Vol. 10, Iss. 19
May 21, 2020

Dear Parents,
I can't believe the year is wrapping up! It's been a challenge, but as a community, I think we've come together to make the best of a very hard situation. I am so proud of our staff, students and families. It was sure nice to get to see many of you this week during pick-up/drop-off, even if it was just through car windows.  
The School Accountability Committee (SAC), Board of Directors and the Administration would like to get your opinions on this remote learning experience. The SAC committee has put together surveys to get your input. As I mentioned last week, it is our goal to learn from these last nine weeks to make improvements IF remote learning is required in the future. We have yet to receive any State or District guidance about next school year, nor have we made any decisions; but as we are a data driven institution, we feel it's important to get your feedback. Below are the links to the surveys in case you missed them in your teacher communication this week:
Parent Survey Link    
Kindergarten/First/Second Grade Student Survey Link
Third and Fourth Grade Student Survey Link
Fifth Grade Student Survey Link
Sixth/Seventh/Eighth Grade Student Survey Link
The state's budget has been highly impacted by COVID-19 and this will impact our overall school budget for next year, and probably for a couple of years beyond that. We should know the impact these cuts will have by the end of next week. Our school is in a strong financial position and I want to assure you that we will continue to prioritize our staff and students in all budget decisions.
Please make sure to check your email regularly this summer as we will be communicating important information. As I said last week, it is my goal to provide timely and transparent information as decisions are made regarding graduation, summer camps, the 2020-21 school year, the budget, and anything else that may come up. 
I am always available by email, even over the summer, so please continue to reach out with any questions or concerns you have.
Congratulations to our graduating class of 2020. As the very first kindergarten class at BFA, you'll always hold a special place in my heart and I hope you'll stay in touch. I can't wait to hear about all the amazing things you'll accomplish in high school and beyond.
I hope you all have a fun and safe summer and I can't wait to see everyone in August! 
Diana Simpson 

Tomorrow, May 22, is the last day of school. We hope you have a terrific summer and look forward to seeing you next school year!  

Scholastic has extended our online Book Fair through Sept. 4! This is great news for our readers and our pocket books as Scholastic offers good discounts on books. And, you never have to leave your house to stock up on terrific books for your student(s). Use this link and order today!

Douglas County Libraries (DCL) is inviting YOUR FAMILY to have a great summer reading! They suggest 1000 minutes of reading as a worthy goal, but families can create their own challenge as well. They've set a community goal of 8 million minutes read, and will donate $1000 to the COVID-19 Recovery Fund through the Douglas County Community Foundation if our local community meets the goal.  
Sign up and remind your friends and classmates to sign up! Be sure to include your school name and your grade when you register. The school with the most sign-ups by July 31 wins $500. You can register on the DCL website or click here.

PTO Logo
Thank you everyone who has served on, volunteered for, and supported the PTO this year!  Although our school year was cut short, it has been another great year, with many memorable events.

Each year, with the generous donations from our BFA community and our annual sponsors, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) provides the school with tools, materials, and financial support for important programs, including: Lexia; Accelerated Reader incentives; Directory On Tap; HelpCounter software; student planners; teacher, staff, and volunteer appreciation; and community events such as the Harvest Festival, Sweetheart Ball, and Spring Social. Additional PTO purchases for the school this year included:
  • Recess equipment storage unit
  • Yearbooks for students who participate in the yearbook elective
  • Literacy materials for first grade
  • Weighted lap pads
  • Art room organization supplies
  • TV enclosure for the Thunder Gym
  • Disney Choir and Washington, DC, trip contributions of $100 per student, pending completion of volunteer requirements
  • Gift cards for all staff, in lieu of in-person all staff year-end luncheon
Thanks to the generosity of the BFA community, this school year we received donations totaling approximately $31,000 in addition to fundraising income of approximately $46,000. From that money, $19,500 was spent on enhancements to the outdoor classroom this spring, and $40,000 will be held in reserves. The balance of the fundraising monies was spent on various PTO programs and school services throughout the year. Any remaining funds will roll over to next year's PTO budget. Additionally, the PTO has committed to allocate unspent MakerSpace funds toward the greenhouse project, if needed.

