Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Single Service This Sunday!
September 8 th at 9:30 followed by our annual church picnic.

Join the fun...Hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and BBQ ribs provided (grilled by Men’s Fellowship). All are invited to bring a side/salad/dessert to share. Games and fun activities will be ready for kids of all ages!
Blessing of the Backpacks
THIS Sunday, 9/8 at 9:30

Please have all children bring their backpacks to church this Sunday to be blessed in worship. We'll also say a blessing over the backpacks used for for the Backpack Crew, carting food home each Friday to families with food insecurity.
UMW Bazaar Collections

Beginning September 1st, UMW will be collecting items for sale at the annual Bazaar (Bazaar dates are October 12 & 13th). We accept sellable items that are slightly used and in good condition. Bring them in starting September 1st, preferably in a box, and store under the pews in Room 114. If any questions, contact Linda Babler .
New Worship Schedule
Beginning September 15th

  • 8:15 am – Worship in the Chapel
  • 9:00 am – Education Hour (Youth and Adult Classes)
  • 10:00 am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary and Children’s Sunday School
  • 11:30 am – The Village Worship in the Fellowship Hall
Adult Classes
Staring Sunday, September 15th
at 9:00 a.m. in the Lounge.
Join us as we jump into the season with a video study of Matthew's gospel entitled Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy by John Shelby Spong. Contact Mark Hackler for more info.

B ible Study with Pastor Jess
Join us Thursday September 19 in the Lounge from 10:30-noon
as we learn about the 1st Corinthians and grow closer to one another, sharing reflections and laughter.
TREX Recycling Challenge Officially Starting September 1
Can we collect 500 pounds of single use plastic in 6 months? With your help, we can!

We invite you to join the challenge by bringing in single use plastics such as grocery bags, bread bags, etc. to the collection bin at the back door. Any plastic marked with a 2 or 4 or plastic that can be stretched can be donated. Our goal is to collect and recycle 500 lbs of plastic. In exchange, TREX® will donate an outdoor bench to our church and together we will have eliminated 500 lbs of plastic from our area landfills! Please contact Bobbie Ridgely for more information.
It’s that time of year… CROP WALK SEASON!

Starting up with our RALLY on Tuesday, Sept. 10th. Please call Janie Schildge – 732-741-0528 if you would like to hear our Teen stories of why they walk and want you to join in…..come get t-shirts, signs, and Shop for Crop cards!
And mark your calendar for Sunday, October 20th for this year's Crop Walk!
HUBOB Silver Tea and
Art Auction 

Saturday afternoon, September 28 th at 2 pm will be an opportunity to honor the passing of Anne Walradt, one of our original HUBOB ( H elp U s B alance O ur B udget) team members. Wear your favorite hat and bring a friend. In addition to tea, we will be providing an art auction/sale with works from the collection of long time member, Emily Schopp, who also passed away this year. This will be an afternoon to celebrate the lives of these two women and their years of service and loyalty to the United Methodist Church of Red Bank. Your reservations can be made at the HUBOB table in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings or by calling Marion Kleiner at 732-918-9587.

Over 55 Luncheon

The annual Over 55 year old luncheon will be held Wednesday, September 25 at noon in Fellowship Hall. Spectacular meal and entertainment. Save the date! Contact Linda Babler.
Ladies Morning Out
Date change! Now, October 19th

Join us for a relaxing, informative morning on "Mindfulness: The Power of Mindset". Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. The program is from at 9:00 to noonish. Token fee of $5.00. Registration begins September 1, 2019 in Fellowship Hall (ask at the Card sales table) or contact Linda Babler, or download your registration form here.
Welcome, Casey Akers!

They (preferred pronoun) will be our seminary intern from Drew for the upcoming school year (September 2019-June 2020). Please welcome Case (and wear your name tag, please)!!
Worship Sneak Peek
September 8th

Join us on Sunday in worship as close out our three week series on the Psalms. We'll look in depth at the text - Psalm 100 - to explore more about God and how we are called to lift our praise in worship and everyday life. Hope to see you there!

For a preview of this week’s bulletin,  click here .
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of a pastoral visit 
please contact the church office at
732-747-0446, or

If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact 
Rev. Jessica Naulty at 908-400-2343 or