PARISH NEWS for Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Please note: as of today, Aug. 14, there is not a nursery attendant scheduled for next Sunday, August 18, since Gluay will be away. Please let the office know if you would like to volunteer.
Volunteer Needed Now - We are in need of a new treasurer to start in January 2020, but we would like to find a treasurer now so that he/she can shadow our current treasurer, Tom McDermott, and learn the ropes before Tom retires. Tom has served as treasurer for the past four years. Not only does he need and deserve a break, but the diocesan canons require that a treasurer step aside for at least a year after serving for four years. The treasurer signs the checks, makes sure the financial books are in good order, and sees that expenses come out of the right account. If you interested, you can talk to Tom to get a further description of the job. We really need to get someone in place this summer in order to have a few months to work with Tom. Please let Carol, Tom, or Penny Parker know if you might be willing to serve in this capacity.
 Our organist has broken her foot......
and since she cannot get up the stairs to the choir loft, the electronic piano and the choir have moved downstairs. So for the next six weeks, while Mandy is in a "boot", she will use the electronic piano and the choir will sit in the first two pews on the lectern side. Our best wishes go to Mandy for a speedy recovery!

Lisa Heller will be moving to Pakistan for a year of service abroad with the State Department. Lisa will leave for Pakistan on August 19. Please remember Lisa in your prayers as she works in a conflicted part of the world, serving our country on our behalf. Lisa will be able to return home a few times during her year away. Jim will remain here, keeping the home fires burning.

Please remember in your prayers our students who will be starting college in the next few weeks: Peter Heller who will be going to William and Mary, and Lindsay Jones who will be going to Georgia Tech. Our returning students include Cecelia Sellars (William and Mary), Katie Heller (William and Mary), Jack Yagerline (James Madison), David Daniel Weir (George Mason), Catherine Crossett (Virginia Tech), and Samantha Belso.

Coffee Hour - As this Sunday is the third Sunday of the month, St. John's Vestry will provide the snacks for coffee hour.

It's that time of year... Vacation!
I will be on vacation from August 5 - 23, visiting family in New England and relaxing at the beach. Father Samuel Reddimalla will take the Sunday services on August 11 and 18, as well as the Wednesday service on August 14. Val Tucker will lead Evening Prayer on Wednesday, August 7 and 21. I will be back for the service on August 25. Carol

Mandy Hull, our organist , is offering a FREE trial period of three piano lessons during the month August to anyone available between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM on a weekday, Monday through Friday. Mandy teaches using the Simply Music Piano method, which emphasizes playing for enjoyment and recreation. Open to beginners and former pianists. Learn a variety of styles, including classical, blues and pop, and learn to accompany the singing of songs like Amazing Grace, Auld Lang Syne and Danny Boy within a couple of months. To set up a trial, please contact Mandy at or text to 931-808-2789. 
Make an Online Pledge Offering!
The new way to send your pledge offering! You can download the app to your phone, or you can click the link below, and use your credit card!
We can prepare our hearts & minds by reading ahead
for the Sunday Service lessons.   

The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

August 18, 2019

9:30 AM

 The First Reading: J eremiah 23:23-29
The prophet Jeremiah gives his hearers clues as to what true prophecy and a word from God will entail. Prophets cannot always be trusted to tell the truth, so the hearers must discern the Lord's voice.

The Psalm: 82, page 785, BCP

The Second Lesson: Hebrews 11:29-12:2
The great cloud of witnesses, those who have been faithful to God in ages past, cheer and gird their sons and daughters in the spirit - that is, us! - to seek the joyous redemption of God in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel: Luke 12:49-46
To imagine that Jesus's message is universally agreeable, or even fully pleasing to any one person, is to not understand the gospel; listening closely and taking Jesus's message to heart means admitting the strife it stirs up in our homes and in our hearts.
(Rm. 205) 
During the Service
Please note: as of today, Aug. 14, there is not a nursery attendant
scheduled for this Sunday, August 18.

 Each week, St. John's children join with our Ministry Partners: 
Wellspring UCC & Grace Baptist Church
Room 207/208

St. John's Sunday School class for ages 2-4, Room 215
Meets the first Sunday of each month from 9:50 - 10:45 AM 
(will not meet in June, July or August)
Our first class in September will meet on September 8 to avoid the Labor Day weekend.


