March 27, 2020 | 2 Nisan 5780 | Volume 4 Number 6
The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Serving Conservative Jewish Women
in New York State, Ontario, and Quebec
From Our Region
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From Women's League

Jewish Women in Film
Women's League for Conservative Judaism's Lois Silverman Offers Virtual Course
Wednesday, April 1, 3:00-4:30 p.m. EDT
During these very difficult times why not learn more about Jewish women in the movies. Lois Silverman will be offering a course on Wednesday, April 1, 3:00-4:30 p.m. EDT. All are welcome. Please see zoom instructions below.

"When we view a film, we enter a new, often unfamiliar world," said Silverman. "If the film is well constructed, we become engrossed in how the inhabitants of that world react with each other. But when we study a film, we learn more about that world; we see how the inhabitants of that world interacted and why they acted as they did. To study film is a means of viewing history and studying it," explained Silverman as she described her upcoming course. Silverman teaches a film course at SUNY/POLY in Utica/Rome, NY.
Since the beginning of the US film industry in the early 1900s, Jewish women have been involved in front of the camera. They have also been part of the film industry, to a lesser degree, behind the scenes. While putting the times and societal norms into context, this course, through film clips, will explore the history and role of Jewish women in film from the beginning of the industry until today. 

Don't forget the popcorn!  All are welcome ! Tell all your family and friends!

Lois Silverman earned a B.A. cum laude and an M.A. in English Literature from Montclair State University, NJ. She has taught American and English literature, writing, and media studies as well as many adult education courses. Presently she is teaching film studies at SUNY/POLY (Utica/Rome). Having been sisterhood president of Temple Beth El, Utica, and NY State Branch President, she has also served as WL’s Program/Music Chair, Youth/School Chair, and is now Internet Services Chair. Lois has written many programs and publications for WLCJ .
Join Zoom Meeting: 
Topic: Jewish Women in Film
Time: Apr 1, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Shabbat Message - March 28, 2020 - 3 Nisan 5780
By Debra Green
Women's League Vice President, Region Presidents Conference Chair and Region Services Team Leader
“There’s something good in everything bad.”
March 25 is my mother’s 97th birthday. She won’t be celebrating this year as we lost her just over a week ago. You may recall reading my previous Shabbat messages about her. What an inspiration she was to so many! One of her favorite sayings was, “There’s something good in everything bad.” Our current situation regarding the covid 19 pandemic is very bad. Because of it, we barely had a minyan at her funeral and had no shiva. That was a shame, as many people would have liked to honor her. The good part of that was that I didn’t have to clean my house for the shiva! And it shows how important it is to honor our loved ones during their lifetimes. Because I was fortunate enough to have my wise, loving, strong mother for so long, I tried to honor her every day. She adored her grandchildren, probably more than “normal” grandmothers because of her having survived the Holocaust. Her strength appears to live on in her grandchildren and hopefully in her five great-grandchildren as well. When the life of one of her grandchildren hit a major snag several years ago, that adult grandchild immediately spent time with Grandma to absorb some of her strength. My mother had no idea what the issue was at the time, but even in the early stages of dementia she exuded strength and survival skills.
Hilda Stern was truly a remarkable woman. At the age of 15 she helped clean up her parents’ jewelry shop after it was looted and destroyed on Kristallnacht. At the age of 16 she accompanied her parents on the St. Louis, the ill-fated ship that left Hamburg, Germany, in May of 1939, bound for Cuba but forced to return to Europe. She was in a camp in Holland and then shipped to Theresienstadt (Terezin) in what was then Czechoslovakia. While there she married a young man. Three months later, he, his father and four brothers, and her father were shipped to Auschwitz, never to be heard from again. She had promised her father she would take care of her mother, so that’s what she did. There were several times when my mother’s sixth sense helped her save her mother.
In 1947 she arrived in New York. Two cousins met her at the dock and asked what she wanted to eat. She told them whipped cream, because to her that represented freedom. A few weeks ago when she essentially stopped eating, my children brought her whipped cream. It worked! She ate that when she wouldn’t eat anything else! Of course, that wasn’t enough, but how sweet that her influence on them was such that they would think of that. Hopefully it gave her some pleasure.
When she and my father met it took them five days to get engaged. They were married less than two months later. (My father was in Chicago and my mother was in New York. He said he couldn’t afford the long distance phone bills!) They took care of each other, their mothers, their children, and their grandchildren and ran a business together. Nothing was ever too difficult for her.
My mother was a woman of valor if there ever was one. She cared for everyone and never complained. She worked hard all her life. She loved her family and friends and being in the sunshine and life in general. She never took anything for granted.
My mother always described herself as the luckiest person in the world. That’s where she was mistaken. I am the luckiest person in the world for having had her as my mother and as my children’s grandmother.
Stay home. Wash your hands. 
Shabbat shalom!
Welcome Sarah Stern, New Director of Communications and Marketing
The Women's League for Conservative Judaism is pleased to announce that Sarah Stern will be joining the staff as Director of Communications and Marketing effective immediately. 

Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields, Executive Director of WLCJ, said, "We are thrilled to have Sarah Stern on board. She is a published author, and I am thrilled that we have hired Sarah, someone who has a great passion for writing, and for Judaism. Sarah will bring new innovations and ideas as we network to engage, enrich, and empower Conservative Jewish Women.” 

Sarah Stern has worked in communications and public relations at universities, think tanks, and cultural centers in New York City. She graduated from Barnard College and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. She is the author of three poetry collections, the latest We Have Been Lucky in the Midst of Misfortune, and a recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations. She is also on the faculty of the New York Writers Workshop. 

"I am very excited to have this opportunity," said Stern. "The women of WLCJ are outstanding and what they have accomplished over their more than 100 years is truly inspiring. I look forward to being a part of WLCJ's next chapter!" Please welcome Sarah Stern to WLCJ. Her email is
As a member of the JCPA Women's League Shares This Call For Action

Protect the Most Vulnerable From the Impacts of COVID-19
Act Now: Protect the Most Vulnerable From the Impacts of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc, disrupting lives and fueling anxiety. As Congress responds, we must remind our elected leaders of their responsibility to act swiftly, with care and compassion, as they address the pandemic and its economic repercussions.

The President recently signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This was a crucial step, but it did not go far enough. Right now, the Senate is preparing to vote on expanding emergency funding. It is vital that this next bill do more to protect those who need assistance most. 

Congress should follow these principles in any legislation that addresses the COVID-19 crisis:
  • Ensure accessible and affordable testing and treatment for the Coronavirus, regardless of income, location, disability, or immigration status.
  • Ensure that all can take sick leave and care for family members without risking their jobs or their paychecks.

  • Ensure low-income workers and individuals who are economically at risk have the assistance they need to put food on the table and provide for their families.

  • Give special care and attention to individuals at increased risk of infection, including individuals in prison, immigrants and children in detention, in long-term care facilities, and those who are homeless.

  • Economic stimulus measures should focus first on low-income and vulnerable communities. Such policies also have the strongest economic impact. Any bailouts and emergency assistance for major industries and businesses must be paired with comparable assistance for economically at-risk workers and vulnerable individuals.

Time is of the essence. Contact your members and urge them to act quickly in protecting our most vulnerable.

Send a letter to your Representatives and Senators today!  Click here to take action!

Daily Virtual Minyan via Zoom for Psalm Study and Kaddish Recitation
As it has become the new reality that people are not physically allowed to gather in large groups, and many cannot attend Services to say Kaddish.  We do not want you to be feel alone, and want our sisters throughout the world to know that although we may not physically be together, we can come together virtually.
WLCJ has created an avenue for our WLCJ Sisters, to read and study a Psalm every day, and say Kaddish. 
Starting on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 1 pm EDT, we will have a Zoom Meeting for us to come together, to read and study a Psalm and say Kaddish. We will do this every day, but on Shabbat, and holidays. (If this need continues into Passover.)
This is a situation of Sha'at HaDichak , a pressing time, where things are different, and so as Mara D'atra of WLCJ, I am saying that since we cannot all be part of a physical minyan of ten, ten coming together via zoom will be a minyan. Since we are in different time zones, we will not have a full Service, but rather read and study a chapter from the Book of Psalms, and then say Kaddish. The chapter will be on your screen, as well as Kaddish - we just need ten together on the zoom. 
The following is the call in information for each day, starting Sunday, March 15, 2020, at 1 pm EDT, and will continue every day, but Shabbat, and the holy days of holidays - if we need to continue through Passover.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 630 830 287
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 +972 3 978 6688 Israel 
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One does not have to pre-register, just call in.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Margie Miller
WLCJ President 
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
WLCJ Executive Director 

Timely And Comforting Music From Our Convention Presentors
On Convention website
“Heal Us Now” sung by Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro (Convention Hazzan) and Cantor Leon Sher (Convention Choir Director and composer of this piece) Performed with choir from Congregation Beth El, Voorhees, NJ   


Come to Convention 2020 Sunday, July 12 - Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg in Schaumburg, Illinois

Check out the different packages being offered / get the early bird rate!
Go to the Women's League website - WLCJ.ORG - and Login to the member's area. Click Login at upper right of screen (or click HERE) and enter your email address and password where directed.

