spector and lenz, pc
social security and disability law
312-341-0711 www.spectorandlenz.com
social security and disability law newsletter 
September 10, 2019 | issue 136 | Were you denied disability?

Are you feeling frustrated that your application for Social Security disability benefits wasn't approved? Want to do something about it? You can appeal the SSA decision. But how do you even get that started?

Working with experienced disability lawyers just makes sense. They will take a fresh look at your case and they know the appeals process by heart. Here's what Teresa Pleski Juricic said about Spector and Lenz after trying to apply on her own -

"I felt like they were truly concerned with my case. I could not believe that after so many denials that I was finally approved!!! This was all because of Spector and Lenz." 

Spector and Lenz is accepting new clients now. There is no charge for your first conversation. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Call today at (312) 341-0711.
Waiting for disability approval is a game of patience
First you spend weeks (or months) preparing your SSDI application. Then you wait - maybe for months. Approved - great, but if your application is denied, you can appeal the decision. In fact, there are four levels of appeal, illustrated by this diagram, Social Security Disability: The Patience Game . The Game shows why the process takes so long, what your chances of approval are at each stage, and what decisions your case may receive.

To undertake the appeals process, you need a trusted partner , a lawyer that has represented thousands of clients through thousands of appeals. Spector and Lenz will put forty years of appeals experience behind your case.

Call Deborah at (312) 341-0711
Find Deborah's video about Federal District Court on her videos page. It's an easy way to learn more about the appeals process.

Call Deborah today at (312) 341-0711, or send an email .
(312) 341-0711, ask to speak to Deborah