  FROM 10:50 - 11:50 AM

The Saint of the Week for Forum Discussion:

William Porcher [por-SHAY] DuBose (11 Apr 1836 – 18 Aug 1918) was a priest, author, theologian, and cofounder of the Theology School at the University of the South. Born on his family’s plantation near Winnsboro, SC, DuBose descended from Huguenot families who fled French religious persecution in 1686 & settled in the Carolina piedmont. Privately educated, DuBose entered South Carolina Military Academy (The Citadel) at age15. By his senior year, he was the ranking cadet, graduating first in his class & was serving as an Assistant Professor of English. At The Citadel, DuBose also had a conversion experience . After graduating from the University of Virginia in 1859 with a Master of Arts, therefore, his new found faith led him to enroll in the just-opened South Carolina Diocesan Seminary in Camden, SC. The American Civil War briefly interrupted his studies. Leaving the seminary to enlist with South Carolina's Holcombe Legion, DuBose was appointed as its adjutant. Twice wounded in the 2nd battle of Manassas, he was captured & spent time in a Union POW camp before being exchanged later in 1862. Wounded yet a third time during the battle of Fredericksburg, family friends & church contacts helped him secure a commission as a military chaplain. Ordained at Grace Church (Camden, SC) in late 1863, he became the chaplain of cousin Dudley M. Dubose’s 15th Georgia Infantry Regiment, serving its spiritual needs for the rest of the conflict. In 1866, Bishop Thomas F. Davis officially changed Fr. DuBose’s ordination as a priest in the Episcopal Church of the Confederate States to that of the United States. He initially served St. John's Parish Fairfield--which included two Churches and an alma mater, Mount Zion College, where he taught Greek. In 1868, he was named Chaplain at Fairmount College & priest-in-charge at the nearby Chapel of the Holy Comforter. While at Fairmont, he met & married its widowed headmistress, Louise Yerger. In 1871, University of the South Vice-Chancellor Rev. Charles Quintard nominated DuBose to serve as its first Chaplain and as Head Professor of Moral Science and the Evidences of the Christian Religion. During the 12 years he served as Chaplain, DuBose helped establish the University’s School of Theology, serving as its Dean from 1894-1908. Retiring with his wife to Fairmount College, he cared for the religious needs of the school & those of the surrounding communities. Twice a month he rode 20 miles on horseback to perform church services for a Swiss community at Gruetli. One Sunday he’d preach in German; the next Sunday he’d do it in French. A gifted, prolific writer, he has been described as possibly the "greatest theologian that the Episcopal Church in the USA has produced."
A Reflection of the Mass Shootings in El Paso and Dayton

The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff, the Diocese of Virginia
Below is an exerpt from a statement written by The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC, The Very Rev. Randy Hollerith, Dean of the National Cathedral, and The Rev. Canon Kelly Brown Douglas, Canon Theologian of the National Cathedral, regarding the climate of hate and racism that is prevalent in our country today. To read the rest of the article, entitled "Have We No Decency?", go to

As leaders of faith who believe in the sacredness of every single human being, the time for silence is over. We must boldly stand witness against the bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and xenophobia that is hurled at us, especially when it comes from the highest offices of this nation. We must say that this will not be tolerated. To stay silent in the face of such rhetoric is for us to tacitly condone the violence of these words. We are compelled to take every opportunity to oppose the indecency and dehumanization that is racism, whether it comes to us through words or actions.

Sign Up Here to be an altar server *, or to donate flowers for a Sunday service, or to bring refreshments for Coffee Hour after the service. * (if you're not an altar server, and would like to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), a Lector, or a Crucifer, please see Carol).

"We know that food can be one of the most expensive items on a household budget list. Our hope is that in allowing our clients to visit once per month they will save enough money to pay for other expenses such as rent or utility bills."
I tems are collected weekly in the baskets at the front door of St. John's Church. For food list:
Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!

How we live our lives – our commitment to worship, to private prayers, to mission – is not just about us and our relationship to God. We have a responsibility to be bearers of the light – a responsibility to those who are still to come. We have a torch to carry for a while, and then we pass it on.

-Br. Geoffrey Tristram

My email address is,
and the office number is 703-803-7500. 

May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.
      - Carol

        The Rev. Carol Hancock, Rector
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