Volume XIX | September 2019
Taft Charter PTO Monthly Parent Newsletter
Please encourage other parents to join us as well, for important updates, and to connect you with your teen's school.
PTO Corner

What is the Taft Charter PTO and what do they do? You probably had a PTA or PTSA at your child’s elementary or middle school, so it is similar in that the PTO dedicates its energy to making Taft Charter the best experience for our students and their families!

Our efforts can be felt campus-wide: Sponsoring the homecoming parade, hosting the snack shack for sporting events, sponsoring the Halloween costume contest, putting on teacher appreciation events and spirit wear sales, providing trophies for sports teams, supporting the academic departments with stipends and writing this Newsletter.

Additionally, the Taft PTO is FREE, and open to everyone. We are a non-profit 501c3, and we are the central fundraising group for the entire Taft community including the home school, STEM Magnet, IHP, Humanitas and AIAT. We invite you to join us at one or all of the rest of our meetings this year (dates listed below). Give us an hour and bring your energy, your ideas and opinions... We'd love to see you there.

- Carrie Adelman,
2019/2020 PTO President


PTO meetings are open to all Taft parents and are located in the Taft Parent Conference Center from
6 pm to 7 pm

September 10th
October 15th
We are pleased to announce that Taft Charter High School now offers Bottle Filling Stations with Filtered Water. We currently have 4 locations for students and staff to fill their bottles with filtered water. The stations are located in the Main Office, Outside Lower C Bldg, D Bldg, and F Bldg. This fall we will be installing one more outside station in Upper Lunch just outside of Taft Hall. We are very proud and thrilled to provide these water systems to keep our students and staff both hydrated and green. Please take advantage of these water systems by providing your students with refillable bottles to keep hydrated.

-Daniel Steiner, Principal


Coffee with Principal
In the Library
@8:00am October 14th
Important Upcoming Dates

September 10th :
PTO Meeting @ 6:00pm in Taft Parent Conference Center

September 11th : ID pictures - 9th & 10th Grades
TEAF (Band Booster) @ 6:30 pm

September 12th : ID pictures - 11th & 12th Grades
College Night for Seniors & Parents @
6:00 pm

September 14th : Little Toreadors: Dance @ 8:00am

September 17th : PD Day - 1:43 Dismissal

September 18th : SSC/Charter Council/ELAC Annual
Parent Orientation & Election
@ 7:00 pm
First ELAC Meeting @ 7:30 pm

September 19th : Make up ID Pictures
Annual Title 1 Meeting @ 7:00 pm

September 20th : SSPT Meeting @ 8:30 am
JV Football After Game Meal @ 6:00 pm
Little Toreador Dance Half Time @ 6:30pm

September 23rd : SSC/Charter Council Meeting @ 5:00pm

September 24th : PD Day - 1:43 Dismissal

September 29th : Senior Picnic @ 11:30am Non School

September 30th : NO SCHOOL

In the Spotlight

Welcome Back!

The new school year is in full swing. Now that Back to School Night has passed and you have the teachers’ syllabi, take a couple of minutes to review them—even if you think you are familiar with a teacher’s policies, they may have changed. Look at the grading criteria, classroom conduct and consequences as well as any other potentially relevant information.

Remember, that should you or your student be in need of any assistance, Taft or the district may be able to help. Taft offers tutoring for many of its subjects—simply check with your classroom teacher to see if it's available. LAUSD also provides support for students and their families who may be struggling financially. Included among those services are health clinics, mental health services, as well as assistance for families dealing with homelessness. For more information regarding these services, you can ask for information from the main office.

- Carrie Adelman, 2019/2020 PTO President

Taft Ask Letter
Dear Taft Families,
We are thrilled that you have chosen Taft High School! Did you know that the Taft Charter Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) works with all the students, teachers, clubs and teams to help support their needs and put on school events like Homecoming? So many of the great things here at Taft that our students use and enjoy are NOT PAID FOR BY LAUSD, but rather by the PTO through the generosity of our parents and community.

This is why we are asking for your help.

For the cost of just one Starbucks latte or fast food value meal a week, you could help your child’s school provide all the following opportunities and more:
-Social events like the homecoming parade and dance and the Halloween costume contest.
-Stipends for our academic departments (Math, Science, English, History) to purchase supplies and classroom materials such as toner not paid for by LAUSD.
-Stipends for our elective departments like drama, music and visual arts.
-Trophies for all of our athletic teams.
-Support for our student clubs, student newspaper, college office and library.
-Need-based scholarships for community service and school volunteers
-Teacher appreciation events and school tours. 

Yes, public school is free, but all of the extras are not, so we need your help.  WE ARE ASKING EVERY FAMILY TO PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION!! We are suggesting a donation of $250 per family, but EVERY DOLLAR HELPS, so give whatever you can…

Your tax-deductible donations can be paid in full or monthly installments. Please make donation checks out to TAFT CHARTER PTO, and put donation on the memo line along with your child's name and grade, and return them in a sealed envelope to the main office or your child's English Teacher. You will be sent a receipt and donation letter. If you want to pay by cash or credit card,

please email Carrie Adelman at cadelman3681@gmail.com

Amazon Smile

If you shop on Amazon.com you can help Taft with every purchase you make, at NO COST to you! at SMILE.AMAZON.COM. You will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as AMAZON.COM, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Taft PTO. To shop, simply go to WWW.SMILE.AMAZON.COM from your web browser on your computer or mobile device and choose TAFT CHARTER PTO, you may also want to add a bookmark to WWW.SMILE.AMAZON.COM to make it even easier to return to and start your shopping.


If you register your card now, you need to RE-REGISTER it after September 1st. Unfortunately, they reset their system every year in September so please register your card AFTER September 1st.

To register your card:

  1. Log on to www.Ralphs.com
  2. Click on "SAVE" at the top of the page in bold type and then click on "Ralphs Community Contribution Partners."
  3. Click on the "Enroll Now" under Participant.
  4. Follow the instructions on the website.
College Corner

Volunteer for Upcoming Dates

Coming soon!

Please contant
Carrie Adelman at