Monthly News, Events & Environmental Updates
BEC's mission is to protect and defend the land, air and water of Butte County and the surrounding region through action, advocacy and education.
Our monthly newsletter is designed to keep our community informed about local issues that impact our regions environmental quality and to bring you opportunities to become connected with BEC. Thank you for being involved!
We want to thank the Chico News & Review for a fantastic article regarding recent changes in our organization and a renewed vision moving forward. I you have not already done so, you can click the photo to the right to read the article!
Climate Action Plan
Listening Session
Join us on August 27th at the C.A.R.D. Community Center, from 6-8 PM,
for a community involved discussion on the upcoming update to the Sustainability Task Force Chico Climate Action Plan.
All members and those who are interested are welcome to this session, as all of our voices deserve to be represented for environmental change at a City level.
32nd Annual Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup
It is time to register for the Annual BEC Cleanup Event!
On September 21st at 9 AM, hundreds of community volunteers and groups will meet at Hooker Oak Recreation Area to start a day of local watershed clean up that will amount to literal TONS of man-made waste being removed from our local creeks and parks. It is crucial that we do our part to help these vulnerable riparian ecosystems. To find the Facebook event and receive updates, just click on the Cleanup poster here.
Please Register Now as an
Individual or Group Below!
A huge heron THANK YOU to our 2019 Cleanup Sponsors! This event would not be possible without their ongoing support. We are proud to serve this community!
We need volunteer event staff! Click the "Become an Event Staff" button to help.
As a part of the BEC family, we know how dedicated you are to a healthy watershed and a healthy community.
Today, consider becoming a “Friend of the Cleanup.”
Your financial support will make it possible for BEC to engage hundreds of volunteers to help pull several tons of garbage and recyclables out of Chico’s creeks and Bidwell Park. In addition to covering the expenses of this annual event, your contribution will also allow us to continue bringing the community together to protect the land, air, and water of Butte County.
B E C 2.0 Mural Event
with Wyatt Hersey
Save the date!
October 5th from 3-6 PM at the BEC Office. You are invited for a day of connection, art, music and local food. Featuring artist, Wyatt Hersey, an original endangered species themed mural will be interactively painted in our BEC office conference room. Near & Dear Bakery will have local vegan treats for sale and we will have kombucha on draft from Chico Natural Foods Co-op as well as live local music.
This one of a kind BEC event is not to be missed!
Save the date!
We are happy to announce the Butte Environmental Council's 44th Anniversary Gala will be held on Saturday, November 16th at the Arc Pavilion. Tickets will go on sale soon, so be sure to mark your calendars and say thank you to 44 years of environmental leadership with the BEC family.
Meet Julia May, our fantastic new RARE Coordinator! Our RARE (Recycling and Rubbish Education) Program has returned, and is ready to educate Butte County K-12 classrooms about the importance of the 4R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (Compost). This ongoing program is made possible through funding and support from the Butte County Landfill. RARE engages and empowers others to take control of reducing their waste footprint through interactive, hands-on workshops and public education events. We focus on the topics of Recycling, Composting, and best practices of Auto Oil management.
Learn what YOU can do to cut down on waste, prolong the life of the Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility, and take care of our planet by scheduling a visit from RARE today!
Did you know you can volunteer to help us water native oak seedlings in Bidwell Park every Sunday?
Meet us at the
North Rim Trail parking lot at 9 AM
and learn about our Oak Restoration Program while helping us water. This program is grant funded by the California Wildlife Foundation and has made it possible for us to plant hundreds of oak seedlings in efforts to restore our local oak woodlands. Be sure to bring water and closed toed shoes.
Click here to learn more!
We are sad to announce our Humboldt Community Garden is closing. However, we are happy to see new affordable housing being built in it's place.
Nevertheless, our Oakway Community Garden is still thriving and producing! Here are some photos taken by our intern Sam Steadman showing the beauty of the season at Oakway. For folks who are interested in a community garden plot, we currently have spaces available!
Please contact our Board Chair, Mark, at
Local Environmental Meetings Not to Be Missed!
Valley's Edge Development Scoping Meeting
"Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will be prepared for the Valley’s Edge Specific Plan project, located just southeast of the City of Chico. This step initiates the environmental review process required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)."... Please consider attending t
he scoping meeting for this development that will be held on
Thursday, August 29, 2019, from 6-7:30 pm
at Marsh Junior High School, in the Student Union.
Chico Climate Action Commission Approval
Please attend the
Tuesday, September 3rd
Chico City Council Meeting to show your support for the transition of the Sustainability Task Force to a standing Climate Action Commission. At this meeting, the
Council will officially consider an ordinance to establish the Climate Action Commission. We look forward to seeing you there!
Chico Joins
Global Climate Strike
Friday, September 20th, Chico joins the Global Climate Strike
The strike will be held from 11 am - 1 pm in the Downtown Chico City Plaza. All allies for climate change resistance efforts welcome. Stand with your community in this movement for global action on climate! BEC will have a table at the strike and we look forward to seeing you there!