Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
Our "Giving Tuesday" Online Auction is Coming
Little Yew on Mt. Hood
Pacific City Coastal Home
Sunriver Cabin
Don't miss it.

It will be nearly impossible to age well in a health care system with a lack of preventive care and a constant worry about the increasing costs of health care. If we want to create an equitable opportunity to age well, we need an equitable universal healthcare system. OHF Sponsor, the Jessie F. Richardson Foundation, white paper states: "Last year , the Washington Post reported that most older people are more worried about running out of money than dying." Just what would life be at every age under a universal healthcare system? Listen In and Chime In.
Human Rights Advisory Commission of Beaverton
Hears Compelling Testimony
On November 3, Beaverton resident and HCAO Board Member, Zainab Alidina, presented to the Human Rights Advisory Commission (HRAC) of Beaverton. The focus was on healthcare as a human right and seeking the HRAC support of our resolution with the City of Beaverton to advance universal health care. Watch and listen to the dynamic testimony and brief discussion here. Take note of the "head nodding".

If you live in Beaverton and are interested in helping contact HCAO Washington County Chapter Chair Kevin Hanway at
If you are interested in helping with a local resolution in your community contact HCAO Resolutions Coordinator Eleanor Dick at or your local Chapter.
Guess What: Privileged US Citizens Have Worse Health Outcomes
When Compared to Other Countries
Check out this JAMA Article. The study suggests that privileged White US citizens have better health outcomes than average US citizens for 6 health outcomes but often fare worse than the mean measure of health outcomes of 12 other developed countries. These findings imply that even if all US citizens experienced the same health outcomes enjoyed by privileged White US citizens, US health indicators would still lag behind those in many other countries.

The study concludes: "The US health care system appears to under perform on nearly every metric."

Of course, this means it's even worse for those without such privilege. It is time for transformation.

Don't Forget Re-Districting
Campaign time is here with multiple people already running in 2022. This includes the very important Governor's race. Oregon also has its new 6th Congressional seat.

It is definitely time to locate your place on the map and know who is running. To search on who has filed:

Check in on the positions of candidates on universal health care by going to their campaign website. Contact the candidates and make your position clear.

Right now,, when the legislature is not in session, is the ideal time to make an appointment with your current state senator and state rep. and express your thoughts and find out where they stand on single-payer universal healthcare. It's easy in this virtual world.
Find your legislator here. After you have a conversation, report the results to

For now, these maps will give you a general idea. You may need to enlarge or reduce the image after you open.

This interactive map will provide detail but will need navigation. Some tips on navigating are provided.
Tips for navigating:
  • On left side click on "Show Contents of Map" icon (to the right of the icon)
  • Select box for "Adopted Maps"
  • Next click on "Adopted Maps" dropdown arrow
  • Next select box for Congress, House, and/or Senate (unselect the ones you do not want)
  • You can now zoom in or out for more or less detail
Stay tuned as we determine future implications for single-payer universal healthcare.
HOPE Amendment Campaign 2022
"Amends Constitution: State must ensure affordable healthcare access, balanced against requirement to fund schools, and other essential services."

As previously announced this campaign will be led by SEIU 503 with Our Oregon. HCAO Board Member Annie Naranjo-Rivera will serve as HCAO point person with the campaign on this effort. More information will be forthcoming in December on the campaign ahead. "HOPE" you will be prepared to get involved.
Dana’s and Ben’s Story
It's No Honeymoon

Dana, bravely shared their soon to be wed couple's story with HCAO--another story of denial and delay created by insurance. They are now saddled with medical bills.

“Just this past July, my partner, Ben, called me to say his legs were numb. Ben isn't the type of person to run to the doctor for every pain. So when he scheduled a visit with his primary care provider, I knew he was really feeling bad. After a couple attempts to fix the problem, Ben now found the uncomfortable tingling moving up his abdomen and in the back of his neck....

Story sharing is a powerful tool in the movement. Share your story and/or help others share theirs at
How about writing a letter to the editor to express your thoughts? Here is how.
National Scene
We continue on a pathway to getting needed waivers while still waiting for the final Build Back Better bill to emerge. As Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Wyden is absolutely key in this effort. Your help is still needed. Please contact Senator Wyden and ask that he advance the needed waivers so states can create their own plan.

For assistance, contact: Zainab Alidina, HCAO Legislative Chair ( or Tom Sincic, HCAO President (

The Build Back Better Bill has still not passed. The fight goes on for crumbs in healthcare reform. Keep alert for next steps in the fight for Improved Medicare for All. Pay attention to Oregon's new Congressional re-districting. Contact current members and candidates for those seats.

This is why we remain keenly focused on "Oregon Leading the Way" and joining with California, Washington and other states with a state-based universal healthcare plans.
Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care
Community Engagement Update--Time to Engage
The JTFUHC meetings have resumed. Here is the link to find the recordings. Public engagement is now the focus of the work of the Task Force and that of HCAO. Listen to the 10/28 discussion and a proposed plan for engagement. HCAO is following carefully and staying closely involved to shape that plan to meet the intent of the bill which created the JTFUHC.

The next meeting is 11/23, 1:00 pm. Tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Go to this link to find out how to submit written testimony. Go to this link to provide oral testimony. (Ignore the given date in the information.) Here is the link to the schedule for future meetings.
HCAO Union County Chapter Volunteers
Bring Awareness to Thousands in LaGrande
Halloween Scary for Many
While the rising cost of health care creates a scary future for so many, Union County Chapter volunteers used this opportunity to say the future does not need to be. Not so scary volunteers distributed over 1500 treats and lots of awareness about HCAO to passersby.
Information and Treats to Boot
Health Care for All--What a Treat
It only takes one or two dedicated people to make a difference.
Join or start a local chapter
Your Financial Support Is Needed
HCAO's ability to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.

For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!