Engage is pleased to announce a new workers’ compensation program will launch on January 1, 2020, continuing our focus on keeping our clients' employees and workplaces safe and secure.
The new program will provide the financial strength and superior claims-handling support that clients expect from Engage, and allow us to build an even stronger foundation to underwrite and manage claims.
In the coming months, you will receive more details about the new program. In the meantime, here is what you need to know:
- There will be no impact to clients’ insurance rates.
- The transition for existing clients with workers’ compensation through Engage PEO will be seamless. Engage will move your program from our existing carrier to the new program on January 1, 2020. No action is required by our clients.
- As we do every year, Engage will automatically process all renewal certificates of coverage that are currently on file with the new insurance information and send those to your clients and vendors.
- Claims will continue to be reported to Engage following our injury reporting process, with one minor exception: we will have a new temporary pharmacy card for injured employees for injuries that occur after January 1, 2020. Details to follow as we get closer to the program roll-out.
Please also note that our existing carrier is required by law to communicate that they will be "non-renewing the policy." This is standard practice.
Please disregard any notice you may receive – rest assured that all policies are transitioning to the new program and there will be no lapse in coverage.
We look forward to sharing more about the new program.
As always, we appreciate your business. Thank you for partnering with Engage.
Julie Cirillo
Vice President, Risk Management