Need your password or help with login? Contact Razel or 212-870-1263
From Illene Rubin, Convention 2020 Program Vice Chair

Our Convention 2020 Team has put together an incredible variety of events and activities for our gathering in July. Program Vice Chair Illene Rubin is certain that Sisters Journeying Together will be an experience you will NOT want to miss.

Two New Pre-Convention Workshops For You
Convention starts NOW! Eat, Drink, Pray. 
Thursday, May 7th 8:00 - 9:00PM Eastern Time
Study the the who, what, where, when and why of Birkat HaMazon.
Rabbi Helene Kornsgold, Director of Congregational Education 
Temple Israel, Charlotte, NC
Study the the who, what, where, when and why of Birkat HaMazon.
Convention Starts NOW!
How to lead Birkat HaMazon .
Thursday, May 14th 8:00 - 9:00PM Eastern Time
The women who participate will be invited to lead Birkat HaMazon at the convention and will share a shehecheyanu moment there.
Eryka Velazquez, cantorial intern at South Huntington Jewish Center in Long Island. 
Eryka Velazquez utilizes the power of prayer and song to connect present-day Jews with ancient Jewish traditions. She is a passionate singer, and music has always played a major role in her life. Currently in her fifth year of studies at the H. L. Miller Cantorial School and the Davidson School of Education, Eryka deepens her knowledge of Jewish education every day. In her future positions of leadership, she looks forward to blending the beautiful Jewish traditions of our past with contemporary practices of Judaism. Eryka most recently spent a second summer at Camp Ramah Wisconsin as a Yahadut teacher, Shira staff and B'nai Mitzvah Program Director.  

Convention Social Action Project update   
If you would like to purchase a no-sew blanket kit to create a warm blanket or donate a kit to enable THE ARK to assist those in need please  Click HERE
Read more Convention 2020 Presenter bios and keep checking for more updates at  
*Message for Women's League Board of Directors
For the first time at Women’s League Convention, the Leadership sessions will take place before the Convention officially starts. This will allow all delegates to participate in Convention and not miss personal enrichment and educational sessions because they are in required sessions.
All Sisterhood Presidents should plan to arrive and be ready to start their session at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 12.
There will be separate registration available to enable those delegates to check in to Convention.
In order to prepare for the Sisterhood Presidents' session, we have scheduled pre-convention Zoom sessions to help you. Please see the information in this email. 
When you register, please be aware of separate pricing for Convention (Sunday 3:30 pm to Tuesday 5:00PM) Shabbat experience and for a post-Convention leadership day Wednesday called Continuing the Journey.  All members of the International Board of Directors should plan to stay for Tuesday night through Wednesday morning for a Board of Directors meeting. The meeting will end by noon.
Shabbaton package begins with services and dinner on Friday night at a local synagogue. Saturday breakfast and dinner at hotel with services and Kiddush lunch at same local synagogue. Programming Shabbat afternoon and Havdalah included at hotel. 
See Convention website for pricing. 
Airline reservations should be made for late Wednesday afternoon to ensure that you have enough time to travel to airport (O’Hare 30-45 minutes /Midway 45-60 minutes). 
Hotel reservations should be made separately through the link on the Convention website. Prices are based on double occupancy.
If you need help registering, please call Razel in the Women’s League office at 1-212-870-1260.
I am happy to answer any questions you have. Call me at 610-324-7940.
Continue to look for further information on the WLCJ Convention website .
Looking forward to journeying together with you,
Debbi Kaner Goldich
Convention 2020 Chair
Sisters Journeying Together,
Calling all Sisterhood Presidents, both new and experienced!
Our Sisterhood Presidents' Zoom calls will help you navigate a path through the world of Women’s League .
Our Zoom calls are designed for you to discover the essence of Convention and why so many of us are so excited to be spending three days with like-minded Jewish women from all over North America. Just think…you have the chance to meet other Sisterhood Presidents from the comfort of your home before Convention, so you will have new friends waiting for you when you get to Chicago. This is also YOUR opportunity to let us know what tools you feel you need so that you can return to your sisterhoods feeling energized and confident. We aim to please!
Click  here   for recording of the first session held Wednesday, January 8, 2020,
Convention Starts NOW - I Did Not Know That!  
Recording of March 5th session soon to be posted on our website
Convention Starts NOW! We have a website? 
Registration is now open for the following Sisterhood Presidents' Zoom Call:
Convention Starts NOW! You Found It Where?  Wed., April 22, 8pm Eastern Register HERE
Questions? E-mail Carol Simon at .


