August 2019

Inching Toward the Data-Driven Future of Population Health Management

Data-driven tools will fuel future population health management efforts, but the industry is slow to conquer the challenges that can come with these advanced approaches.

As changing reimbursement models and innovative technologies continue to overhaul the healthcare industry, data analytics and population health management have taken center stage.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data-driven mHealth tools have caught the eye of organizations seeking to deliver better care and improved patient outcomes. Bearing the promise of more informed treatments and reduced costs, these technologies are poised to revolutionize the way the healthcare system operates, along with the results it produces.

However, organizations still have some hurdles to clear before they can reap the population health benefits of big data, said Cynthia Burghard, research director at IDC Health Insights.

To read the full article click here

Understanding the Value-Based Reimbursement Model Landscape

In January 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it intends to link half of all traditional Medicare payments to a value-based reimbursement model by the end of 2018.

The announcement, followed quickly by the unveiling of the MACRA framework that focuses on alternative payment models (APMs) for quality care improvements, led many providers to start investigating the switch to value-based care.  But the transition is not an easy one for many organizations.   Value-based reimbursement models require extensive data analytics capabilities, population health management programs, and the ability to successfully use electronic health records for documentation and reporting.

 To read the full article click here

Managing Population Health with Analytics and Social Determinants of Health

Knowing more about a patient than ever before means healthcare providers are in a position to better serve high-risk populations.

Hospitals always want to do better. They keep tabs on the materials they use, the procedures they perform, and the patient outcomes after care.

What happened?

Factors like these help them assess risk when considering which actions to take later on. This kind of data gathering, however, doesn’t look at many of the upstream factors of the person receiving care that aren’t directly related to their health.

These social determinants of health don’t immediately impact clinical care but can inform on a patient’s life circumstances and ability to receive regular care, things which can greatly impact the cost and quality of their care overall.

Recently the consulting company KPMG worked to incorporate Waystar’s social determinants of health data into its performance analytics to better forecast care models for high-risk populations. Representatives from both firms share their experience with social determinants of health’s impact on care.

To read the full article click here

Are you prepared to make the switch to Value-Based Reimbursement?

Transforming to a valued-based reimbursement model has changed the way providers regularly bill for care. It is now imperative that instead of billing for the quantity of services provided, that providers bill for the quality of care they deliver.  Providers and health systems risk financial penalties and lower reimbursements if they do not successfully participate in this switch.

What are the benefits of switching to a model focused on Value?
1.   Improvements in quality, fostered from a patient centered approach to care
2.   Promote proactive care rather than reactive care
3.   Drives improvements in care at a reduced cost
4.   Financial incentives; increasing the number of ways providers can get paid for the care they deliver
5.   Improve patient experience with quality and satisfaction
6.   Enhanced population health by focusing on health outcomes, morbidity rates, and disparities in care

How can I successfully switch to a model focused on Value?
1.   Meet quality standards while cutting cost
2.   Create a team-based approach to care
3.   Continuously monitor data using population health management tools and resources
4.    Ongoing education and training on population health, quality measures, and valued-based reimbursement programs
5.    Coordinated Care that is evidenced based to ensure efficient and effective care across all health care systems
6.    Implement and monitor quality improvement plans

How can we help?
FocusMD Inc is dedicated to supporting medical providers and regional hospitals as they strive to deliver quality and cost-effective care to their patients.

Our team offers Population Health Management (PHM) consulting along with implementing various quality care initiatives.

Our team also provides services to manage and maximize reimbursements from value-based reimbursement programs. 

To receive more information about the services we offer and the many ways we can help your organization, please reach out to us at 412-428-7700, option 1

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FocusMD | 441 Jane St, Carnegie, PA 15106 | 412-428-7700