Concierge services are not just for hotels anymore. Personal Concierge Services are becoming increasingly important to people whose lives are busy or for those that need an extra hand with the tasks of daily life. Perhaps you have just had a surgical procedure and need an extra hand while you rehabilitate; maybe you are a new mother with your focus on baby; perhaps you have a senior parent who no longer drives.
Lower Valley Care Advocates has a team of helpers who can handle all the tasks of everyday living including grocery shopping, errand running, preparing and cleaning up meals, making appointments, giving rides to and from appointments or simply providing a bright spot in someone’s day. 
As holiday season approaches, Concierge Services might be just the thing to take the stress out of the season. Consider Lower Valley Care Advocates for help with gift buying and wrapping, holiday baking and decorating.

Call (860) 767-2695 for tasks big and small.