opens January 13!
Early Bird I (members only): $420 (1-2), $375 (3+)
We hope that every school will be represented at the conference; it will be a unique opportunity to network with colleagues, share ideas, gain new perspectives, and make new friends. Plan to join us! Reminder: we will not hold a separate Winter Alliance conference in 2020 but are focusing our full attention on the joint summer conference.
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year. We are very much looking forward to the upcoming June 2020 conference, co-sponsored by the Alliance, AWSNA, and WECAN. This co-sponsorship is a first for Waldorf education in North America and represents a great step forward in our collaborative work.
Please see details below from our Conference Coordinator, Connie Stokes, on behalf of the joint planning committee. There will be a wide range of workshops and many unique opportunities to connect and network with colleagues from across the continent. We will also celebrate the conclusion of our 100th anniversary year. Note that conference registration will be open next week, and that there are "early bird" and group discounts for our schools. We anticipate a large crowd, so we recommend early registration to ensure your choice of workshops.
We suggest that you preview workshop selections before starting registration. Your choice is broad, with offerings that include early childhood, grades, high school, school leadership, arts, personal development, student support, and school organization and leadership. There will also be reports on research in schools and a vendor hall.
Please note that there will be cross-schools (and organizations) dialogues on the morning of Tuesday, June 23rd. We hope to have a representative from each school if possible - this will be a unique opportunity to have input on our collective work. Please factor this into your school's planning.
Warmest wishes for this new year, and we hope to see you in Chicago in June!
Liz Beaven
On behalf of the Alliance Board
Dear Colleagues,
As the Waldorf100 centennial year approaches its final celebration in North America, the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education (APWE), the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA), and the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN) are pleased to host the 2020 LEARN TO CHANGE THE WORLD: EDUCATION INNOVATION SUMMIT and WALDORF100 CELEBRATION. The conference will be held at the Chicago Waldorf School from June 23-June 26, 2020, with meetings and additional workshops offered before and after the main conference.
With potentially 700-1000 participants, please review this important information, some of which is time sensitive:
- Registration opens January 13, 2020 for members of the three Associations. The fee is $420/person until March 1. For further information, click here.
- There is a group registration rate for three or more registrants from the same school. Group registrants must register at the same time to receive this discount.
- There are multiple workshop paths from which to choose. You must determine your Workshop Path prior to beginning registration.
- One professional development workshop offering is training in restorative justice. The fee is an additional $250, and we must have 36 registrants by February 29. If you are interested in this workshop, be sure to sign up right away. This is workshop A1 - 10 which is a six-session workshop during the conference, and includes a required pre-session on Tuesday, June 23 at 2:00pm.
Many thanks to the
Chicago Waldorf School
teachers and staff for graciously offering to host the Waldorf100 2020 conference. Special thanks to Becky Moskowitz, Luke Goodwin, Andrea Shaffer, and Carol Triggiano for preliminary preparations.
See you in Chicago!
Warm regards,
Connie Stokes
For the conference planning committee
Beverly Amico, Liz Beaven, Susan Howard, James Pewtherer, Melanie Reiser, Stephanie Rynas
For more information:
1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218
Folsom, CA 95630
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