy wine and a light snack.
Please RSVP no later than January 29, 2020
to Bev or Charlene at
Guests are welcome but please RSVP for your guest.
When: Wed, Feb. 12th, 2020
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Charlie's Restaurant- Windsor Golf Club. 1320 19th Hole Drive, Windsor
The wine sponsor for this event is Impact 100 RC member Marty Wait.
Reminder - How Can We Help?
Of particular need at this time, Catholic Charities has requested the donation of gently used towels and twin sheets. If you are interested, please bring these items to the Feb. meeting!
54 Community Grant Nominations Received!
We are happy to announce that Impact 100 Redwood Circle will once again be able to award five $10,000 Community Grants in 2020. Impact 100 RC members nominated 54 nonprofit organizations to apply for a Community Grant. This is a record number of nominations and represents a diverse group of organizations in geographic areas ranging from Healdsburg to Petaluma.
We will be sending out an invitation to apply to the nominees on January 21. We recommend that members check in with their nominees to see if there are any questions. For the first time, the Community Grants Committee will be offering a grant writing/application workshop for nominees on February 5. The deadline for nominees to submit their application is February 21.
Once the applications are received, the Community Grants Committee will vet the applications and vote on the top 10 finalists, with at least one from each of the five sectors: arts & culture, environment, education, health and human services. Members will vote for the five winners from the list of finalists by April 10.
Chris Chang Weeks & Carol Newman Co-Chairs
Membership News
As of 1/17/20 Impact 100 RC has 232 members, with 21 Dyads accounting for 42 of the members. Each Dyad member is paying for 1/2 of the regular membership fee and the full $100 administrative fee for each year's membership.
We have two upcoming events:
Coffee and Conversation "No Host" get together
When: Monday, January 27
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Where: Mayacama Golf Club, 1240 Mayacama Golf Club Drive, Santa Rosa
Please invite your friends and neighbors who you think may be candidates for Impact 100 to this informal, Coffee and Conversation. This is a great way for new members to learn more about our organization as well. There is always a nice mix of seasoned, new and potential members attending these events.
New Member Orientation
When: February 1, Saturday, 9:30-11:00 AM
Where: Shirley Ward's home, 3655 Rutherford Way, Santa Rosa
Bev Curry & Charlene Staples, Co-Chairs
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at impact100newsletter@gmail.com