March 11, 2021
Mission: Communion of Saints Catholic School serves a diverse community and fosters life-long learners and witnesses to the Gospel who are committed to worshiping God and serving His people.
Dear Parents,

Five years ago this community welcomed me to Communion of Saints School. I created an improvement plan that was carried out and many of the goals were met. Starting last Spring we were faced with a once-in-a-lifetime event that upended both our school and private lives.  
As Father John mentions in his letter, this period of isolation and quarantine has made gatherings with my siblings, children and grandchildren impossible. As vaccines come into play and the virus is slowing down, the possibility of reuniting with family members is on the horizon. As most of you know, I am not native to Cleveland and I have family in various parts of the country. Because reconnecting with family has become our priority, I have decided to retire at the end of June. During the month of June I will be focusing on having everything in place to ensure a smooth transition.
It has been a joy serving you and a pleasure working with Father John and the wonderful faculty and staff. I have grown so much professionally and personally, and I am grateful to Father John for his mentorship. I will be making myself available as a substitute teacher next year in order to continue with the mission of service. While I will no longer be in a position of leadership, I will continue to be connected to Communion of Saints School. I hope that you will welcome my successor as warmly as you have welcomed me.

Mrs. Whiteley  
Sat., March 13- 2nd vaccine dose -staff

Sun., March 14- Day Light Savings- set clocks ahead 1 hour!

Mon., March 15- No school

Fri., March 19- End of Qtr.3

Thurs., March 25- Report cards available on Digital Academy. K-2 sent home in Thursday folders

Thurs. April 1- Sun. April 11- No School- Easter Break

Mon., April 12- Classes resume
Communion of Saints School has received grant money from private donors who are dedicated to Catholic education. The donors are interested in helping families receive the Catholic education they desire for their children. To assist us in equitably distributing the funds, we are providing the attached Request for Assistance form. 
                   There are 3 months left in this school year. To request assistance for the current school year (20-21), please return the from by March 12. Applications for the 21-22 academic year will be accepted starting March 16th
                   All inquiries will be kept confidential. Applications have been sent home in the Thursday folder and are available HERE
COS Athletics- TRACK 2021- for all grades
COSAA is happy to announce that we will be offering track this year. Grades 3-8 will compete in CYO and grades K-2 will participate in the GESU Rug Rats program.
ALL registration will be done through Communion of Saints Athletics- not Gesu.

Since this will be a new program we will be purchasing all new uniforms and equipment the registration fee for CYO track grades 3-8 will be $120. Registration fee for Rug Rats track will be $75.

To Register:

Please send an email to our treasurer Mo Lynn with the following information by March 19th

Athletes Name
Phone number
Mom and Dads name
Most recent physical date
T-Shirt size

Payments can be made via PayPal at or you can send a check made out to COSAA via school mail, attention Mo Lynn.

We are also looking for parents to help coach. If you have interest in volunteering please contact me directly.

Andy Kostos
(216) 337-8019

There is still time to order the COS 2020-2021 Yearbook.

Go to:
Use code: 11609421

You can also pay with cash or check (made out to COS) to the school office.
Deadline- March 20th.

The COS students and staff wish 8th graders Gabe E. and Eva P. the best of luck as they compete this Saturday at the Regional Power of Pen competition. We know you will do your best and we are so proud of both of you.
Registration Materials for the 2021-2022 academic year were sent home last week. Electronic copies are available here

Registration fee: $225 per student.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Borally in the school office.
On March 2nd, the Ohio Department of Education posted the guidelines/requirements for the 21-22 EdChoice and EdChoice Expansion scholarships. Below is a summary of the information. For the full explanations and documents please go to this link:

EdChoice (traditional): This scholarship is based on the public school a student would be assigned to. The list of 21-22 designated schools is HERE

WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR EDCHOICE? The following students are eligible to apply for an EdChoice scholarship:
  1. Those enrolled in and attending EdChoice public school buildings in their districts of residence;
  2. Students enrolled in and attending community schools who would otherwise be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings;
  3. Students enrolled in and attending public schools in their districts of residence who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings for the upcoming year;
  4. Students enrolling in Ohio schools for the first time who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings; or
  5. Students eligible to enter kindergarten in fall of 2021 (and who will be 5 years old by January 1, 2022) who would be assigned to EdChoice public school buildings.

  • Please keep in mind- COS is a private school and is not under the umbrella of "community school".

Students who DO NOT meet any of the preceding eligibility criteria may still be eligible for the EdChoice "Expansion" scholarship if they
meet the following criteria:
  1. Student does not live in the Cleveland Municipal School District; and •
  2. Family household income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. See this chart
March Hot Lunch order forms were sent home in today's Thursday folders. The menu is linked here. Electronic versions of the order form are here.

Order forms are due ASAP- Mrs. Veasey Thanks you!