Volume 11, Issue 11 | Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Education Foundation and Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club award District 58 teacher grants to enhance student learning
Education Foundation:
The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 funded 16 teacher grants totaling more than $14,000 this fall. The grants support innovative learning and instruction, as aligned to District 58’s curriculum and strategic goals. All teachers and staff were invited to apply for a grant, and recipients were selected on a blind-review basis. Congratulations, grant recipients!

  • Kate Blackburn and Mindy Werner, Kingsley
  • Caitlin Choinski and Kyle Winter, Highland/Henry Puffer
  • Colleen Condon, Kingsley
  • Nicole Ferroli and Kate Nickell, O'Neill (above photo of classroom library features their grant!)
  • Christina Forzley, Indian Trail
  • Katie Gallagher, Kingsley
  • Christina Gamboa, Melissa Eckdahl and Tracy Rasmussen, Kingsley
  • Christina Gamboa and Michelle Schmidt, Kingsley
  • Genevieve Hahn, Herrick
  • Katie Hurckes, El Sierra/Kingsley
  • Deanna Jacobs, Kingsley
  • Irene Jackson, Lester
  • Mary Loversky, El Sierra
  • Deb Roach, O'Neill
  • Cindy Rodriguez, Karina DeLeon, Christina Diaz and Maria Cervantes-Blanco, Kingsley
  • Michelle Sanders, Pierce Downer

Learn more about each grant. Learn more about the Education Foundation

Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club
The Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club awarded 11 Downers Grove educators -- including nine from District 58 -- with nearly $3,000 in education grants. Congratulations, grant recipients!

  • Claire Armbrust, Fairmount
  • Kate Blackburn, Kingsley and Indian Trail
  • Maureen Bresnahan, El Sierra
  • Christina Forzley, Indian Trail
  • Beth Kamano, Pierce Downer
  • Mindy Werner, Kingsley and Henry Puffer (pictured above)
  • Ellen Reitsma, Jim Festle and Dustin Moore, O'Neill

Jenny Patrick and Margaret Winchell from District 99 also earned grants. Learn more about each grant. Learn more about the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club.

Thank you, Education Foundation and Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club, for your continued support!
Citizen Task Force holds first meeting
This fall, District 58 formed a Citizen Task Force that comprises 40 community members. During several meetings this winter and spring, the group will evaluate the community's support for a funding proposal that addresses the District's capital improvement needs. The group will also provide feedback to the superintendent about District 58’s facility needs and funding solutions.

The Citizen Task Force held its first meeting Dec. 18. Visit the District's Facility Planning webpage to access the meeting's presentation and agenda.
Opt in to receive District text messages
Do you want to receive text messages from District 58? Opt in by texting the word YES to 68453 using your preferred cell phone. District 58 typically only sends text messages during emergencies or last-minute scheduling changes.

If winter weather prompts District 58 to cancel school, the District will send parents and staff an email, robocall and text.

Learn more about the District's winter weather procedures.

Learn more about the emergency preparedness in District 58.
Stay healthy this winter with these CDC tips!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that Illinois is experiencing high flu activity this winter. Local pediatricians have also shared that local pediatric units are treating many children with flu, RSV, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis and other respiratory illnesses.

District 58 urges families to take precautions to keep healthy this winter! Here are some tips to keeping healthy, provided by the CDC.

Get the flu shot
The flu shot is highly effective at preventing and minimizing the flu.

Wash your hands often
Wash your hands  often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and help young children do the same. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Keep your hands off your face
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Germs spread this way.

Avoid close contact with sick people
Avoid close contact, such as kissing, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who have cold-like symptoms.

Cover your coughs and sneezes
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or upper shirt sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.

Clean and disinfect surfaces
Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that people frequently touch, such as toys and doorknobs.

Stay home when you are sick
If possible, stay home from work, school and public areas when you are sick. This will help protect others from catching your illness.

Visit for additional information and tips.
Grove Children's Preschool open house is Jan. 22-23

Grove Children's Preschool invites current and prospective families to attend its open house on Jan. 22 at Henry Puffer and Jan. 23 at Indian Trail! Learn more.
Sign up for a parent-teacher conference

Parents may sign up for a parent-teacher conference now through Jan. 17 at noon. using their SQUIRREL parent account. Conferences take place Jan. 28 and Jan. 30. Learn more.
Take the 5Essentials survey

District 58 invites parents to take the State's 5Essentials Survey now through Feb. 14. Schools with at least 20% parent participation will receive a report. Learn more. Take the survey.
Fundraising efforts, private donation help Lester reach playground fundraising goal
During a special all-school assembly on Dec. 20, the Lester Community Playground announced that Lester will build new primary and intermediate playgrounds this summer! Lester achieved this goal thanks to the school's fundraising efforts and a contribution from a private donor. District 58 thanks the Lester community for their hard work to achieve this goal!

Visit the Lester Community Playground website to learn more and to view the Facebook Live video from the announcement!
Grove Children's Preschool students apply STEM skills to their holiday activities
It's never too early to begin learning about engineering! Last month, many Grove Children's Preschoolers built Christmas trees with cups and pom poms. They used spatial concepts, motor skills, engineering concepts and more!
During winter break, Henry Puffer teachers created a brand new "Puffer Path" sensory hallway for students! It's already gotten great use!
Many Indian Trail students teamed up with the PTA to assemble care packages to help those in need. Thank you for giving back, students!
Pierce Downer sixth graders researched a country and shared their learning during a school-wide "Celebrations Around the World" gathering in the gym last month. The students enjoyed teaching their peers about different cultures!
The Herrick choir got into the holiday spirit last month by performing at Von Maur! Watch this short video from the performance.
Hillcrest second graders played a game of Gimkit to learn about adjectives and to practice using them correctly. They were very engaged and focused on the lesson!
Mrs. Modine's Whittier third graders combined the Clips and DoInkGreenScreen apps to demonstrate the concept of point of view. This topic is also connected to a Benchmark ELA essential question! Great work!
Highland fifth graders used Google Expeditions to explore the evolution of the textile industry.
These Kingsley fifth graders used the Do Ink app, combined with a green screen, to enhance their bilingual ELA lesson!
Fairmount students donated 102 items to DuPage PADS last month! Thank you!
O'Neill musicians showed their talents during the annual O'Neill holiday concert. The whole school watched them perform!
El Sierra first graders in Mrs. O'Connor's class enjoy observing the behavior and patterns of their class hermit crabs.
Belle Aire fifth graders animated realistic fiction using Keynote. Great work!
Preview: January BOE meeting
The District 58 School Board will host their next regular monthly business meeting on Monday, Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. The meeting will include a math curriculum update, an Education Foundation grant review, and a winter data snapshot. The meeting agenda will be posted on Friday, Jan. 10 on BoardDocs .
Friday, Jan. 10
7-8 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee meeting at the ASC

Monday, Jan. 13
7 p.m.: Regular School Board meeting at Downers Grove Village Hall

Tuesday, Jan. 14 and Thursday, Jan. 16
5-8 p.m.: Gifted Program parent-teacher conferences

Monday, Jan. 20
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: No School
Tuesday, Jan. 21
7-8 a.m.: Policy Committee meeting at the ASC

Wednesday, Jan. 22
3:45-4:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee meeting at the ASC
6:30-8:30 p.m.: Citizen Task Force meeting at Herrick

Saturday, Jan. 25
8 a.m. to noon: District 58 Science Fair at O'Neill
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |