August 22, 2019
Focus | EMSC Grantee Conference: A Journey to Improve Pediatric Emergency Care
Greetings from the EMSC Grantee Conference at Hilton Crystal City, VA! Your Florida EMSC team is busy networking and learning from other EMSC state programs and stakeholders. We will be back next week with a new topic. 

Be sure to follow:
  • EIIC (EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center) and sign up for their monthly newsletter, the EMSC Pulse. It is packed with great information for pediatric champions.
  • NEDARC (National EMSC Data Analysis and Research Center). All of you EMSC data and research champions will love this group!
Below are a few highlights from the first two days of the conference.
1. What is a PECC?
Members of your PEDReady team attended a great NEDARC workshop on how to use ADOBE Spark to tell a story, communicate and make our own videos. One theme we worked on was explaining a PECC.
Tired of explaining what a Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator/Champion is to colleagues? Share this webpage instead, created by conference attendee ‘Caleb from MD,’ that breaks down the importance of PECC’s in a simple, scrolling layout. Stay tuned for a Florida version! 
2. What's Being Shared Online:

“Thanks @EMSCImprovement & @emscNEDARC for the chance to discuss geographic access to pediatric-ready EDs in the US at #EMSCjourney19 today -- alongside colleagues doing amazing work on pediatric readiness & child outcomes.”

“Learning about incredible work by multiple partners advocating for children with medical complexity to be able to receive the pre-hospital care they need when emergencies occur. #emscjourney19 @EMSCImprovement

“Lessons learned with the 50 states and territories on how to implement a pediatric emergency care coordinator program for state ems in CT as part of the collaborative. #showyourpeccs

Don't miss out on the conversations! Follow the conference on social media:

3. PECC Champion of the Week
Sandra Nasca (Sandy)
Florida EMSC FAN Representative

Did you know that all EMSC state programs have a FAN (Family Advocacy Network) member?

All state FAN representatives attend the annual meeting, and Sandy was on the planning committee for this year’s conference. She is presenting breakout sessions on 'EMSC FAN and State Partners Working Together' and 'Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs' at today’s conference.

Sandy is a great member of our Florida EMSC and PEDReady team. She is also a forensic medical investigator, mother of eight children and wife to Florida emergency physician and PEDReady Champion, Lenny Nasca.

Thank you Sandy for being a PEDReady Champion for Florida and our country!
Upcoming Pediatric Emergency Events
Caring for Critical Kids Conference
August 22-23, 2019 | Gainesville, FL
Hosted by: UF Health ShandsCair

Join UF Health ShandsCair to learn more about caring for children with critical medical and trauma needs. Thursday is lecture day; Friday is skills lab day.
Children's Disaster Services Workshop
October 11-12, 2019 | Tampa, FL
Hosted by: Child Life Disaster Relief

This is a specialized training for Certified Child Life Professionals only. Certified child life specialists are invited to register. Ten PDU’s are available.
Pediatric Care After Resuscitation (PCAR) Course
Dec 2-3, 2019 | Jacksonville, FL

The mission of TCAR (Trauma Care After Resuscitation) Education Programs is to expand the knowledge base and clinical reasoning skills of nurses who work with injured patients anywhere along the trauma continuum of care, particularly in the post-resuscitation phase. 
Thanks for being a Pediatric Champion!
The Florida PEDReady Program | 904-244-8617