April 28, 2020
A Word From Coach
I hope that everyone is doing well and being safe and healthy. I am sure that everyone is getting tired of staying at home and are ready to get back in the pool. 

I hear you and know your frustration, but just like in the pool we need to "finish the race". That means to stay at home, keep your hands and surfaces clean and have confidence that the great State of Wisconsin is looking out for our safety. 

I hope that every one is moving and doing some sort of exercise. Biking, speed walking, running, dryland and stretching will all translate into the water and help your swimming training. Keep moving!

Word came down from Wisconsin USA Swimming that the Wisconsin Swimming Board of Directors made the decision to cancel the 2020 Summer Wisconsin Swimming Meet Series. All Open Water, Regional Championships, 12 & Under State and 13 & Over State meets in their current form, have been canceled.

This news is upsetting, but it is the right call. This news does not mean that our season is over, but it has just changed our focus and goals. Swimmers get fast by building one complete training season after the next. Great performances in Championship meets are the result in what you do in practice each day during a training cycle. Our next training cycle will begin as soon as the State allows us, and we will be training for great Championship swims to come. Good things come to those who wait (and train extremely hard).

Stay positive my Ducks! We will be back in the water and you will be begging me for mercy some day soon. Keep learning, keep moving, stay safe and Go Ducks!

Coach Biller
Coach Biller's Butterfly Tip #2
The 2nd Dolphin Kick...
Last week, we discussed and analyzed flying forward in the pool and not diving down. This week, we will dive deeper into the Butterfly kick and discuss why constantly kicking in fly is key, and WHY your second dolphin kick is more important than the first kick!

Butterfly and Breaststroke are leg-driven strokes. Up to 80% of the propulsion generated in Butterfly & Breaststroke can be created from the waist down. With that being said, paying attention to a swimmer’s kick timing and tempo is crucial for a successful Butterfly (and Breaststroke) stroke.
This is a great video of Michael Phelp's fly. Watch & pay close attention to his powerful kick!
Think of the dolphin kick in fly, as the metronome. The faster your legs kick—the faster your arms move. The moment your legs stop kicking—the stroke falls apart.

With each stroke in fly, swimmers get a dolphin kick at the top (when the hands enter the water, after they finish the recovery) and a second dolphin kick as the hands finish their pull—passing by their bellybuttons. It is the presence and intensity of the second kick that allows a swimmer to finish with a strong pull and have a “relaxed” recovery.

In order to successfully implement a second dolphin kick, a swimmer must do 3 things:

1.) Bend Their Knees:
If a swimmer does not bend their knees, there is no way their legs are in position to execute a second dolphin kick. Each swimmer must actively bring the heels back up towards their bum (through the up-kick) to have the ability to snap their feet through (the down-kick). In most single kick Butterflyers it requires deliberate practice of bending their knees, so they have the ability to snap through (the down-kick).

2.) Do NOT Stop Kicking!
From the moment they finish their first kick, the swimmer initiates their up-kick (by bending their knees) to ensure the execution of a second dolphin kick. After the second kick, a swimmer bends their knees to set back up for the first kick. This constant movement of the legs is what makes the kick a Butterflyer’s metronome AND why the lower body is responsible for the majority of the propulsion (the arms go through distinct phases of propulsion and recovery, while the legs never stop generating propulsion).

3.) Their 2nd Dolphin Kick Must Happen In-Sync with the End of Their Pull.
Making sure the second dolphin kick happens in correlation with the end of a swimmer’s pull is crucial for the stroke’s fluidity and timing. The second dolphin kick is the only kick that happens while the upper body is being raised out of the water. That means, it is harder to coordinate a second dolphin kick (versus the first kick) because you don’t have the upper body working with you (it is actually working against you).

Therefore, it is very important that you initiate your second dolphin kick as you are finishing your pull, because it will help get your arms above the water (through the recovery) and couple together those two propulsive movements (the down-kick with the finish of the pull) to get the upper body high enough out of the water for the breath.
Without these movements happening in-sync with one another, a swimmer will have to “muscle” through their recovery and in turn–will get a shorter breath.

Overall, the second dolphin kick is critical for a successfully Butterfly stroke. All swimmers must have the thought of “constant kicking”. The constant kick will help eliminate any pauses within the arms cycle, it will get your arms over the water more relaxed through recovery, and generate more speed/power within each of their strokes!

Watch Ryan Lochte Sprint Kick A
50 Underwater in 22.80!
In case you missed it above, watch Michael Phelps' butterfly kick.
Eye Spy Challenge - Swim Team Edition
Ducks Team Pic Circa 1997
I spy with my little eye Coach Biller wearing a tie. Can you find him? :)
Ducks Dryland Workouts
Here's Dryland Routine #4 - Do 2-3 Times Weekly

This week's dryland is a little different. We are going to put the exercises into a circuit. You are going to do the circuit two times through and one minute on each exercise right into the next exercise. As always, go at your own pace and make modifications where needed.

You now have multiple Dryland workouts that you can mix up during the week. Consistency and progression is the key to success. Good luck and work hard!

Warm up
2:00 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
1:00 Mountain Climbers
2 x 1:00 Plank

Work - Run through this circuit two times. Do each exercise for one minute than move to the next.
Walk Out Push Ups - 4 push-ups per walk out
Mountain Climbers
Front Plank
Sit Ups
Jack Knives
Flutter Kicks - Hands under the butt, stomach in, head up, eyes on legs, small flutter kick

10 minute stretch - ( use this video )
Duck Spotlight
We have amazing swimmers on our team! We're excited to highlight a different Duck in each team newsletter. If you'd like to be featured, send in a picture and answer these questions. Email them to Coach at glenn.biller@glymca.org .
Meet Cora Singleton
1. Tell Us About Yourself (age, school, swim group, parent(s):
I am 14 years old and go to Randall School; I am a Mallard, and my parents are Sarah and Brett.

2. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Caution: Do not wake up before 10 AM.

3. What motivates you to work hard?
Getting stronger and faster - beating my times.

4. What is your proudest accomplishment?
Making state last year and this year.

5. What makes you laugh the most?
My brother

6. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Go horseback riding in the mountains and then go snorkeling in Australia
7. What would you sing at Karaoke Night?
Party in the USA

8. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Fried rice and pad thai - or mac n cheese - or tacos - or fettuccine alfredo

9. How would your friends describe you?
Weird, funny, kind, smart

10. If you were a super hero, what powers would you have?
I'd want to be a shape-shifter and I want to be able to fly.
Good Vibes
Questions About Team?

Contact Coach Glenn Biller at glenn.biller@glymca.org or 262-248-6211, ext. 23

Visit our website for team updates, practice schedules, meet info, & more.

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