 Weekly Words of Torah goes PC (Parashah and Chesed ) -  
Parashat Vayikra  (Shabbat 3/28/2020)

Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields 
Executive Director

The third book of the Torah, Leviticus, Sefer Vayikra , begins with Parashat Vayikra , and provides an introduction to the sacrifices. Details are provided for the regular daily offering, the Olah , the meal offering called the Minchah of flour and water, the peace offering, the shelamim , the sin offering called the chatat , and the guilt offering, called the asham.  
In our day, we do not have offerings to God. We should our gratitude to God through prayer, and acts of Chesed , kindness, we can do for others. Offerings were often performed as a way to make requests and petitions to God. As an act of Chesed to oneself, for Parashat Vayikra, write your own personal prayer to God, with all that you are grateful for, worried about, filled with your wishes, desires, and anxieties. Prayer today has replaced animal sacrifices and offerings. This prayer will be between you and God - and no one else will read it. An act of Chesed for yourself is to be truthful in your private prayer to God, and express all that is deep in your thoughts that you are not able to tell another human being, or are not able to, while in quarantine in your home. Remember, every day at 1 pm EDT, our WLCJ Psalm and Kaddish - to be with your WLCJ sisters virtually. 
We gratefully acklowledge the following donations toward future Masorti Women's Study Days

Sisterhood of the North Shore Jewish Center

March Sisterhood Showcase: Memories Roadshow Program
Temple Beth Sholom, Sarasota FL
This program is an opportunity to bring together women not only from the synagogue but from neighboring churches and even mosques. It breaks down barriers and enables sharing at a meaningful level. It helps all participants to see how much we share; how much we have in common. And it's a lot of fun!
How it works:
Each person should bring one article of memorabilia that is important to her. It does not have to be a religious article. We had an amazing variety of items presented.
Each person will be allowed to speak for 1 -2 minutes and describe what she brought and what it means to her. An emcee makes sure that no single group dominates and everyone is given a chance to speak.
We started our event with a very appropriate welcome from our Sisterhood President, followed by a short D'var Torah (it's copied below for reference). Then, the two Program Co-VP's presented their items so that people could get a flavor for what to do.
We made sure to advertise the program well in advance. We made the program free with no need to RSVP (our total costs were under $40 - well under $1 per person).  
For outreach, it is best to have one contact at each outside house of worship. She will publicize the program to her co-congregants and act as a conduit. We had one woman at each of the two churches which participated and one woman at our local mosque, although they did not participate.
For full article click HERE
Women's League Calendar Diary 2020-2021 Order Now
Your opportunity to enjoy recent Zoom Programs
Personal Conversation:
Neshama, with Rabbi Jaymee Alpert   
For video click HERE

Tefillin with Anne Lapidus Lerner
For video click HERE

Mishnah with Rabbi Chaya Rowen Brown
For video click HERE

How To Put On Tefillin with Janet Kirschner
For video click HERE
We are pleased to share with you
We are pleased to share with you the following information on a publication jointly published by the Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University and Indiana University Press.
For subscription information click HERE.
From the Region Torah Fund Chair--
Marilyn Cohen
Marilyn Cohen

Linda Steinhorn
I am Marilyn Cohen, one of your Madrichah for Convention. Our friend Linda Steinhorn is our other Madrichah. We act as your Good Will Ambassadors and help promote Convention and coordinate logistics. We will be your go-to person for setting up lifts to and from airports, getting party goodies, and letting you know about some special events etc.
Our theme is SISTERS JOURNEYING TOGETHER and Debby Goldich and her amazing convention team have worked tirelessly to make this a most meaningful and delightful experience. For details check out  or .
If you are going, please be aware that the main Convention starts at 3:30pm on Sunday July 12 th and ends at 5:00pm on Tuesday. 


OPTIONAL: you can Continue the Journey on Tuesday night with dinner & Comedy Night entertainment

And ALL INCOMING WLCJ BOARD OF DIRECTORS have their meeting on Wednesday morning from 9am to noon.
VENDORS will only be available on SUNDAY from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm – so do your shopping early. They offer AMAZING gifts you will not find easily anywhere else.
We are pleased to announce that there will be special trips/events for spouces while we are in sessions. Since our programs are geared especially to women, male guests will be allowed to attend all services, meals, Installation and the Shabbaton – not our sessions.
We would like all sisterhoods to be involved in the Social Action projects devised for this convention. Below is the link to both Social Action projects videos. They are instructions on making a Tee Shirt Shopping Bag and a Fleece Blanket or you can bring toiletries to donate. All these will go to The ARK, a Chicago area Jewish social service agency. You can put the page link or the video links and the information on the page onto your Shabbat message or share another way with your sisterhoods.

Marilyn Cohen

Linda Steinhorn