Happy Earth Day!

Hi from Southeast Portland where we have been hunkered down for the last month. I skipped over my monthly newsletter The Eleven this month but wanted to bring you some news for Earth Day and so - hiya! I hope you are faring well in these different times. Like everyone, I've been a huge mix of emotions but I've sensed and contemplate a lot the huge upside to our world going forward. Just having cleaner air for all species is a huge improvement in my book. Plus, many are trying out new and fun things online - here's something cheery .
There's so much to share and tell! This last month has been full of a lot of connection on my end. I've zoomed with:

  • 2 Habonim workshop 29 reunions
  • 1 2-day long co-counseling workshop for my local RC area
  • One meeting for Farm My Yard
  • One meeting for activists trying to ban gas-powered leaf blowers
  • A large gathering hosted by Quiet Communities on the same topic - but nationally
  • A meeting of my men called Manimals - + a few mens' group meetings
  • I've also been playing music almost every day on FB live!

I've also joined a couple meetings with Food Security Hawai'i and their program to eliminate food insecurity in Hawai'i. My friend, Jenny Pell asked me to participate and help out with email marketing and social media for the project and I'm thrilled to be able to help out.
Yes, the grow your own food movement is certainly kicking into high gear at the moment and I'm glad to be both growing food and helping others do so. Food makes me think of community - and around that I've joined a local food-buying club which Annelise and I order through each week - all organic, lots of local stuff - I feel very lucky to be a part of this. Write me if you'd like more information and live somewhere near the Sunnyside neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.
Eecole shared this great article below about community - and how we might come through this in a better way as a society. Check it out.
A Case for Community in the Wake of COVID

This year I participated in two virtual Passover seders. My makeshift seder plate held parsley, that's it, and I bought a bottle of wine. Conversation focused on how "this night is different from all other nights", but also how "this year is...

Read more
Saturday Night Seder is a must watch for everyone. It's beautifully done, enjoy!
My 59th birthday is coming up on May 11th. I'm a big fan of cards - my address is below - save the postal service! Use it! Also, I intend to host a birthday party for myself at 11am PST on 5.11. If you'd like to join - click on this link at that time. It will probably go on for a while - so you can come late - I'm looking forward to playing some games and introducing friends to one another!

Robert Hubbell's 5x a week newsletter is still keeping me sane. I highly recommend signing up for it .

Yesterday, for instance, he wrote: " As this challenging time drags on, many are experiencing  a wide variety of unexpected emotions . Recognize that your feelings are shared by millions of people just like you. If you are feeling isolated or depressed, reach out to someone. The pandemic has brought out a new spirit of generosity and openness among neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers. Be proactive in reaching out to others; you may never know how important your simple act of kindness may be to someone suffering in silence. But they will know. Let’s make kindness more contagious than the virus."
Regarding politics - now's the time to be giving to Senate Democrats in tight races. This map makes things very clear - Maine, North Carolina, Colorado and Arizona is where I'll be starting and adding on 5 more races for good measure. Please include these races in your plans for taking back the Senate this Fall. Thanks.

So, how about that fresh air? Less traffic. The sounds of birds. Happy Earth Day 2020!

My life tips series could be helpful right now if you seek some fresh ideas on how to live a better life. Also, my Song a Day series is bringing new music to many. You can find ways to adjust your newsletter reception through the "change my profile" link below.

Keep on keepin on - and reach out if you want to say hi!

Lots of love,


PS - the pic below is from Marisha Auerbach's recent GPSEN presentation. You can learn more about her important work at