Thank you again for your unwavering support!

pirates cove
Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year.  We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA! To show our thanks, the PTO is hosting a volunteer appreciation event - an evening at Pirates Cove - f rom 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 19. All BFA families who have met and recorded their family's volunteer quota (30 hours per family or 15 per single household) will be rewarded with FREE admission for their immediate family to Pirate's Cove. Pirates Cove is scheduled to open for the season on June 7, and the PTO has rented out the park for the evening of our event so it will be a private, BFA only event. We will continue to monitor the situation and share more information as we get closer to July. We hope to see all of our dedicated volunteers there!
Please log your volunteer hours as soon as possible! The deadline for logging hours is May 31. We love to recognize our volunteers so please don't let your hours go unaccounted. Volunteer hours recorded by May 31 will not only go towards your Pirates Cove admission but volunteer appreciation thank-yous. Volunteer appreciation thank-yous will be distributed at Pirates Cove and/or annual family check-in in August. If your family is leaving BFA entirely, and you have reached 50, 75, or 100-hour milestones, please email Natalie Lucero, PTO Vice President. Happy logging!

For those students that take medicine at school, per the Douglas County School District (DCSD),  new medication forms are required at the beginning of each school year. Medication forms from the prior school year are considered EXPIRED.
In preparation for next school year, as in the past, prescription and over-the-counter medications will be administered to students at school only on the specific written request of the student's parent/guardian and with the written authorization of the student's physician.
Provider Medication Authorization Forms, Asthma Care Plans, Allergy Care Plans, and Medication Request and Release forms are available in the school office, on the school website and are linked below. If your student(s) have a doctor's appointment during the summer, that's a good time to get the paperwork completed. Records can be emailed to the health office, faxed to 303-974-1738 or dropped off during BFA Family Check-In.   
All prescription medications must be provided in the original pharmacy labeled container. The pharmacy label must match the accompanying Provider Medication Authorization. All over-the-counter medications must be provided in the original packaging, which includes dose and frequency information, the dose must match the Provider Medication Authorization.
Reminder: Acetaminophen or any other over-the-counter medication cannot be administered at school without an order from the health care provider (Provider Medication Authorization Form). Ben Franklin Academy provides Acetaminophen in 80 mg chewable tablets and 325 mg pills. If your student needs a different dose or form, you will need to provide the medication.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies may not be administered at school.
Not sure which form you need to have completed?
Provider Medication Authorization Form: If your student will need a medication administered at school, either daily or as needed, please complete the top portion of this form and have the student's health care provider complete the lower portion of the form.
Asthma Care Plan: If your student has asthma and will have an inhaler or other treatment at school, have your student's health care provider complete this form. Also complete the Medication Request and Release Agreement (below).
Allergy Care Plan: If your student has a severe allergy and will have an epinephrine auto-injector or other medication at school, have your student's health care provider complete this form. Also complete the Medication Request and Release Agreement (below).
Medication Request and Release Agreement: If your student's health care provider has used their own form or if your student has an Asthma Care Plan or Allergy Care Plan, please complete this form.
Thank you for adhering to these processes. As always, our highest priority is to keep all students safe at school.

According to state law, students entering sixth grade next school year must have received the Tdap vaccination to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.  Students entering sixth grade, and students new to BFA for grades 6-8 must show proof of immunization. Records can be emailed to the health office, faxed to 303-974-1738 or dropped off during BFA Family Check-In. 

Generation Wild Colorado is encouraging all students and families to Ring in Summer at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 29. They hope Coloradans across the state will join together to officially ring in summer. They also hope this joyful noise will lift spirits and help us all look forward to better days ahead. They encourage you to help spread the word and share your bell-ringing videos on your social feed using #RingInSummer and #GenerationWild. For more information, visit their website.  

BFA Summer Camp
A message from Mrs. Savoy and Ms. Harlow, your BASE summer camp directors...
Due to the current restrictions set forth by the state of Colorado and Douglas County School District, Lightning Bolts Summer camp will not be available from May 27 - June 12. Please know that we are continually assessing the situation; and, as soon as we can, we'll communicate our decisions for camp as well as the guidelines we will follow to keep everyone safe. We encourage you to still register for camp.  
We are so sorry for the inconvenience. Providing the best possible camp experience for your student(s) is very important to us, so we're looking forward to being open as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Whether you have uniforms to sell or need some new-to-you pieces, the PTO's uniform buyback sale is the best fit for you. The next uniform buyback sale is scheduled for Saturday, July 25, pending gathering limitations. Please keep an eye out for communication with updates and selling procedures as we get closer to the sale date.

The PTO is looking for Room Parents for next school year! Being an elementary school Room Parent is a great way to meet your volunteer quota, develop a relationship with your child's teacher, and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to Amanda Trenck and Lauren Flint, co-room parent coordinators, K-5.  
Thursday, May 21

All are welcome to attend the SAC Zoom meeting at 4:30 p.m. today, May 21. The details of the Zoom meeting are available on the BFA calendar.
Friday, May 22

Tomorrow, May 22, is the last day of school. We hope you have a terrific summer and look forward to seeing you next school year! 
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School:  Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.