September 2019
Grace and Peace to you all!

“‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15:12

As we return to the rhythm of fall and school days, I hope you have had an opportunity to celebrate the different rhythm that summer brings. Longer days with sunshine, walks in the fresh air, picnics, hikes, and quality time with family and friends. During July, I celebrated one year being called as your pastor and teacher. What an exciting year it has been! You have welcomed me into your lives, celebrating the joys and providing support during the difficult times of life, and everything in between. What a blessing it is to be together. Although I appreciate the change of pace that comes with summer, I am also looking forward to the rhythm that fall brings.

As I have spent time this summer planning for this program year (September through May), I am grateful to be in relationship and in conversation with you all – what works, what doesn’t, traditions and new ideas. Relationships and communication are important and I truly value them and you – and I hope you do too. In that spirit, I am reminded that we are the church together. 

In that spirit, this year’s unofficial theme is about getting to know one another on a deeper level, as you feel comfortable. It is my hope to offer more fellowship times where we can be more than just sharing a worship space, but a welcoming space for friends, members, and visitors of Grace alike. Our first opportunity will be on Rally Day, September 8 th following 10 a.m. worship – we will be sharing in a meal in the fellowship hall downstairs. Watch for details. All are welcome! If you have ideas about other opportunities, please let me know. Perhaps a group movie afternoon/night? A field trip? As we get to know one another on a deeper level, may we work together to love, support, and care for one another as Jesus taught us to.

I look forward to engaging in this new program year with you all. I encourage you to stay engaged with us by sharing a word, phrase, or picture on our Facebook page (Grace UCC @Grace UCCKohler). I look forward to reading and seeing your posts.

Pastor Beth
Thanks for those sponsoring altar flowers: Mike & Lisa Rolloff and Orville and Gloria Valenstein and to Ann & Chuck Ebert for sponsoring the September bulletins.

Thank you to Rick & Cara Kleeman for assisting the church with heating and a/c issues. Rick & Cara are the owners of Kleeman Mechanical and they share their expertise to help keep the church comfortable for worship. Thank you.

Thank you to Keith Valenstein for assisting with Grace's plumbing needs.

Thank you to Kathy Rassel and the Grace Men's Quartet (Jim Limberg, Aaron Radder, David Rabe, and Curt Joa) for providing special music in August to enhance our worship experience.

Thank you to our custodian, Mike Rolloff, and all the other anonymous helpers for keeping the grounds looking great in this challenge summer weather.

To the property committee for managing a number of projects, especially the new carpeting. Thank you to all who contributed to make this project happen so smoothly! 

Thanks to memorial gifts, there are a few Bibles (regular and large print) in the rear of the sanctuary to follow along during worship. 
 There are a number of things that just ‘happen’ here at Grace. For those who give of their time and talent to make things happen – whether anonymously or whether I may have accidentally not included, please know that we are thankful for your generosity! Please let Pastor Beth know if there are any errors or omissions. 
Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share with Pastor Beth? Please reach out at any time or
920-371-8018. All prayer requests will be kept confidential unless permission to share with the congregation is given.  
In an effort to make sure our college students feel connected with Grace, and know that we support and love them, I am inviting students, parents/grandparents/etc. of students to forward me their loved one’s school address (deadline 9/22/19). Once they are compiled, we will print the list and ask for the friends and members of Grace to select a student and send them an occasional care package. At that time, I will include possible dates (final exams, holidays, etc.) when students often feel the most alone and might appreciate a care package, as well as list of ideas of what to send (popcorn, a card/letter of support, etc.).
We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Elaine Hartung who entered into eternal life on July 31, 2019.

Please remember that if you admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from Pastor Beth, please contact her directly (cell 920-371-8018). Between HIPPA and the busyness of the hospital staff, oftentimes the hospital doesn’t call, therefore Pastor Beth would appreciate a direct call from you or your family to ensure timely visitation and pastoral care. 
Shop with SCRIP!
Kwik Trip cards are available in the church office. With scrip, you’re paying face value and you’re getting face value. Make your giving go farther! Pick up SCRIP the next time you're at church.
Did you know that Texas Roadhouse offers a Sunday bulletin program to support local churches . On Sundays, guests that come into the Sheboygan Texas Roadhouse location can have 10% of their total food purchases back to the church! Simply present a current copy of your church’s bulletin to your server. 
Beginning Sept 1st, the church office will be staffed on Thursdays.
Sponsorship is another way to support the ministries and outreach of the church. Through sponsorship of Grace Notes, worship bulletins, altar flowers, or Bridgeway meals you help the church fulfill its mission. Donations made to sponsorship can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering plate with a notation of what you're sponsoring. Thank you for your generosity. We couldn't do it without you!

Altar flowers can be sponsored to mark a special occasion in your life or 'just because'. Flowers can be sponsored for a Sunday for $37.50 or you can bring your own flowers. Click the button below to claim a week and specify any colors and kinds of flowers you prefer. Following 10am worship you are welcome to take the flowers home to enjoy throughout the week.
By sponsoring Grace Notes you ensure that important information gets out to our church family, strengthening communication and fostering a sense of belonging. You can sponsor the Grace Notes newsletter for a month for $40. To signup to sponsor Grace Notes click the button below.
As a church, we support the ministry of Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization (SCIO) One of the ways we partner with them in ministry is by sponsoring a meal once a month to cover the costs of feeding the families staying at Bridgeway House. A donation of $40 provides the groceries needed to provide a nutritious meal for the women and children living there.
A month's worth of worship bulletins can be sponsored for $40. Click the button below to be a sponsor.
There are a number of opportunities to share your time and talent, please consider one (or more) of the following opportunities:

Liturgist/Lay Reader: If you are interested in reading scripture in worship (one time or on a regular basis), please contact the church office or Pastor Beth.

Host a coffee hour/fellowship time. It’s as simple as signing up in the narthex and bringing some “goodies.” What is important – that we get together. Less important – what we eat or drink. Goodies can be homemade or store bought. Get together with a couple of friends or invite someone you would like to get to know better and host a coffee hour. Perhaps you like to bake but not host? Connect with someone to share the love! If you have any questions, please call the church office or Pastor Beth. 

Ushering: There is a signup sheet in the foyer. Or signup by clicking the button below. You are welcome to sign up for one (or more) Sundays. Consider ushering with a friend or invite someone you don’t know as well to serve with you. If you have questions, see Pastor Beth. It is quick and easy training!
Join us as we kick off the program year on September 8
Sunday School begins at 8:45

10 am Worship will feature Presentation of Bibles, Teacher Blessing and Confirmation Blessing and a lunch will follow worship. (More details on that to come)

Plan to be there to celebrate with your church family being together again!
Click here for the
Grace United Church of Christ
Office: (920)452-6795
Rev Beth Petzke, pastor