September 2018, Issue 14
Legislative Report • CABE Superheroes: Sponsors/Exhibitors/Career Fair • Chapter Highlights • Kagan
42 Silicon Valley • CALTOG's 20th Anniv. Gala • PD for Educators of Immigrant and Refugee Students
CA EL Roadmap • Cuisine for Contemplation • CTA Resources for Prop 58 • CABE Board & Staff Retreats
An update by Martha Zaragoza-Díaz, CABE lobbyist, regarding the latest and most important education-related news from the California Legislature.

Click the thumbnail image on the right to read Martha's update. > > >
 Le arn about new legislation that can—and could in the future—directly impact you, and your schools, programs, colleagues, students and their families and communities.
Annual CABE
Board Retreat • September 13 th -14 th
Board Meeting • September 15 th
The CABE Board met at CABE Headquarters in Walnut, CA to take time to review, refresh, and renew the CABE Strategic Plan.

Some of the retreat outcomes included: deepening relational trust, collaborating to set the vision and direction of the Strategic Plan and understanding its connection to new CA policies on multilingual education, and committing to CABE's new vision, mission, values, theory of action, goals and direction.

At the end of three busy, but rewarding days, the CABE Board, Strategic Plan Consultants and other CABE friends celebrated with Mexican flair at dinner on the patio, while enjoying the lively music of a talented Mariachi band.
Coming up soon...Bakersfield, October 22, 2018!

Click below to download brochure, view details, and register...
Three Not-To-Be-Missed Opportunities
offered by

"Brain Friendly Teaching 
for Language Development"

 Dr. Spencer Kagan • October 16 th

"Languages Bring
Californians Together"
20th Anniversary of
Steadfast Advocacy for Californians Together

Workshops across the state:

  "Educator Support
for Immigrant and Refugee Students"   
CABE Team Members "Promoted" to  Captains on the Queen Mary
at August Staff Retreat
In August, the CABE Team met for two days at the Queen Mary (now a hotel/museum/visitor center) in Long Beach for the annual staff retreat.

It was time spent relaxing, reconnecting with each other, reviewing the reasons why we do
this important work, and more.

Some brave team members elected to tour the spooky places on the ship where sightings of ghostly visitors have been reported; but, alas, apparently no spirits came out to play that day.

The retreat concluded with a visit to the Long Beach Aquarium next door.
Sharing with the CABE Community the meetings, news, events, conferences, scholarships, celebrations, accomplishments, and more
of highlighted local CABE Chapters!
Ventura County Chapter 48 and Migrant Education Region XVII
invite you to join them for the
10 th Annual Ventura County CABE Conference
Rebuilding the Road to Multilingualism:
Celebrating 10 years of Leadership and Legacy
Reconstruyendo la ruta haca multiligüismo:
Celebrando 10 años de legado y liderazgo
Several CABE Board members and staff had the pleasure of attending the Riverside Chapter 6 meeting on September 12 th , hosted by the Riverside Unified School District. Riverside Chapter 6 is doing exceptional work, as evidenced by its 2018 CABE Chapter of the Year award.

Members were welcomed to the meeting by Dr. David Hansen, Riverside USD Superintendent and Annette Raspudick, Riverside USD EL Director.

Aside from attending toregular chapter business, members were entertained by students of the Castle View Show Choir and a special election was held to choose a new chapter president, as Mary Helen Ybarra was elected to the CABE Board of Direct ors as the Region IV Representative. Congratulations to the newly elected Chapter President, Jesús Holguín.

Other highlights included an update by CABE CEO, Jan Corea, and Keynote Speaker, Gabriel Sandoval, from Atkinson, Anderson, Loya, Ruud, & Romo, Attorneys at Law. His keynote was titled, "Ensuring Equity for All: Understanding and Protecting Rights of Undocumented Students."

At the end of the meeting there was an opportunity drawing to raise money for the student scholarship fund.
Above, left to right: Gabriel Sandoval from Atkinson, Anderson, Loya, Ruud,
& Romo, Attorneys-at-Law.; Mary Helen Ybarra, CABE Region IV Representative; Brenda Romero, Chapter Treasurer; Jesús Holguín, Chapter President; Renae Bryant, Chapter Secretary; Jan Corea, CABE CEO; Dr. Annie Rodríguez, CABE Board Vice President
Above, left to right: Dr. David Hansen, Riverside USD Superintendent; Mary Helen Ybarra, CABE Board Region IV Representative.; Annette Raspudick, Riverside USD EL Director; Jesús Holguín, Chapter President; Gabriel Sandoval, Keynote speaker from Atkinson, Anderson, Loya, Ruud, & Romo, Attorneys at Law
Castle View Show Choir
Unity to Move Forward —— Uniéndonos para salir adelante
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Pepperdine University Chapter 3 is hosting speaker Ruth Baskett, Los Angeles County Office of Education Multilingual Academic Support Project Director.
All are welcome!
CABE's partner, CTA, now offers...

  • New Prop 58 Resources

  • Voter Guides and Campaign Information for November Elections

CABE's CTA parter representative is
Rosalinda Quintanar
To Contemplate: What role does CABE play in connecting you to kindred spirits, and developing your knowledge, practices, courage and commitment to lead and support broad-based change? What knowledge, skills, and attributes do you bring to your role?
School Mission:
To disrupt software engineering education and tech talent pipelines
Take a quick tour of the school on Facebook with Otvi Vásquez.

(en español con subtítulos en inglés)
42 Silicon Valley
—a disruptive school—
(Targeted Age Span: 18 - 45)

No teachers, no lectures, no courses,
no schedule, no classes, no tuition,
no fees, no student loan debt, no SAT or ACT, no required purchases,
no barriers to quality education,
no documentation, no exclusionary practices, no prior education requirement, no background questions, open 24/7/365, modern, spacious facility, free room & board, and only two admission requirements:
1) Pass Intensive Basic Training.
2) Be willing to work hard.
Wait—what? 😳 Check it out...
The name of the school tells us its location, but whatis the "42" all about? Just ask anyone who's read "Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe"
—or you can find out here:
Visit CABE's webpage for...
  • Links to CDE English Learner Roadmap site
  • Palm cards in English & Spanish
  • Videos
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • Rubrics
  • ...and more!
Comic Corner
From there to here and here to there,
funny things are everywhere.
—Dr. Seuss
Comics retrieved from