Volume 11, Issue 2 | Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

In this issue:
  • Back-to-school photo galleries
  • Grove Children's Preschool gets highest state rating
  • Schools of 58 handbook
  • District news: Info on bus routes, Curriculum Night, heat, measles and more
  • Board and community news

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Welcome back to school, District 58!
Welcome back to school, District 58! We hope you enjoyed your first few days.

View our 1-minute "welcome back" video for quick back-to-school highlights. The video features two photos from each school, plus the Grove Children's Preschool program.

Read on: Later in this publication, you'll see additional back-to-school photo galleries featuring our schools!
Grove gets the gold!
And other news from Grove Children's Preschool
The State awarded District 58’s Grove Children’s Preschool with the Gold Circle Quality of Excellence on its 2018-19 Preschool for All state audit report. The gold rating is the highest score that an Illinois preschool can achieve, and this is the second consecutive time that Grove Children’s Preschool has earned this level of recognition. Congratulations! Learn more.

View a brief video showing how Preschool Coordinator Jackelyn Cadard surprised her staff with the announcement.

Do you have a child who's 0-5 years old? Consider participating in a developmental/preschool screening with Grove! Learn more.

Lastly, view first day of school photos at Grove Children's Preschool!
Read the Schools of 58 handbook
District 58 provides students and families with the Schools of 58 Parent Handbook . Please review this important handbook with your child, as it offers an overview of the District’s policies.

During school registration, parents indicated whether they wanted an electronic or printed copy of the handbook. Parents who requested a print copy will receive it in backpack mail this week.

Parents will be asked on Curriculum Night to confirm that they received the handbook, either electronically, as linked here, or in print.
Bus route reminders

District 58 and First Student bus company continue to improve bus routes and recommend that students arrive at their pickup location 5 minutes prior to their scheduled pickup time. Parents may call their school office or First Student (630-964-2500) with questions about specific routes.
Measles information

The Illinois Department of Public Health reports that measles outbreaks continue to occur nationwide, with 1,215 cases confirmed in 2019 alone (nine in Illinois). Please read this information about recent measles outbreaks and the importance of vaccinations.
Beat the heat in D58

Most District schools are not fully air conditioned. To ensure everyone keeps safe in the August and September heat, schools enact several heat relief measures and encourage students to bring a water bottle to school.   Learn more.
Read the Annual Report

Read the 2019 District 58 Annual Report, which highlights District 58 news and achievements from the 2018-19 school year.
Schools host Curriculum Night
District 58 invites all parents to attend Curriculum Night. Parents can meet their child's teachers and learn more about the class's curriculum, technology and instructional practices.
District 58 is hiring!

District 58 is hiring lunchroom supervisors, substitute teachers and substitute custodians! Learn more. The Village of Downers Grove is hiring crossing guards. Learn more.
Communicate 58 aims to feature all or most schools in each issue. Here are back-to-school highlights from each of our schools! (Preschool is featured above in the "Grove gets the gold" story). Have photos or a story idea from your school? Please email them to for possible publication.
Incoming Herrick and O'Neill seventh graders enjoyed Sneak Preview on Aug. 13-14, where they met peers, and learned how to follow a class schedule and open a locker. View photos.
This photo gallery features Belle Aire at the end of the first day of school. The kids were excited to talk about their first day!
El Sierra hosted Kindergarten Connection, an Aug. 20 event that welcomed kindergarteners and their parents to school. (Pictured above, Principal Lynde chats with parents.) View photos.
Fairmount students met teachers, unpacked supplies and made friends during a "move-in" event Aug. 20. View photos.
Henry Puffer hosted a "meet and greet" event Aug. 20 to welcome families and prepare for the school year! View photos.
Check out photos from the first day of school at Highland. Many photos feature kindergarten STEM time!
Check out highlights from the first day at Hillcrest! This photo gallery depicts students organizing supplies, gathering for a morning meeting and more!
Indian Trail students got a sneak peek of their new classrooms during a Meet the Teacher event on Aug. 20. View photos.
Kingsley students arrive at school and eagerly wait for the first bell to ring on the first day of school! View the photo gallery.
Lester welcomed its youngest learners during a special Kindergarten Meet and Greet on Aug. 20. View photos.
Pierce Downer students had a busy but fun first day of school. Check out the photo gallery!
Whittier held a first day all-school assembly focused on this year's school theme: "Find Your Superpower!" View photos.
Budget Workshop Board Briefs

The Board of Education held a Budget Workshop on Aug. 26. The Board Briefs meeting summary will be published tomorrow.
Upcoming Board meetings

The Board of Education will hold its September business meeting Monday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. The agenda will be posted on BoardDocs on Friday, Sept. 6.
Support District 58 at Oktoberfest Sept. 13-14!

The Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 will host Oktoberfest Sept. 13-14 in downtown Downers Grove. All proceeds from this family-friendly festival will support the Education Foundation's programs, benefiting District 58 students! Learn more.
Education Foundation appoints new board officers

The Education Foundation appointed four board officers to lead fundraising efforts to support District 58. Thank you, Janet Alikpala, David Olsen, Tina Messmer-King, Karoline Kellam and the entire Foundation board for volunteering your time! Learn more.
Thank you for school supply donations!
District 58 thanks the many groups and individuals who donated school supplies to help students in need! Contributors included:

* Community Christian Church of DG (they donated and delivered 65+ complete school supply sets for children in need!)
* Downers Grove Roadrunners
* True Balance Karate (pictured)
* ServiceMaster
* Old Navy - Downers Grove
* Accesso Services
* Arthur Gallagher
* Lester Girl Scouts

Thank you for your generosity!
Monday, Sept. 2
Labor Day - No School

Wednesday, Sept. 4
6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night at O'Neill

Thursday, Sept. 5
6-7:30 p.m. Curriculum Night at Belle Aire, Highland, Henry Puffer, Lester, Pierce Downer, Whittier and Grove Children's Preschool (IT location)

Friday, Sept. 6
7-8 a.m.: BOE Financial Advisory Committee at the ASC
4-7 p.m.: El Sierra's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Monday, Sept. 9
7 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting at DG Village Hall

Tuesday, Sept, 10
5:30-7:10: Curriculum Night at Hillcrest
6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night at El Sierra, Fairmount, Herrick 8th Grade and Grove Children's Preschool (HP location)
6-7:45 p.m.: Curriculum Night at Indian Trail and Kingsley

Thursday, Sept. 12
6-7:30 p.m.: Curriculum Night at Herrick 7th Grade

Sept. 13-14
Downers Grove Oktoberfest in downtown DG
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |