September 10, 2019
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Last Chance to Register for Senior Living Conference
Join us on September 16 th for a day of networking and hearing the learning the latest trends and issues important in Senior Living. Senior Living Conference boasts a wide variety of topics and speakers including Lynda Kovarik, Linda Couch, Gail Burk and keynote speaker Robyn Stone. Register today!
LeadingAge Reports on Overview of Work Done for Members in August
LeadingAge published their monthly “What Have We Done for You Lately,” which summarizes their work for the month of August. Highlights include bringing the public’s attention to potential changes in how the federal government measures poverty. The poverty threshold is used to determine the federal poverty level, which is then used to determine eligibility for a wide range of programs important to older adults and aging services providers.

LeadingAge also took steps to influence government action including: drafting electronic signature rule, patients over payment and released important resources.
Source: LeadingAge
Monthly Occupied Bed Provider Assessment
HFS reports that the Comptroller’s Office has issued warrants for May 2019 long term care services. The Monthly Occupied Bed Provider Assessment for long term care providers for the August 2019 assessment period/May 2019 reporting period is due September 16, 2019.  The Department continues to monitor long term care pending claims at the Comptroller’s Office and any questions may be directed to the HFS Provider Assessment Unit at 217-524-7110.
Source: HFS
MDS: Change of Ownership and Resident Transfers
LeadingAge's MDS expert consultant, Judy Wilhide-Brant, RN, provides guidance on RAI Manual Section 2.2 CMS Designation of the RAI for Nursing Homes relative to Changes of Ownership and Resident Transfers, including transfers due to natural disasters. In Section 2.2 CMS Designation of the RAI for Nursing Homes, here are some useful information for certain situations. [Full Story]
Updates to Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program Resources
CMS released a memo today ( QSO-19-19-NH ) announcing updates to Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program resources. Resources can be found on the CMP Reinvestment Program webpage .
Source: CMS
New Legislator Visits Supportive Living in Anna
A member who has been a leader in the Partners in Quality program since it was established hosted a new legislator in Anna last week.  [Full story]
HFS Approves New Dementia Care Settings
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Supportive Living Program has published new Approved Dementia Care Settings Directory.
HFS Drafts Waiver Amendment for New SLP Rates
The Department has drafted a waiver amendment for the new SLP rates.  A public notice is required. 
Source: HFS
Last Chance to Register Service Coordinator for HUD Online Reporting System
Despite HUD’s best efforts to communicate the need to register for Standards for Success (SfS) in FY 2019, a small number of properties have remained unaware of HUD’s new reporting requirement . [Full story]
RAD for PRAC Notice Issued
On September 5, 2019 HUD released the long-anticipated implementing instructions for accessing new resources for the recapitalization of 202/PRAC properties. [Full story]
State Senator Educated on Senior Housing during Visit
A housing member that has been a leader in the Partners in Quality program hosted a State Senator recently to educate the legislator on LeadingAge Illinois and issues in senior housing.  [Full story]
National Conference Provides Medicaid Updates and State Promising Practices
On August 26-29, ADvancing States (formerly NASUAD, the National Association of State United for Aging and Disability) held the annual Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference in Baltimore. ADvancing States rebranded to better reflect its mission of empowering states to improve systems delivering HCBS for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. [Full story]
Thinking About Adding Home Care Services to Your Portfolio?
Learn all about the legal, survey compliance and insurance issues in the home care services arena. Subject Matter Experts from IDPH, US Department of Labor, and Hinshaw Culbertson answer your top questions and concerns. Register today for the Home Care Services Boot camp which takes place on September 24, 2019 in Chicago.
Participate in National Workforce Development Month
Workforce is a critical issue for all LeadingAge members. According to a recent report, we will need 2.5 million more people working in LTSS by 2030 to keep up with the growth in America’s aging population. In an effort to build awareness around recruiting and developing skilled staff for the aging services field, this September, LeadingAge will launch its debut Workforce Development Month campaign.

Each week, LeadingAge will focus on a different theme around workforce. We welcome you to join us in building awareness around these topics:
Week 1: Research from the LTSS Center
Week 2: The Careers that Love You back program developed by LeadingAge Ohio
Week 3: Key articles from the LeadingAge magazine issue on workforce
Week 4: Grassroots Advocacy and National Call-in Day on Sept. 26
Source: Susan Hildebrandt, LeadingAge
LeadingAge Illinois Innovation and Technology Task Force Wants Your Feedback
LeadingAge Illinois has been examining how technology plays a role in the day-to-day activities of member organizations. We have done a number of things over the last year and we will continue to work on helping members understand current technologies and issues. The LeadingAge Illinois Innovation and Technology Task Force would like to get your feedback on this question: What are the challenges your organization faces on a daily basis related to technology? Submit your responses to Jason Speaks .  
Make Your Voice Heard – Become a Partner in Quality
LeadingAge Illinois is asking you to become a Partner in Quality. Whether it is responding to alerts or calls to action or hosting a legislative visit, you can make your voice and the collective voices of members heard and make a difference. Find out how.  [Full story]
Show Your Support for the LeadingAge Illinois PAC
Contributing to the LeadingAge Illinois PAC is a key part of protecting the industry against harmful legislation limiting the ability to provide the highest quality care and services to older adults. Like our voices, our contributions collectively make a large difference in providing the strength and ability to pool our resources and influence public policy. You can contribute online anytime on the PAC webpage. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Speaks .  
Education Calendar
September 16               Senior Living Conference (Lisle)
September 18               PDPM Implementation Intensive –Advanced PDPM Skilled Building Workshop (Tinley Park)
September 24-26           AANAC RAC- CTA Workshop -Advanced Certification (Naperville)
September 24              Illinois Home Care Services Boot Camp (Chicago)
September 24               Understanding Medicare Advantage Flexibility ( Webinar)
September 24-26           AANAC-RAC-CTA Workshop (Lisle-Naperville area)
October 1                      HFS Provider Staffing Plans for Long Term Care ( Woodridge)

October 10                    Teepa Snow Presents Developing Activities That Have Meaning For Those Living with Dementia  (Webinar)
Nov. 12 &13                  Assisted Living Boot Camp (Woodridge)
November 13                Private Duty Symposium

Save the Date
October 1                      Provider Staffing Plan for Long Term Care ( Woodridge)
March 17-19, 2020        Annual Meeting & Expo
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